All Classes
Class | Description |
AbstractCommand |
Abstract, immutable Command implementation class.
AbstractFileProvider |
Provides a simple directory based repository for Wiki pages.
AbstractFileProvider.WikiFileFilter |
A simple filter which filters only those filenames which correspond to the
file extension used.
AbstractLoginModule |
Abstract JAAS
LoginModule that implements
base functionality. |
AbstractReferralPlugin |
This is a base class for all plugins using referral things.
AbstractRPCHandler |
Provides definitions for RPC handler routines.
AbstractStep |
Abstract superclass that provides a complete implementation of most Step methods; subclasses need only implement
AbstractStep.execute(Context) and
AbstractStep.getActor() . |
AbstractUserDatabase |
Abstract UserDatabase class that provides convenience methods for finding profiles, building Principal collections and hashing passwords.
AccessRuleLinkNodePostProcessorState |
NodePostProcessorState which further post processes access rules links. |
Acl |
Defines an access control list (ACL) for wiki pages.
Acl | Deprecated. |
AclEntry |
Represents one entry in an Access Control List (ACL).
AclEntry | Deprecated.
AclEntry insteaad |
AclEntryImpl |
Implementation of a JSPWiki AclEntry.
AclImpl |
JSPWiki implementation of an Access Control List.
AclManager |
Specifies how to parse and return ACLs from wiki pages.
AclsDSL | |
AclsSPI | |
AclsSPIDefaultImpl | |
AdminBean |
Describes an administrative bean.
AdminBeanIteratorInfo |
Just provides iteration support for AdminBeanIteratorTag
AdminBeanIteratorTag |
Provides an iterator for all AdminBeans of a given type.
AdminBeanManager | |
AjaxUtil |
Helpful utilities for the Ajax functions.
AllCommands |
Placeholder class for all Commands.
AllPermission |
Permission to perform all operations on a given wiki.
AllPermissionCollection |
A collection of AllPermission objects.
AnonymousLoginModule |
Logs in a user based solely on IP address; no other authentication is
AnonymousViewIT |
Anonymous view related tests for Apache JSPWiki
AtomAPIServlet |
Handles incoming requests for the Atom API.
AtomFeed |
Provides an Atom 1.0 standard feed, with enclosures.
Attachment |
Describes an attachment.
Attachment |
Describes an attachment.
AttachmentManager |
Provides facilities for handling attachments.
AttachmentProvider |
Defines an attachment provider - a class which is capable of saving binary data as attachments.
AttachmentServlet |
This is the chief JSPWiki attachment management servlet.
AttachmentsIteratorInfo |
Just provides the TEI data for AttachmentsIteratorTag.
AttachmentsIteratorTag |
Iterates through the list of attachments one has.
AuthenticationManager |
Manages authentication activities for a Engine: user login, logout, and credential refreshes.
AuthorizationManager |
Manages all access control and authorization; determines what authenticated users are allowed to do.
Authorizer |
Interface for service providers of authorization information.
AuthorizerCallback |
Callback for requesting and supplying an Authorizer required by a
AuthorTag |
Writes the author name of the current page, including a link to that page, if that page exists.
BaseModuleManager |
Superclass for all JSPWiki managers for modules (plugins, etc).
BasePageFilter |
Provides a base implementation of a PageFilter.
BaseURLTag |
Writes the jspwiki baseURL.
BasicAttachmentProvider |
Provides basic, versioning attachments.
BasicAttachmentProvider.AttachmentFilter |
Returns only those directories that contain attachments.
BasicAttachmentProvider.AttachmentVersionFilter |
Accepts only files that are actual versions, no control files.
BasicPageFilter | Deprecated.
BasePageFilter instead |
BasicSearchProvider |
Interface for the search providers that handle searching the Wiki
BreadcrumbsTag |
Implement a "breadcrumb" (most recently visited) trail.
BreadcrumbsTag.FixedQueue |
Extends the LinkedList class to provide a fixed-size queue implementation
BugReportHandler |
Provides a handler for bug reports.
ByteUtils |
A collection of static byte utility methods.
CachingAttachmentProvider |
Provides a caching attachment provider.
CachingProvider |
Provides a caching page provider.
CalendarTag |
Provides a nice calendar.
CheckLockInfo |
A companion to CheckLogTag.
CheckLockTag |
Checks whether the page is locked for editing.
CheckRequestContextTag |
Includes body, if the request context matches.
CheckVersionTag |
Does a version check on the page.
ClassUtil |
Contains useful utilities for class file manipulation.
CleanTextRenderer |
A simple renderer that just renders all the text() nodes from the DOM tree.
CollatorComparator |
A comparator that sorts Strings using a Collator.
Command |
Represents a logical "unit of work" that includes a request context, JSP, URLPattern, content template and (optionally) a target and
required security permission.
CommandResolver |
Resolves special pages, JSPs and Commands on behalf of a Engine.
CommentedProperties |
Properties by providing support for comment
preservation. |
CommentLinkTag |
Writes a comment link.
ContentEncodingTag |
Returns the app name.
ContentsDSL | |
ContentsSPI |
SPI used to locate and provide
Page and Attachment instances. |
ContentsSPIDefaultImpl |
Default implementation for
ContentsSPI |
ContentTag |
Is used as a "super include" tag, which can include the proper context
based on the wikicontext.
Context |
Provides state information throughout the processing of a page.
ContextDSL | |
ContextEnum | |
ContextSPI |
SPI used to locate and provide
Context instances. |
ContextSPIDefaultImpl |
Default implementation for
ContextSPI |
ContextualDiffProvider |
A seriously better diff provider, which highlights changes word-by-word using CSS.
CookieAssertionLoginModule |
Logs in a user based on assertion of a name supplied in a cookie.
CookieAuthenticationLoginModule |
Logs in an user based on a cookie stored in the user's computer.
CookieTag |
Sets or gets Cookie values.
CoreBean |
An AdminBean which manages the JSPWiki core operations.
Counter |
Provides a page-specific counter, it is reset every time a page is rendered, so it is not usable as a hitcounter.
CreoleFilter |
Provides the Implementation for mixed mode creole: If you activate this filter, it will translate all markup that was saved as creole
markup to JSPWiki markup.
CreoleRenderer |
Implements DOM-to-Creole rendering.
CreoleToJSPWikiTranslator |
Translates Creole markp to JSPWiki markup.
CryptoUtil |
Hashes and verifies salted SHA-1 passwords, which are compliant with RFC
CurrentTimePlugin |
Just displays the current date and time.
CustomXMLOutputProcessor |
Override added to ensure attribute values including ampersands and quotes still get escaped even if
disable-output-escaping processing instruction (meant to keep rest of HTML string as-is) set.
Decision |
AbstractStep subclass that asks an actor Principal to choose an Outcome on behalf of an owner (also a Principal).
DecisionQueue |
Keeps a queue of pending Decisions that need to be acted on by named Principals.
DecisionRequiredException |
Exception thrown when an activity -- that would otherwise complete silently --
cannot complete because a workflow
Decision is required. |
DefaultAclManager |
Default implementation that parses Acls from wiki page markup.
DefaultAdminBeanManager |
Provides a manager class for all AdminBeans within JSPWiki.
DefaultAttachmentManager |
Default implementation for
DefaultAuthenticationManager |
Default implementation for
DefaultAuthorizationManager |
Default implementation for
AuthorizationManager |
DefaultCommandResolver |
Default implementation for
CommandResolver |
DefaultDifferenceManager |
Load, initialize and delegate to the DiffProvider that will actually do the work.
DefaultEditorManager |
Defines an editor manager.
DefaultFilterManager |
Manages the page filters.
DefaultGroupManager |
Facade class for storing, retrieving and managing wiki groups on behalf of AuthorizationManager, JSPs and other presentation-layer
DefaultInternationalizationManager |
Manages all internationalization in JSPWiki.
DefaultPageManager |
Manages the WikiPages.
DefaultPageRenamer |
Provides page renaming functionality.
DefaultPluginManager |
Manages plugin classes.
DefaultPluginManager.WikiPluginInfo |
Contains information about a bunch of plugins.
DefaultProgressManager |
Manages progressing items.
DefaultReferenceManager |
Keeps track of wikipage references:
What pages a given page refers to
What pages refer to a given page
This is a quick'n'dirty approach without any finesse in storage and searching algorithms; we trust java.util.*.
DefaultRenderingManager |
This class provides a facade towards the differing rendering routines.
DefaultRSSGenerator |
Default implementation for
RSSGenerator . |
DefaultSearchManager |
Manages searching the Wiki.
DefaultTasksManager |
Default implementation for
TasksManager . |
DefaultTemplateManager |
This class takes care of managing JSPWiki templates.
DefaultURLConstructor |
Implements the default URL constructor using links directly to the JSP pages.
DefaultUserManager |
Default implementation for
UserManager . |
DefaultUserManager.JSONUserModule |
Implements the JSON API for usermanager.
DefaultUserProfile |
Default implementation for representing wiki user information, such as the login name, full name, wiki name, and e-mail address.
DefaultVariableManager |
Manages variables.
DefaultWorkflowManager |
Monitor class that tracks running Workflows.
Denounce |
Denounces a link by removing it from any search engine.
DifferenceManager |
Load, initialize and delegate to the DiffProvider that will actually do the work.
DiffLinkTag |
Writes a diff link.
DiffProvider |
Provides an SPI for creating a diff between two page versions.
DiffProvider.NullDiffProvider |
If there is no diff provider set, this provider will work instead.
DummyUserDatabase |
This is a database that gets used if nothing else is available.
DuplicateUserException |
Exception indicating that an identical user already exists in the user database.
DynamicAttachment |
A DynamicAttachment is an attachment which does not really exist, but is created dynamically by a JSPWiki component.
DynamicAttachmentProvider |
Provides the data for an attachment.
EditIT |
Edit-related tests for Apache JSPWiki
EditLinkTag |
Writes an edit link.
Editor |
Describes an editor.
EditorIteratorInfo |
Just provides the TEI data for EditorIteratorTag.
EditorIteratorTag |
Iterates through editors.
EditorManager |
Defines an editor manager.
EditorTag |
Creates an editor component with all the necessary parts
to get it working.
EditWikiPage |
Actions available on the Edit page.
Engine |
Provides Wiki services to the JSP page.
EngineDSL | |
EngineSPI |
SPI used to locate and provide
Engine instances. |
EngineSPIDefaultImpl |
Default implementation for
EngineSPI |
Entry |
Represents an entry, that is, an unit of change, in a Feed.
Env |
Tests' environment values that can be overwritten through System properties.
ExternalDiffProvider |
This DiffProvider allows external command line tools to be used to generate the diff.
ExternalLinkAttributeProviderState |
NodeAttributeProviderState which sets the attributes for external links. |
ExternalLinkNodePostProcessorState |
NodePostProcessorState which further post processes external links. |
Fact |
Represents a contextual artifact, which can be any serializable object, useful for making
a Decision.
FastSearch |
If a provider implements this interface, then CachingProvider
will never attempt to search on its own; it will always pass any searches
through to the actual provider.
Feed |
Represents an abstract feed.
FeedDiscoveryTag |
Outputs links to all the site feeds and APIs this Wiki/blog supports.
FileSystemProvider |
Provides a simple directory based repository for Wiki pages.
FileUtil |
Generic utilities related to file and stream handling.
FilterBean | |
FilterException |
A generic PageFilter exception.
FilterManager | |
ForgetNullValuesLinkedHashMap<K,V> |
A LinkedHashMap that does not put null values into the map.
FormClose |
Closes a WikiForm.
FormElement | |
FormHandler |
A FormHandler performs logic based on input from an HTTP FORM, transmitted through a JSPWiki WikiPlugin
FormInfo |
Container for carrying HTTP FORM information between Plugin invocations in the Session.
FormInput |
Creates a simple input text field.
FormOpen |
Opens a WikiForm.
FormOutput | |
FormSelect |
Creates a Form select field.
FormSet |
FormSet is a companion WikiPlugin for Form.
FormTextarea |
Creates a Form text area element.
FormUtil |
A collection of (static) utilities used by the WikiForms code.
GenericHTTPHandler |
Provides a generic HTTP handler interface.
Group |
Groups are a specialized type of ad-hoc role used by the wiki system.
GroupCommand |
Defines Commands for viewing, editing and deleting wiki groups.
GroupDatabase |
Defines an interface for loading, persisting and storing wiki groups.
GroupManager |
Facade class for storing, retrieving and managing wiki groups on behalf of AuthorizationManager, JSPs and other presentation-layer
GroupPermission |
Permission to perform an operation on a group in a given wiki.
GroupPrincipal |
Immutable Principal that represents a Group.
Groups |
Prints the groups managed by this wiki, separated by commas.
HaddockPage | |
HasAttachmentsTag |
Includes body if page has attachments.
Heading |
This class is used to store the headings in a manner which
allow the building of a Table Of Contents.
HeadingListener |
Provides a listener interface for headings.
HistoryIteratorInfo |
Just provides the TEI data for HistoryIteratorTag.
HistoryIteratorTag |
Iterates through tags.
HtmlStringToWikiTranslator |
Converting Html to Wiki Markup with NekoHtml for converting html to xhtml and
Xhtml2WikiTranslator for converting xhtml to Wiki Markup.
HttpRequestCallback |
Callback for requesting and supplying a HttpServletRequest required by a
HttpUtil |
Contains useful utilities for some common HTTP tasks.
HumanComparator |
A comparator that sorts Strings using "human" ordering, including decimal
HumanComparator.CharType | |
IfNoSearchResultsTag |
If there have been no search results, then outputs the body text.
IfPlugin |
The IfPlugin allows parts of a WikiPage to be executed conditionally, and is intended as a flexible way
of customizing a page depending on certain conditions.
Image |
Provides an image plugin for better control than is possible with a simple image inclusion.
ImageLinkAttributeProviderState |
NodeAttributeProviderState which sets the attributes for image links. |
ImageLinkNodePostProcessorState |
NodePostProcessorState which further post processes image links. |
IncludeResourcesTag |
This tag is used to include any programmatic includes into the
output stream.
IncludeTag |
Includes an another JSP page, making sure that we actually pass the WikiContext correctly.
IndexPlugin |
A Plugin that creates an index of pages according to a certain pattern.
Initializable |
Marker interface for Engine's components that can be initialized.
InitializablePlugin |
If a plugin defines this interface, it is called exactly once prior to the actual execute() routine.
InputValidator |
Provides basic validation services for HTTP parameters.
InsertDiffTag |
Writes difference between two pages using a HTML table.
InsertPage |
Inserts page contents.
InsertPageTag |
Renders WikiPage content.
Installer |
Manages JSPWiki installation on behalf of
admin/Install.jsp . |
InternalModule |
This is a simple interface which is implemented by a number of JSPWiki
components to signal that they should not be included in things like
module listings and so on.
InternalWikiException |
Denotes something really serious going on inside Wiki.
InternationalizationManager |
Manages all internationalization in JSPWiki.
InterWikiLinkAttributeProviderState |
NodeAttributeProviderState which sets the attributes for interwiki links. |
InterWikiLinkNodePostProcessorState |
NodePostProcessorState which further post processes interwiki links. |
IteratorTag |
Iterates through tags.
JavaNaturalComparator |
A comparator that sorts Strings using Java's "natural" order.
JDBCGroupDatabase |
Implementation of GroupDatabase that persists
Group objects to a JDBC
DataSource, as might typically be provided by a web container. |
JDBCUserDatabase |
Implementation of UserDatabase that persists
objects to a JDBC DataSource, as might typically be provided by a web
container. |
JSPWikiLink |
Flexmark node responsible of handling JSPWiki links.
JSPWikiLinkAttributeProvider |
AttributeProvider to decorate JSPWikiLink s. |
JSPWikiLinkAttributeProviderFactory |
AttributeProviderFactory to instantiate JSPWikiLinkAttributeProvider s. |
JSPWikiLinkNodePostProcessor | |
JSPWikiLinkRenderer |
NodeRenderer for JSPWikiLink s. |
JSPWikiMarkupParser |
Parses JSPWiki-style markup into a WikiDocument DOM tree.
JSPWikiNodePostProcessorFactory |
NodePostProcessorFactory to instantiate JSPWikiLinkNodePostProcessor s. |
JSPWikiNodeRendererFactory |
NodeRendererFactory to instantiate JSPWikiLinkRenderer s. |
LinkCollector |
Just a simple class collecting all of the links that come in.
LinkParser |
Parses JSPWiki-style "augmented" link markup into a Link object
containing the link text, link reference, and any optional link
attributes (as JDOM Attributes).
LinkParser.Link |
Inner class serving as a struct containing the parsed
components of a link.
LinkParsingOperations |
Link parsing operations.
LinkTag |
Provides a generic link tag for all kinds of linking purposes.
LinkToParentTag |
Writes a link to a parent of a Wiki page.
LinkToTag |
Writes a link to a Wiki page.
ListLocksPlugin |
This is a plugin for the administrator: It allows him to see in a single glance who is editing what.
LocaleComparator |
A comparator that sorts Strings using the locale's collator.
LocalEditLinkAttributeProviderState |
NodeAttributeProviderState which sets the attributes for local edit links. |
LocalFootnoteLinkAttributeProviderState |
NodeAttributeProviderState which sets the attributes for local footnote links. |
LocalFootnoteLinkNodePostProcessorState |
NodePostProcessorState which further post processes local footnote links. |
LocalFootnoteRefLinkAttributeProviderState |
NodeAttributeProviderState which sets the attributes for local footnote reference links. |
LocalFootnoteRefLinkNodePostProcessorState |
NodePostProcessorState which further post processes footnote reference links. |
LocalLinkAttributeProviderState |
NodeAttributeProviderState which sets the attributes for local links. |
LocalLinkNodePostProcessorState |
NodePostProcessorState which further post processes local links. |
LocalReadLinkAttributeProviderState |
NodeAttributeProviderState which sets the attributes for local read links. |
LoginIT |
Login-related tests for Apache JSPWiki
LoginPage |
Actions available on the Login page.
LuceneSearchProvider |
Interface for the search providers that handle searching the Wiki
MailUtil |
Contains static methods for sending e-mails to recipients using JNDI-supplied
Sessions supplied by a web container (preferred) or configured via ; both methods are described below. |
MailUtil.SmtpAuthenticator |
Authenticator subclass that authenticates a user to
an SMTP server. |
MarkdownDocument |
Simple placeholder for Markdown Nodes
MarkdownForJSPWikiExtension |
Flexmark entry point to bootstrap JSPWiki extensions.
MarkdownParser |
Class handling the markdown parsing.
MarkdownRenderer |
Class handling the markdown rendering.
MarkupParser |
Provides an abstract class for the parser instances.
MessagesTag |
Returns or clears the current messages associated with the user's wiki
MetadataLinkNodePostProcessorState |
NodePostProcessorState which further post processes metadata links. |
MetaWeblogHandler |
Provides handlers for all RPC routines of the MetaWeblog API.
ModuleBean | |
ModuleManager | |
NextVersionTag |
Writes the version number of the next version of the page.
NodeAttributeProviderState<T extends com.vladsch.flexmark.util.ast.Node> |
Encapsulates different attribute's set for different kinds of nodes.
NodePostProcessorState<T extends com.vladsch.flexmark.util.ast.Node> |
Encapsulates different node's post-process for different kinds of nodes.
NoRequiredPropertyException |
Marks an erroneus file.
NoSuchOutcomeException |
Exception thrown when an attempt is made to find an Outcome that does not exist.
NoSuchPageTag |
Includes the body in case there is no such page available.
NoSuchPrincipalException |
Thrown in some error situations where a WikiPrincipal object does not exist.
NoSuchVariableException |
Marks that no such variable was located.
NoSuchVersionException |
Indicates that an non-existing version was specified.
Note |
Outputs an image with the supplied text as the title which is shown as a tooltip by
most browsers.
Outcome |
Resolution of a workflow Step, such as "approve," "deny," "hold," "task error," or other potential resolutions.
Page | |
Page |
Common operations for Page Objects.
PageBuilder |
Builder for
Page Objects. |
PageCommand |
Defines Commands for editing, renaming, and viewing wiki pages.
PageDateTag |
Writes the modification date of the page, formatted
as specified in the attribute "format".
PageEventFilter |
Fires WikiPageEvents for page events.
PageExistsTag |
Includes the body in case the set page does exist.
PageFilter |
Provides a definition for a page filter.
PageInfoLinkTag |
Writes a link to the Wiki PageInfo.
PageLock |
Describes a lock acquired by an user on a page.
PageManager | |
PageNameTag |
Returns the currently requested page name.
PagePermission |
Permission to perform an operation on a single page or collection of pages in
a given wiki.
PageProvider |
Each Wiki page provider should implement this interface.
PageRenamer |
Provides page renaming functionality.
PageSizeTag |
Returns the currently requested page or attachment size.
PageSorter |
Wrapper class for managing and using the PageNameComparator.
PageTimeComparator |
Compares the lastModified date of its arguments.
PageTypeTag |
Includes the body, if the current page is of proper type.
PageVersionTag |
Writes the version of the current page.
PageViewPlugin |
This plugin counts the number of times a page has been viewed.
Parameters: count=yes|no show=none|count|list entries=maximum number of list entries to be returned min=minimum page count to be listed max=maximum page count to be listed sort=name|count Default values: show=none sort=name |
ParamHandler |
Interface to be implemented by any tag that wishes to contain
a wiki:param tag for passing dynamic name-value pairs.
ParamTag |
ParamTag submits name-value pairs to the first enclosing
ParamHandler instance.
ParentPageNameTag |
Returns the parent of the currently requested page.
ParseException |
This is an exception which gets thrown whenever the parser cannot parse the parsing things.
ParserStagePlugin |
Implements a Plugin interface for the parser stage.
PermissionFactory |
Provides a factory for Permission objects.
PermissionTag |
Tells whether the user in the current wiki context possesses a particular
PersistentMapDecorator |
Adds the load / save - functionality known from the Properties - class to any
Map implementation.
PingWeblogsComFilter |
A very dumb class that pings on each save.
PlainEditorAdminBean |
This class is still experimental.
Plugin |
Defines an interface for plugins.
PluginBean | |
PluginContent |
Stores the contents of a plugin in a WikiDocument DOM tree.
PluginElement |
Exposes the contents of a plugin in a WikiDocument DOM tree.
PluginException |
Provides a generic PluginException.
PluginLinkNodePostProcessorState |
NodePostProcessorState which further post processes plugin links. |
PluginManager | |
PluginTag |
Inserts any Wiki plugin.
Preferences |
Represents an object which is used to store user preferences.
Preferences.TimeFormat |
Is used to choose between the different date formats that JSPWiki supports.
PreSaveWikiPageTask |
Handles the page pre-save actions.
PreviousVersionTag |
Outputs the version number of the previous version of this page.
PrincipalComparator |
Comparator class for sorting objects of type Principal.
PrincipalWrapper |
Wrapper class for container-managed or externally-provided principals.
PriorityList<E> |
Builds a simple, priority-based List implementation.
ProfanityFilter |
This class is an example of how to have a simple filter.
ProgressItem |
Provides access to an progress item.
ProgressManager |
Manages progressing items.
PropertiesUtils |
some useful methods for properties
PropertyReader |
Property Reader for the WikiEngine.
ProviderException |
This exception represents the superclass of all exceptions that providers may throw.
QueryItem |
This simple class just fulfils the role of a container for searches.
QueryItem | Deprecated.
- use
QueryItem instead |
RecentChangesPlugin |
Returns the Recent Changes in the wiki being a date-sorted list of page names.
RedirectCommand |
Defines Commands for redirections to off-site special pages.
RedirectException |
This exception may be thrown if a filter wants to reject something and redirect the user elsewhere.
ReferenceManager |
Keeps track of wikipage references:
What pages a given page refers to
What pages refer to a given page
When a page is added or edited, its references are parsed, a Collection is received, and we crudely replace anything previous with
this new Collection.
ReferredPagesPlugin |
Displays the pages referring to the current page.
ReferringPagesPlugin |
Displays the pages referring to the current page.
ReferringUndefinedPagesPlugin |
Lists all pages containing links to Undefined Pages (pages containing dead links).
Release |
Contains release and version information.
RenderApi |
Rendering routines that all JSPWiki public API implementations should provide.
RenderingManager |
This class provides a facade towards the differing rendering routines.
RepositoryModifiedException |
If the provider detects that someone has modified the repository
externally, it should throw this exception.
RequestResourceTag |
Provides easy access to TemplateManager.addResourceRequest().
Role |
A lightweight, immutable Principal that represents a built-in wiki role such
as Anonymous, Asserted and Authenticated.
RPCHandler |
Provides handlers for all RPC routines.
RPCHandlerUTF8 |
Provides handlers for all RPC routines.
RPCServlet |
Handles all incoming servlet requests for XML-RPC calls.
RSS10Feed |
Provides an implementation of an RSS 1.0 feed.
RSS20Feed |
Represents an RSS 2.0 feed (with enclosures).
RSSGenerator |
The master class for generating different kinds of Feeds (including RSS1.0, 2.0 and Atom).
RSSImageLinkTag |
Writes an image link to a JSPWiki RSS file.
RSSThread |
Runs the RSS generation thread.
SampleAjaxPlugin | |
SaveUserProfileTask |
Handles the actual profile save action.
SaveWikiPageTask |
Handles the actual page save and post-save actions.
Search |
The "Search" plugin allows you to access the JSPWiki search routines and show the displays in an array on your page.
SearchIT |
Search-related tests for Apache JSPWiki
SearchManager |
Manages searching the Wiki.
SearchManagerBean |
The SearchManagerBean is a simple AdminBean interface to the SearchManager.
SearchMatcher |
SearchMatcher performs the task of matching a search query to a page's contents.
SearchProvider |
Interface for the search providers that handle searching the Wiki
SearchResult |
Defines a search result.
SearchResult | Deprecated.
- use
SearchResult instead |
SearchResultComparator |
Simple class that decides which search results are more important than others.
SearchResultIteratorInfo |
Just provides the TEI data for IteratorTag.
SearchResultIteratorTag |
Iterates through Search result results.
SearchResultsPage |
Actions available on the Search Results page.
SearchResultsSizeTag |
Outputs the size of the search results list, if it contains any items.
SearchResultsTag |
Includes the body content, if there are any search results.
SecurityVerifier |
Helper class for verifying JSPWiki's security configuration.
Serializer |
Provides static helper functions for serializing different objects.
Session |
Represents a long-running wiki session, with an associated user Principal, user Subject, and authentication status.
SessionDSL |
SPI used to locate and provide
Session instances. |
SessionMonitor |
Manages Sessions for different Engines.
SessionSPI |
SPI used to locate and provide
Session instances. |
SessionSPIDefaultImpl |
Default implementation for
SessionSPI |
SessionsPlugin |
Displays information about active wiki sessions.
SetPaginationTag |
Calculate pagination string.
ShortURLConstructor |
Provides a way to do short URLs of the form /wiki/PageName.
ShortViewURLConstructor |
A specific URL constructor that returns easy-to-grok URLs for VIEW and ATTACH contexts, but goes through JSP pages otherwise.
SimpleAdminBean |
Provides an easy-to-use interface for JSPWiki AdminBeans, which also
are JMX MBeans.
SimpleDecision |
Decision subclass that includes two available Outcomes:
SimpleMBean |
A simple MBean which does not require an interface class unlike
the StandardMBean class.
SimpleNotification |
Decision subclass used for notifications that includes only one available Outcome:
SpamFilter |
This is Herb, the JSPWiki spamfilter that can also do choke modifications.
SpamFilterInputsTag |
Provides hidden input fields which are checked by the
SpamFilter . |
Step | |
StringTransmutator |
Defines an interface for transforming strings within a Wiki context.
SystemPrincipal |
System users asociated with workflow Task steps.
TabbedSectionTag |
Generates tabbed page section: container for the Tab tag.
TableOfContents |
Provides a table of contents.
TabTag |
Generates single tabbed page layout.
Task |
AbstractStep subclass that executes instructions, uninterrupted, and results in an Outcome.
TasksManager |
Manager responsible of creation of the different JSPWiki
Step s. |
TemplateDirTag |
Returns the currently used template.
TemplateManager |
This class takes care of managing JSPWiki templates.
TextUtil |
Contains a number of static utility methods.
TikaSearchProvider |
Search provider that extends {link LuceneSearchProvider} using Apache Tika for indexing attachment content.
TimedCounterList<T> |
Provides a List in which all items store their addition time.
TraditionalDiffProvider |
This is the JSPWiki 'traditional' diff.
TranslateTag |
Converts the body text into HTML content.
TranslationsCheck |
Simple utility that shows you a sorted list of property differences between
the 'default en' and a given i18n file.
UndefinedPagesPlugin |
Plugin that enumerates the pages in the wiki that have not yet been defined.
UnresolvedPrincipal |
Represents a Principal, typically read from an ACL, that cannot
be resolved based on the current state of the user database, group
manager, and built-in role definitions.
UnusedPagesPlugin |
Plugin for displaying pages that are not linked to in other pages.
UploadLinkTag |
Writes a link to the upload page.
URLConstructor |
Provides an interface through which JSPWiki constructs URLs.
UserBean | |
UserCheckTag |
Includes the content if an user check validates.
UserDatabase |
Defines an interface for loading, persisting and storing users.
UserDatabaseCallback |
Callback for requesting and supplying a wiki UserDatabase.
UserDatabaseLoginModule |
Logs in a user based on a username, password, and static password file
UserManager |
Provides a facade for obtaining user information.
UserNameTag |
Returns the current user name, or empty, if the user has not been validated.
UserProfile |
Class for representing wiki user information, such as the login name, full
name, wiki name, and e-mail address.
UserProfileTag |
Returns user profile attributes, or empty strings if the user has not been
VariableContent |
Stores the contents of a WikiVariable in a WikiDocument DOM tree.
VariableLinkNodePostProcessorState |
NodePostProcessorState which further post processes WikiVariable links. |
VariableManager |
Manages variables.
VariableTag |
Returns the value of an Wiki variable.
VersioningFileProvider |
Provides a simple directory based repository for Wiki pages.
VersioningProvider |
This is a provider interface which providers can implement, if they
support fast checks of versions.
ViewWikiPage |
Actions available on the View page.
Watchable |
A watchdog needs something to watch.
WatchDog |
WatchDog is a general system watchdog.
WebAuthorizer |
Extends the
Authorizer interface by including a delgate method for
HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(String) . |
WebContainerAuthorizer |
Authorizes users by delegating role membership checks to the servlet
WebContainerCallbackHandler |
Handles logins made from within JSPWiki.
WebContainerLoginModule |
Logs in a user by extracting authentication data from an Http servlet
WeblogArchivePlugin |
Creates a list of all weblog entries on a monthly basis.
WeblogEntryPlugin |
Builds a simple weblog.
WeblogPlugin |
Builds a simple weblog.
WhitespaceTrimWriter |
Part of the XHtmlToWikiTranslator.
Wiki | |
WikiAjaxDispatcherServlet |
This provides a simple ajax servlet for handling /ajax/
WikiAjaxServlet |
An interface for a servlet that wants to use Ajax functionality.
WikiAttachmentAdapterProvider | Deprecated.
adapted provider should use
AttachmentProvider instead. |
WikiAttachmentProvider | Deprecated.
AttachmentProvider instead |
WikiBackgroundThread |
Abstract Thread subclass that operates in the background; when it detects the
WikiEngineEvent.SHUTDOWN event,
it terminates itself. |
WikiBodyTag |
This is a class that provides the same services as the WikiTagBase, but this time it
works for the BodyTagSupport base class.
WikiBootstrapServletContextListener | |
WikiCallbackHandler |
Handles logins made from inside the wiki application, rather than via the web container.
WikiCommand |
Defines Commands for wiki-wide operations such as creating groups, editing preferences and profiles, and logging in/out.
WikiContext |
Provides state information throughout the processing of a page.
WikiDocument |
Stores the DOM tree of a rendered WikiPage.
WikiEngine |
Main implementation for
Engine . |
WikiEngineCallback |
Callback for requesting and supplying the WikiEngine object required by a LoginModule.
WikiEngineEvent |
WikiEngineEvent indicates a change in the state of the Engine.
WikiEvent |
Abstract parent class for wiki events.
WikiEventEmitter |
Emits all kind of
WikiEvent s. |
WikiEventListener |
Defines an interface for an object that listens for WikiEvents.
WikiEventManager |
A singleton class that manages the addition and removal of WikiEvent listeners to a event source, as well as the firing of events
to those listeners.
WikiException |
A generic Wiki exception.
WikiFormAdminBean |
This class is still experimental.
WikiI18nException |
A generic Wiki exception, meant to carry key & args to construct i18n messages to show meaningful messages to
WikiJSPFilter |
This filter goes through the generated page response prior and places requested resources at the appropriate inclusion markers.
WikiLinkTag |
Root class for different internal wiki links.
WikiModuleInfo |
A WikiModule describes whatever JSPWiki plugin there is: it can be a plugin, an editor, a filter, etc.
WikiPage |
Simple wrapper class for the Wiki page attributes.
WikiPageAdapterProvider | Deprecated.
adapted provider should use
PageProvider instead. |
WikiPageEvent |
WikiPageEvent indicates a change in the state or processing of a WikiPage.
WikiPageProvider | Deprecated.
PageProvider instead |
WikiPageRenameEvent |
WikiPageRenameEvent extends WikiPageEvent to indicate a change in the name of a WikiPage.
WikiPermission |
Permission to perform an global wiki operation, such as self-registering
or creating new pages.
WikiPlugin | Deprecated.
Plugin instead |
WikiPrincipal |
A lightweight, immutable Principal class.
WikiProvider |
A generic Wiki provider for all sorts of things that the Wiki can store.
WikiProvider | Deprecated.
- implement directly
WikiProvider . |
WikiRenderer |
Provides an interface to the basic rendering engine.
WikiRequestWrapper |
Servlet request wrapper that encapsulates an incoming HTTP request and overrides its security methods so that the request returns
JSPWiki-specific values.
WikiRPCHandler |
Any wiki RPC handler should implement this so that they can be properly initialized and recognized by JSPWiki.
WikiSecurityEvent |
Event class for security events: login/logout, wiki group adds/changes, and authorization decisions.
WikiSecurityException |
Indicates an authentication or authorization
error or exception.
WikiServlet |
This provides a master servlet for dealing with short urls.
WikiServletFilter |
Filter that verifies that the
Engine is running, and sets the authentication status for the user's
Session. |
WikiSession |
Default implementation for
Session . |
WikiTagBase |
Base class for JSPWiki tags.
Workflow |
Sequence of
Step objects linked together. |
WorkflowBuilder |
Factory class that creates common Workflow instances such as a standard approval workflow.
WorkflowEvent |
WorkflowEvent indicates that a state change to a Workflow: started, running, waiting, completed, aborted.
WorkflowManager |
Monitor class that tracks running Workflows.
WysiwygEditingAttributeProviderState |
NodeAttributeProviderState to finish up polishing WYSIWYG editing mode. |
WysiwygEditingRenderer |
Implements a WikiRenderer that outputs XHTML in a format that is suitable for use by a WYSIWYG XHTML editor.
Provides constants for the Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) 1.0.
XHtmlElementToWikiTranslator |
Converting XHtml to Wiki Markup.
XHTMLRenderer |
Implements a WikiRendered that outputs XHTML.
XHtmlToWikiConfig |
Defines a Wiki configuration to XHtmlToWikiTranslator, including things like URLs.
XhtmlUtil |
A utility class to generate XHTML objects and ultimately, serialised markup.
XMLGroupDatabase |
GroupDatabase implementation for loading, persisting and storing wiki groups,
using an XML file for persistence.
XMLUserDatabase |
DefaultUserProfile objects using XML files for persistence. |
XmlUtil |
Utility class to parse XML files.