Class ShortViewURLConstructor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Initializable, URLConstructor

public class ShortViewURLConstructor
extends ShortURLConstructor
A specific URL constructor that returns easy-to-grok URLs for VIEW and ATTACH contexts, but goes through JSP pages otherwise.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public void initialize​(Engine engine, Properties properties)

      Initializes this Engine component. Note that the engine is not fully initialized at this point, so don't do anything fancy here - use lazy init, if you have to.

      Specified by:
      initialize in interface Initializable
      initialize in class ShortURLConstructor
      engine - Engine performing the initialization.
      properties - Properties for setup.
    • makeURL

      public String makeURL​(String context, String name, String parameters)
      Constructs the URL with a bunch of parameters.
      Specified by:
      makeURL in interface URLConstructor
      makeURL in class ShortURLConstructor
      context - The request context (@see WikiContext) that you want the URL for
      name - The page name (or in case of WikiContext.NONE, the auxiliary JSP page or resource you want to point at). This must be URL encoded. Null is NOT safe.
      parameters - If null or empty, no parameters are added. If null or empty, no parameters are added. An URL parameter string (these must be URL-encoded, and separated with &)
      An URL pointing to the resource. Must never return null - throw an InternalWikiException if something goes wrong.
    • getForwardPage

      public String getForwardPage​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Since we're only called from WikiServlet, where we get the VIEW requests, we can safely return this.
      Specified by:
      getForwardPage in interface URLConstructor
      getForwardPage in class ShortURLConstructor
      request - The HTTP Request that was used to end up in this page.
      always returns "Wiki.jsp"