Uses of Class

Packages that use WikiPage The chief package of JSPWiki. Attachment management, uploading and downloading. Access Control List implementation. Provides page and content filtering functionality for JSPWiki. Provides storage for JSPWiki. Provides the JSPWiki search functionality. Java classes for management of the JSP user interface.   

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in that return WikiPage
 WikiPage WikiContext.getPage()
          Returns the page that is being handled.
 WikiPage WikiEngine.getPage(String pagereq)
          Finds the corresponding WikiPage object based on the page name.
 WikiPage WikiEngine.getPage(String pagereq, int version)
          Finds the corresponding WikiPage object base on the page name and version.
 WikiPage PageManager.getPageInfo(String pageName, int version)
          Finds a WikiPage object describing a particular page and version.
 WikiPage WikiContext.getRealPage()
          Gets a reference to the real page whose content is currently being rendered.
 WikiPage WikiContext.setRealPage(WikiPage page)
          Sets a reference to the real page whose content is currently being rendered.

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
protected  boolean PageManager.changeAcl(WikiPage page, Principal[] oldPrincipals, Principal newPrincipal)
          For a single wiki page, replaces all Acl entries matching a supplied array of Principals with a new Principal.
 int page1, WikiPage page2)
          Compare two pages (WikiPage version).
 void PageManager.deletePage(WikiPage page)
          Deletes an entire page, all versions, all traces.
 void WikiEngine.deleteVersion(WikiPage page)
          Deletes a specific version of a page or an attachment.
 void PageManager.deleteVersion(WikiPage page)
          Deletes only a specific version of a WikiPage.
protected static Command WikiContext.findCommand(WikiEngine engine, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, WikiPage page)
          Looks up and returns a PageCommand based on a supplied WikiPage and HTTP request.
 PageLock PageManager.getCurrentLock(WikiPage page)
          Returns the current lock owner of a page.
 String WikiEngine.getHTML(WikiContext context, WikiPage page)
          Returns the converted HTML of the page using a different context than the default context.
 String WikiEngine.getPureText(WikiPage page)
          Returns the pure text of a page, no conversions.
 String WikiEngine.getText(WikiContext context, WikiPage page)
          Returns the un-HTMLized text of the given version of a page in the given context.
 PageLock PageManager.lockPage(WikiPage page, String user)
          Locks page for editing.
 boolean WikiEngine.pageExists(WikiPage page)
          Returns true, if the requested page (or an alias) exists, with the specified version in the WikiPage.
 void ReferenceManager.pageRemoved(WikiPage page)
          Updates the m_referedTo and m_referredBy hashmaps when a page has been deleted.
 void PageManager.putPageText(WikiPage page, String content)
          Puts the page text into the repository.
 Collection<String> WikiEngine.scanWikiLinks(WikiPage page, String pagedata)
          Reads a WikiPageful of data from a String and returns all links internal to this Wiki in a Collection.
 void WikiContext.setPage(WikiPage page)
          Sets the page that is being handled.
 WikiPage WikiContext.setRealPage(WikiPage page)
          Sets a reference to the real page whose content is currently being rendered.
 void WikiEngine.updateReferences(WikiPage page)
          Updates all references for the given page.

Constructors in with parameters of type WikiPage
PageLock(WikiPage page, String locker, Date acquired, Date expiry)
          Creates a new PageLock.
WikiContext(WikiEngine engine, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, WikiPage page)
          Creates a new WikiContext for the given WikiEngine, WikiPage and HttpServletRequest.
WikiContext(WikiEngine engine, WikiPage page)
          Create a new WikiContext for the given WikiPage.

Uses of WikiPage in

Subclasses of WikiPage in
 class Attachment
          Describes an attachment.
 class DynamicAttachment
          A DynamicAttachment is an attachment which does not really exist, but is created dynamically by a JSPWiki component.

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
 boolean AttachmentManager.hasAttachments(WikiPage wikipage)
          Returns true, if the page has any attachments at all.
 Collection AttachmentManager.listAttachments(WikiPage wikipage)
          Returns the list of attachments associated with a given wiki page.

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
 Acl DefaultAclManager.getPermissions(WikiPage page)
          Returns the access control list for the page.
 Acl AclManager.getPermissions(WikiPage page)
          Returns the access control list for the page.
 Acl DefaultAclManager.parseAcl(WikiPage page, String ruleLine)
          A helper method for parsing textual AccessControlLists.
 Acl AclManager.parseAcl(WikiPage page, String ruleLine)
          A helper method for parsing textual AccessControlLists.
 void DefaultAclManager.setPermissions(WikiPage page, Acl acl)
          Sets the access control list for the page and persists it by prepending it to the wiki page markup and saving the page.
 void AclManager.setPermissions(WikiPage page, Acl acl)
          Sets the access control list for the page and persists it.

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
static PagePermission PermissionFactory.getPagePermission(WikiPage page, String actions)
          Get a permission object for a WikiPage and a set of actions.

Constructors in with parameters of type WikiPage
PagePermission(WikiPage page, String actions)
          Creates a new PagePermission for a specified page and set of actions.

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
static String SpamFilter.getSpamHash(WikiPage page, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          This method is used to calculate an unique code when submitting the page to detect edit conflicts.

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in that return WikiPage
 WikiPage WikiDocument.getPage()
          Return the WikiPage for whom this WikiDocument exists.

Constructors in with parameters of type WikiPage
WikiDocument(WikiPage page)
          Creates a new WikiDocument for a specific page.

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in that return WikiPage
 WikiPage WikiPageProvider.getPageInfo(String page, int version)
          Returns info about the page.
 WikiPage VersioningFileProvider.getPageInfo(String page, int version)
          Always returns the latest version, since FileSystemProvider does not support versioning.
 WikiPage FileSystemProvider.getPageInfo(String page, int version)
          Always returns the latest version, since FileSystemProvider does not support versioning.
 WikiPage CachingProvider.getPageInfo(String pageName, int version)
          Returns info about the page.
 WikiPage AbstractFileProvider.getPageInfo(String page, int version)
          Always returns the latest version, since FileSystemProvider does not support versioning.

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
 Attachment WikiAttachmentProvider.getAttachmentInfo(WikiPage page, String name, int version)
          Returns info about an attachment.
 Attachment CachingAttachmentProvider.getAttachmentInfo(WikiPage page, String name, int version)
          Returns info about an attachment.
 Attachment BasicAttachmentProvider.getAttachmentInfo(WikiPage page, String name, int version)
          Returns info about an attachment.
 Collection WikiAttachmentProvider.listAttachments(WikiPage page)
          Lists all attachments attached to a page.
 Collection CachingAttachmentProvider.listAttachments(WikiPage page)
          Lists all attachments attached to a page.
 Collection BasicAttachmentProvider.listAttachments(WikiPage page)
          Lists all attachments attached to a page.
 void WikiPageProvider.putPageText(WikiPage page, String text)
          Attempts to save the page text for page "page".
 void VersioningFileProvider.putPageText(WikiPage page, String text)
          Attempts to save the page text for page "page".
 void FileSystemProvider.putPageText(WikiPage page, String text)
          Attempts to save the page text for page "page".
 void CachingProvider.putPageText(WikiPage page, String text)
          Attempts to save the page text for page "page".
 void AbstractFileProvider.putPageText(WikiPage page, String text)
          Attempts to save the page text for page "page".

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in that return WikiPage
 WikiPage Entry.getPage()
          Returns the page set by Entry.setPage(WikiPage).

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
 void Entry.setPage(WikiPage p)
          Sets the WikiPage to which this Entry refers to.

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in that return WikiPage
 WikiPage SearchResult.getPage()
          Return the page.
 WikiPage SearchMatcher.SearchResultImpl.getPage()
          Returns Wikipage for this result.

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
protected  org.apache.lucene.document.Document LuceneSearchProvider.luceneIndexPage(WikiPage page, String text, org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter writer)
          Indexes page using the given IndexWriter.
 void SearchProvider.pageRemoved(WikiPage page)
          Delete a page from the search index
 void SearchManager.pageRemoved(WikiPage page)
          Removes the page from the search cache (if any).
 void LuceneSearchProvider.pageRemoved(WikiPage page)
          Delete a page from the search index
 void BasicSearchProvider.pageRemoved(WikiPage page)
          Delete a page from the search index
 void SearchProvider.reindexPage(WikiPage page)
          Adds a WikiPage for indexing queue.
 void SearchManager.reindexPage(WikiPage page)
          Forces the reindex of the given page.
 void LuceneSearchProvider.reindexPage(WikiPage page)
          Adds a page-text pair to the lucene update queue.
 void BasicSearchProvider.reindexPage(WikiPage page)
          Adds a WikiPage for indexing queue.
protected  void LuceneSearchProvider.updateLuceneIndex(WikiPage page, String text)
          Updates the lucene index for a single page.

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in that return WikiPage
protected  WikiPage CommandResolver.resolvePage(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String page)
          Looks up and returns the correct, versioned WikiPage based on a supplied page name and optional version parameter passed in an HTTP request.

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
 int w1, WikiPage w2)

Uses of WikiPage in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiPage
protected  Hashtable<String,Object> RPCHandlerUTF8.encodeWikiPage(WikiPage page)
          Encodes a single wiki page info into a Hashtable.
protected  Hashtable<String,Object> RPCHandler.encodeWikiPage(WikiPage page)
          Encodes a single wiki page info into a Hashtable.
protected abstract  Hashtable AbstractRPCHandler.encodeWikiPage(WikiPage p)

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