
Interface Summary
Step Discrete unit of work in a Workflow, such as a Decision or a Task.

Class Summary
AbstractStep Abstact superclass that provides a complete implementation of most Step methods; subclasses need only implement AbstractStep.execute() and AbstractStep.getActor().
Decision AbstractStep subclass that asks an actor Principal to choose an Outcome on behalf of an owner (also a Principal).
DecisionQueue Keeps a queue of pending Decisions that need to be acted on by named Principals.
Fact Represents a contextual artifact, which can be any serializable object, useful for making a Decision.
Outcome Resolution of a workflow Step, such as "approve," "deny," "hold," "task error," or other potential resolutions.
SimpleDecision Decision subclass that includes two available Outcomes: Outcome.DECISION_APPROVE or Outcome.DECISION_DENY.
SimpleNotification Decision subclass used for notifications that includes only one available Outcome: Outcome.DECISION_ACKNOWLEDGE.
SystemPrincipal System users asociated with workflow Task steps.
Task AbstractStep subclass that executes instructions, uninterrupted, and results in an Outcome.
Workflow Sequence of Step objects linked together.
WorkflowBuilder Factory class that creates common Workflow instances such as a standard approval workflow.
WorkflowManager Monitor class that tracks running Workflows.

Exception Summary
DecisionRequiredException Exception thrown when an activity -- that would otherwise complete silently -- cannot complete because a workflow Decision is required.
NoSuchOutcomeException Exception thrown when an attempt is made to find an Outcome that does not exist.

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