Uses of Class

Packages that use Workflow   

Uses of Workflow in

Methods in that return Workflow
 Workflow WorkflowBuilder.buildApprovalWorkflow(Principal submitter, String workflowApproverKey, Task prepTask, String decisionKey, Fact[] facts, Task completionTask, String rejectedMessageKey)
          Builds an approval workflow that requests approval from a named user, Group or Role before running a Task.
 Workflow Step.getWorkflow()
          Gets the Workflow that is the parent of this Step.
 Workflow AbstractStep.getWorkflow()
          Gets the Workflow that is the parent of this Step.

Methods in with parameters of type Workflow
protected  void WorkflowManager.add(Workflow workflow)
          Protected helper method that adds a newly created Workflow to the cache, and sets its workflowManager and Id properties if not set.
protected  void WorkflowManager.remove(Workflow workflow)
          Protected helper method that removes a specified Workflow from the cache, and moves it to the workflow history list.
protected  void AbstractStep.setWorkflow(Workflow workflow)
          Protected method that sets the parent Workflow post-construction.
 void WorkflowManager.start(Workflow workflow)
          Adds a new workflow to the set of workflows and starts it.

Constructors in with parameters of type Workflow
AbstractStep(Workflow workflow, String messageKey)
          Constructs a new Step belonging to a specified Workflow and having a specified message key.
Decision(Workflow workflow, String messageKey, Principal actor, Outcome defaultOutcome)
          Constructs a new Decision for a required "actor" Principal, having a default Outcome.
SimpleDecision(Workflow workflow, String messageKey, Principal actor)
          Constructs a new SimpleDecision assigned to a specified actor.
SimpleNotification(Workflow workflow, String messageKey, Principal actor)
          Constructs a new SimpleNotification object with a supplied message key, associated Workflow, and named actor who must acknowledge the message.
Task(Workflow workflow, String messageKey)
          Constructs a new instance of a Task, with an associated Workflow and message key.

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