Class DefaultURLConstructor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Initializable, URLConstructor
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DefaultURLConstructor
extends Object
implements URLConstructor
Implements the default URL constructor using links directly to the JSP pages. This is what JSPWiki by default is using. For example, WikiContext.VIEW points at "Wiki.jsp", etc.
  • Field Details

    • m_engine

      protected Engine m_engine
    • m_pathPrefix

      protected String m_pathPrefix
      Contains the absolute path of the JSPWiki Web application without the actual servlet (which is the m_urlPrefix).
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public void initialize​(Engine engine, Properties properties)

      Initializes this Engine component. Note that the engine is not fully initialized at this point, so don't do anything fancy here - use lazy init, if you have to.

      Specified by:
      initialize in interface Initializable
      engine - Engine performing the initialization.
      properties - Properties for setup.
    • doReplacement

      protected final String doReplacement​(String baseptrn, String name)
      Does replacement of some particular variables. The variables are:
      • "%u" - inserts either the base URL (when absolute is required), or the base path (which is an absolute path without the host name).
      • "%U" - always inserts the base URL
      • "%p" - always inserts the base path
      • "%n" - inserts the page name
      baseptrn - The pattern to use
      name - The page name
      A replacement.
    • getURLPattern

      public static String getURLPattern​(String context, String name) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns the URL pattern for a supplied wiki request context.
      context - the wiki context
      name - the wiki page
      A pattern for replacement.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the context cannot be found
    • makeURL

      public String makeURL​(String context, String name, String parameters)
      Constructs the URL with a bunch of parameters.
      Specified by:
      makeURL in interface URLConstructor
      parameters - If null or empty, no parameters are added. An URL parameter string (these must be URL-encoded, and separated with &)
      context - The request context (@see WikiContext) that you want the URL for
      name - The page name (or in case of WikiContext.NONE, the auxiliary JSP page or resource you want to point at). This must be URL encoded. Null is NOT safe.
      An URL pointing to the resource. Must never return null - throw an InternalWikiException if something goes wrong.
    • parsePage

      public String parsePage​(String context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Charset encoding)
      Should parse the "page" parameter from the actual request. Should parse the "page" parameter from the actual request. This is essentially the reverse of makeURL() - whenever a request constructed by calls to makeURL() is passed to this routine, it MUST be able to parse the resource name (WikiPage, Attachment, other resource) from the request.
      Specified by:
      parsePage in interface URLConstructor
      context - In which request context the request was made (this should help in parsing)
      request - The HTTP request that was used when coming here
      encoding - The encoding with which the request was made (UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1).
      This method must return the name of the resource.
    • getForwardPage

      public String getForwardPage​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      This method is not needed for the DefaultURLConstructor.
      Specified by:
      getForwardPage in interface URLConstructor
      request - The HTTP Request that was used to end up in this page.
      "Wiki.jsp", "PageInfo.jsp", etc. Just return the name, JSPWiki will figure out the page.