Package Specification
Provides WikiSyntaxDecorator, an abstract SyntaxDecorator, which takes care of all the plumbing when developing one, and all the Wiki syntax decoration related classes, so all that it is needed for a custom syntax decorator is:
- Provide decorators for all the XHTML elements - just extend the abstract decorators on this package, providing only the specific wiki syntax on each case
- Extend WikiSyntaxDecorator and provide the previous implementations of all the needed decorators on the init(...) method
Related Documentation
See APIDocs for for an example of how to develop a custom wiki syntax decorator-
Class Summary Class Description ADecorator Translates to wiki syntax from anA
element.BrDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aBR
element.CodeDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aCODE
element.DdDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aDD
element.DlDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aDL
element.DtDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aDT
element.FormDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aFORM
element.H1Decorator Translates to wiki syntax from anH1
element.H2Decorator Translates to wiki syntax from anH2
element.H3Decorator Translates to wiki syntax from anH3
element.H4Decorator Translates to wiki syntax from anH4
element.HrDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from anHR
element.ImageDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from an XHTML Image.InputDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aINPUT
element.LiDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aLI
element.MarkupHelper Wiki syntax helper operationsOlDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aOL
element.OptionDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aOPTION
element.PDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aP
element.PlainTextBoldDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from a plain text handling bold.PlainTextCssDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from a plain text handling css classes.PlainTextCssSpecialDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from a plain text handling special css.PlainTextDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from a plain text.PlainTextItalicDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from a plain text handling italic.PlainTextMonospaceDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from a plain text handling monospace.SelectDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aSELECT
element.StrikeDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aSTRIKE
element.SubDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aSUB
element.SupDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aSUP
element.TableDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aTABLE
element.TbodyDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aTBODY
element.TdDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aTD
element.TextAreaDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aTEXTAREA
element.TextElementDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aText
element.ThDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aTH
element.TheadDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aTHEAD
element.TrDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aTR
element.UlDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from aUL
element.UnderlineDecorator Translates to wiki syntax from anUNDERLINE
element.WikiSyntaxDecorator Base Syntax decorator which translates to JSPWiki syntax.