Interface Summary
Interface |
Description |
Step |
Discrete unit of work in a Workflow, such as a Decision or a Task .
WorkflowManager |
Monitor class that tracks running Workflows.
Class Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractStep |
Decision |
AbstractStep subclass that asks an actor Principal to choose an Outcome on behalf of an owner (also a Principal).
DecisionQueue |
Keeps a queue of pending Decisions that need to be acted on by named Principals.
DefaultWorkflowManager |
Monitor class that tracks running Workflows.
Fact |
Represents a contextual artifact, which can be any serializable object, useful for making
a Decision.
Outcome |
Resolution of a workflow Step, such as "approve," "deny," "hold," "task error," or other potential resolutions.
SimpleDecision |
SimpleNotification |
SystemPrincipal |
System users asociated with workflow Task steps.
Task |
AbstractStep subclass that executes instructions, uninterrupted, and results in an Outcome.
Workflow |
Sequence of Step objects linked together.
WorkflowBuilder |
Factory class that creates common Workflow instances such as a standard approval workflow.
Exception Summary
Exception |
Description |
DecisionRequiredException |
Exception thrown when an activity -- that would otherwise complete silently --
cannot complete because a workflow Decision is required.
NoSuchOutcomeException |
Exception thrown when an attempt is made to find an Outcome that does not exist.