Uses of Class

Packages that use WikiContext The chief package of JSPWiki. JSPWiki's WikiEngine Managers package. Filter's API package of JSPWiki. Plugin's API package of JSPWiki. Attachment management, uploading and downloading. Authentication, Authorization and the third A thing. Authorizer implementation. Provides content management functionality for JSPWiki. Provides page and content filtering functionality for JSPWiki. Contains classes for doing form handling within JSPWiki. Provides plugins to the JSPWiki. Preferences storage. Provides utility classes for using the JSON-RPC AJAX library. Provides the JSPWiki search functionality. Provides standard JSP tags for JSPWiki. Java classes for management of the JSP user interface. Contains classes for the JSPWiki administrative interface.   

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in that return WikiContext
 WikiContext WikiEngine.createContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String requestContext)
          Shortcut to create a WikiContext from a supplied HTTP request, using a default wiki context.
 WikiContext WikiContext.deepClone()
          Creates a deep clone of the WikiContext.
static WikiContext WikiContext.findContext(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext)
          This method can be used to find the WikiContext programmatically from a JSP PageContext.

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 String VariableManager.expandVariables(WikiContext context, String source)
          This method does in-place expansion of any variables.
 String WikiEngine.getDiff(WikiContext context, int version1, int version2)
          Returns a diff of two versions of a page.
 String WikiEngine.getHTML(WikiContext context, WikiPage page)
          Returns the converted HTML of the page using a different context than the default context.
 String WikiEngine.getRedirectURL(WikiContext context)
          Figure out to which page we are really going to.
 String WikiEngine.getText(WikiContext context, WikiPage page)
          Returns the un-HTMLized text of the given version of a page in the given context.
 String VariableManager.getValue(WikiContext context, String varName)
          Returns a value of the named variable.
 String VariableManager.getValue(WikiContext context, String varName, String defValue)
          Returns the value of a named variable.
 String WikiEngine.getVariable(WikiContext context, String name)
          Shortcut to getVariableManager().getValue().
 String StringTransmutator.mutate(WikiContext context, String source)
          Returns a changed String, suitable for Wiki context.
 String LinkCollector.mutate(WikiContext context, String in)
          Returns a changed String, suitable for Wiki context.
 String VariableManager.parseAndGetValue(WikiContext context, String link)
          Parses the link and finds a value.
 void ReferenceManager.postSave(WikiContext context, String content)
          After the page has been saved, updates the reference lists.
 String WikiEngine.renamePage(WikiContext context, String renameFrom, String renameTo, boolean changeReferrers)
          Renames, or moves, a wiki page.
 void WikiEngine.saveText(WikiContext context, String text)
          Writes the WikiText of a page into the page repository.
 String WikiEngine.textToHTML(WikiContext context, String pagedata)
          Converts raw page data to HTML.
 String WikiEngine.textToHTML(WikiContext context, String pagedata, StringTransmutator localLinkHook, StringTransmutator extLinkHook)
          Just convert WikiText to HTML.
 String WikiEngine.textToHTML(WikiContext context, String pagedata, StringTransmutator localLinkHook, StringTransmutator extLinkHook, StringTransmutator attLinkHook)
          Just convert WikiText to HTML.

Constructors in with parameters of type WikiContext
PageManager.PreSaveWikiPageTask(WikiContext context, String proposedText)
          Creates the task.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 void FilterManager.doPostSaveFiltering(WikiContext context, String pageData)
          Does the page filtering after the page has been saved.
 String FilterManager.doPostTranslateFiltering(WikiContext context, String htmlData)
          Does the filtering after HTML translation.
 String FilterManager.doPreSaveFiltering(WikiContext context, String pageData)
          Does the filtering before a save to the page repository.
 String FilterManager.doPreTranslateFiltering(WikiContext context, String pageData)
          Does the filtering before a translation.
 String PluginManager.execute(WikiContext context, String commandline)
          Parses a plugin.
 String PluginManager.execute(WikiContext context, String classname, Map<String,String> params)
          Executes a plugin class in the given context.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 void PageFilter.postSave(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called after the page has been successfully saved.
 void BasicPageFilter.postSave(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called after the page has been successfully saved.
 String PageFilter.postTranslate(WikiContext wikiContext, String htmlContent)
          This method is called after a page has been fed through the translation process, so anything you are seeing here is translated content.
 String BasicPageFilter.postTranslate(WikiContext wikiContext, String htmlContent)
          This method is called after a page has been fed through the translation process, so anything you are seeing here is translated content.
 String PageFilter.preSave(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called before the page has been saved to the PageProvider.
 String BasicPageFilter.preSave(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called before the page has been saved to the PageProvider.
 String PageFilter.preTranslate(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called whenever a page has been loaded from the provider, but not yet been sent through the markup-translation process.
 String BasicPageFilter.preTranslate(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called whenever a page has been loaded from the provider, but not yet been sent through the markup-translation process.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 String WikiPlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 void ParserStagePlugin.executeParser(PluginContent element, WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          Method which is executed during parsing.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
protected  boolean AttachmentServlet.executeUpload(WikiContext context, InputStream data, String filename, String errorPage, String parentPage, String changenote, long contentLength)
 InputStream DynamicAttachmentProvider.getAttachmentData(WikiContext context, Attachment att)
          Returns a stream of data for this attachment.
 Attachment AttachmentManager.getAttachmentInfo(WikiContext context, String attachmentname)
          Figures out the full attachment name from the context and attachment name.
 Attachment AttachmentManager.getAttachmentInfo(WikiContext context, String attachmentname, int version)
          Figures out the full attachment name from the context and attachment name.
 InputStream AttachmentManager.getAttachmentStream(WikiContext ctx, Attachment att)
          Returns an attachment stream using the particular WikiContext.
 void AttachmentManager.storeDynamicAttachment(WikiContext ctx, DynamicAttachment att)
          Stores a dynamic attachment.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 boolean AuthorizationManager.hasAccess(WikiContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
          Checks whether the current user has access to the wiki context, by obtaining the required Permission (requiredPermission()) and delegating the access check to AuthorizationManager.checkPermission(WikiSession, Permission).
 boolean AuthorizationManager.hasAccess(WikiContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, boolean redirect)
          Checks whether the current user has access to the wiki context (and optionally redirects if not), by obtaining the required Permission (requiredPermission()) and delegating the access check to AuthorizationManager.checkPermission(WikiSession, Permission).
 UserProfile UserManager.parseProfile(WikiContext context)
           Extracts user profile parameters from the HTTP request and populates a UserProfile with them.
 void UserManager.validateProfile(WikiContext context, UserProfile profile)
          Validates a user profile, and appends any errors to the session errors list.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
protected  void GroupManager.checkGroupName(WikiContext context, String name)
          Checks if a String is blank or a restricted Group name, and if it is, appends an error to the WikiSession's message list.
 Group GroupManager.parseGroup(WikiContext context, boolean create)
           Extracts group name and members from the HTTP request and populates an existing Group with them.
 void GroupManager.validateGroup(WikiContext context, Group group)
          Validates a Group, and appends any errors to the session errors list.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 String PageRenamer.renamePage(WikiContext context, String renameFrom, String renameTo, boolean changeReferrers)
          Renames a page.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 String DifferenceManager.makeDiff(WikiContext context, String firstWikiText, String secondWikiText)
          Returns valid XHTML string to be used in any way you please.
 String TraditionalDiffProvider.makeDiffHtml(WikiContext ctx, String p1, String p2)
          Makes a diff using the BMSI utility package.
 String ExternalDiffProvider.makeDiffHtml(WikiContext ctx, String p1, String p2)
          Makes the diff by calling "diff" program.
 String DiffProvider.makeDiffHtml(WikiContext context, String oldWikiText, String newWikiText)
          The return string is to be XHTML compliant ready to display html.
 String DiffProvider.NullDiffProvider.makeDiffHtml(WikiContext ctx, String oldWikiText, String newWikiText)
          The return string is to be XHTML compliant ready to display html.
 String ContextualDiffProvider.makeDiffHtml(WikiContext ctx, String wikiOld, String wikiNew)
          Do a colored diff of the two regions.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
protected  void PageEventFilter.fireEvent(int type, WikiContext context)
          Fires a WikiPageEvent of the provided type and page name to all registered listeners.
 void PageEventFilter.postSave(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called after the page has been successfully saved.
 String PageEventFilter.postTranslate(WikiContext wikiContext, String htmlContent)
          This method is called after a page has been fed through the TranslatorReader, so anything you are seeing here is translated content.
 String PageEventFilter.preSave(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called before the page has been saved to the PageProvider.
 String PageEventFilter.preTranslate(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called whenever a page has been loaded from the provider, but not yet been sent through the TranslatorReader.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
static boolean SpamFilter.checkHash(WikiContext context, javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext)
          This method checks if the hash value is still valid, i.e. if it exists at all.
 void DefaultFilterManager.doPostSaveFiltering(WikiContext context, String pageData)
          Does the page filtering after the page has been saved.
 String DefaultFilterManager.doPostTranslateFiltering(WikiContext context, String htmlData)
          Does the filtering after HTML translation.
 String DefaultFilterManager.doPreSaveFiltering(WikiContext context, String pageData)
          Does the filtering before a save to the page repository.
 String DefaultFilterManager.doPreTranslateFiltering(WikiContext context, String pageData)
          Does the filtering before a translation.
 void DefaultFilterManager.fireEvent(int type, WikiContext context)
          Fires a WikiPageEvent of the provided type and WikiContext.
 boolean SpamFilter.isValidUserProfile(WikiContext context, UserProfile profile)
          Checks whether the UserProfile matches certain checks.
 void PingWeblogsComFilter.postSave(WikiContext context, String pagecontent)
          This method is called after the page has been successfully saved.
 String SpamFilter.preSave(WikiContext context, String content)
          This method is called before the page has been saved to the PageProvider.
 String CreoleFilter.preSave(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called before the page has been saved to the PageProvider.
 String ProfanityFilter.preTranslate(WikiContext context, String content)
          This method is called whenever a page has been loaded from the provider, but not yet been sent through the markup-translation process.
 String CreoleFilter.preTranslate(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called whenever a page has been loaded from the provider, but not yet been sent through the markup-translation process.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 String FormTextarea.execute(WikiContext ctx, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String FormSet.execute(WikiContext ctx, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String FormSelect.execute(WikiContext ctx, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String FormOutput.execute(WikiContext ctx, Map<String,String> params)
          Executes the FormHandler specified in a Form 'output' plugin, using entries provided in the HttpRequest as FormHandler parameters.
 String FormOpen.execute(WikiContext ctx, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String FormInput.execute(WikiContext ctx, Map<String,String> params)
          Generates a dynamic form element on the WikiPage.
 String FormClose.execute(WikiContext ctx, Map<String,String> params)
          Builds a Form close tag.
protected  FormInfo FormElement.getFormInfo(WikiContext ctx)
          Attempts to retrieve information on the currently handled form from the WikiContext.
protected  void FormElement.storeFormInfo(WikiContext ctx, FormInfo info)
          Utility method stores a FormInfo object into the WikiContext.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 String HtmlStringToWikiTranslator.translate(String html, WikiContext wikiContext)
          Translates text from HTML into WikiMarkup with a WikiContext.

Constructors in with parameters of type WikiContext
XHtmlToWikiConfig(WikiContext wikiContext)
          The constructor initializes the different internal fields according to the current URLConstructor.

Uses of WikiContext in

Fields in declared as WikiContext
protected  WikiContext MarkupParser.m_context

Methods in that return WikiContext
 WikiContext WikiDocument.getContext()
          Returns the wiki context for this document.

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 void PluginContent.executeParse(WikiContext context)
          Executes the executeParse() method.
 void HeadingListener.headingAdded(WikiContext context, Heading hd)
          Is called whenever a heading is encountered in the stream.
static PluginContent PluginContent.parsePluginLine(WikiContext context, String commandline, int pos)
          Parses a plugin invocation and returns a DOM element.
 void WikiDocument.setContext(WikiContext ctx)
          Set the WikiContext in which the WikiDocument is rendered.

Constructors in with parameters of type WikiContext
JSPWikiMarkupParser(WikiContext context, Reader in)
          Creates a markup parser.
MarkupParser(WikiContext context, Reader in)
          Constructs a MarkupParser.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 String WeblogPlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String WeblogEntryPlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String WeblogArchivePlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String UnusedPagesPlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String UndefinedPagesPlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String TableOfContents.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String SessionsPlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String Search.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String RPCSamplePlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String ReferringUndefinedPagesPlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
 String ReferringPagesPlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String ReferredPagesPlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String RecentChangesPlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String PageViewPlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String PageViewPlugin.PageViewManager.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          Count a page hit, present a pages' counter or output a list of page counts.
 String Note.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String ListLocksPlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String InsertPage.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String IndexPlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String Image.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String IfPlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String Groups.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String Denounce.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String CurrentTimePlugin.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String Counter.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String BugReportHandler.execute(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          This is the main entry point for any plugin.
 String DefaultPluginManager.execute(WikiContext context, String commandline)
          Parses a plugin.
 String DefaultPluginManager.execute(WikiContext context, String classname, Map<String,String> params)
          Executes a plugin class in the given context.
 void WeblogPlugin.executeParser(PluginContent element, WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          Mark us as being a real weblog.
 void TableOfContents.headingAdded(WikiContext context, Heading hd)
          Is called whenever a heading is encountered in the stream.
static boolean IfPlugin.ifInclude(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
          Returns a boolean result based on processing the WikiContext and parameter Map as according to the rules stated in the IfPlugin documentation.
 void AbstractReferralPlugin.initialize(WikiContext context, Map<String,String> params)
protected  String AbstractReferralPlugin.makeHTML(WikiContext context, String wikitext)
          Makes HTML with common parameters.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
static ResourceBundle Preferences.getBundle(WikiContext context, String bundle)
          Locates the i18n ResourceBundle given.
static SimpleDateFormat Preferences.getDateFormat(WikiContext context, Preferences.TimeFormat tf)
          Get SimpleTimeFormat according to user browser locale and preferred time formats.
static Locale Preferences.getLocale(WikiContext context)
          Get Locale according to user-preference settings or the user browser locale
static String Preferences.getPreference(WikiContext wikiContext, String name)
          Returns a preference value programmatically.
static String Preferences.renderDate(WikiContext context, Date date, Preferences.TimeFormat tf)
          A simple helper function to render a date based on the user preferences.

Uses of WikiContext in

Fields in declared as WikiContext
protected  WikiContext WikiRenderer.m_context

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 String RenderingManager.getHTML(WikiContext context, String pagedata)
          Convenience method for rendering, using the default parser and renderer.
 String RenderingManager.getHTML(WikiContext context, WikiDocument doc)
          Simply renders a WikiDocument to a String.
 MarkupParser RenderingManager.getParser(WikiContext context, String pagedata)
          Returns the default Parser for this context.
protected  WikiDocument RenderingManager.getRenderedDocument(WikiContext context, String pagedata)
          Returns a cached document, if one is found.
 WikiRenderer RenderingManager.getRenderer(WikiContext context, WikiDocument doc)
          Returns a WikiRenderer instance, initialized with the given context and doc.

Constructors in with parameters of type WikiContext
CleanTextRenderer(WikiContext context, WikiDocument doc)
          Create a renderer.
CreoleRenderer(WikiContext ctx, WikiDocument doc)
          Creates a new Creole Renderer.
WikiRenderer(WikiContext context, WikiDocument doc)
          Create a WikiRenderer.
WysiwygEditingRenderer(WikiContext context, WikiDocument doc)
          Creates a WYSIWYG editing renderer.
XHTMLRenderer(WikiContext context, WikiDocument doc)
          Creates an XHTML 1.0 renderer.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
static String JSONRPCManager.emitJSONCall(WikiContext context, RPCCallable c, String function, String params)
          Emits JavaScript to do a JSON RPC Call.
static String JSONRPCManager.registerJSONObject(WikiContext context, RPCCallable c)
          Registers a callable to JSON global bridge and requests JSON libraries to be added to the page.
static void JSONRPCManager.requestJSON(WikiContext context)
          Requests the JSON Javascript and object to be generated in the HTML.

Uses of WikiContext in

Fields in declared as WikiContext
protected  WikiContext Feed.m_wikiContext

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
protected  String RSSGenerator.generateBlogRSS(WikiContext wikiContext, List changed, Feed feed)
          Creates RSS from modifications as if this page was a blog (using the WeblogPlugin).
 String RSSGenerator.generateFeed(WikiContext wikiContext, List changed, String mode, String type)
          Generates a feed based on a context and list of changes.
protected  String RSSGenerator.generateFullWikiRSS(WikiContext wikiContext, Feed feed)
          Generates an RSS feed for the entire wiki.
protected  String RSSGenerator.generateWikiPageRSS(WikiContext wikiContext, List changed, Feed feed)
          Create RSS/Atom as if this page was a wikipage (in contrast to Blog mode).
static String Feed.getSiteName(WikiContext context)
          Figure out a site name for a feed.

Constructors in with parameters of type WikiContext
AtomFeed(WikiContext c)
          Create a new AtomFeed for a given WikiContext.
Feed(WikiContext context)
          Create a new Feed for a particular WikiContext.
RSS10Feed(WikiContext context)
          Create an RSS 1.0 feed for a given context.
RSS20Feed(WikiContext context)
          Creates an RSS 2.0 feed for the specified Context.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 void SearchManager.postSave(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          Reindexes the page.

Uses of WikiContext in

Fields in declared as WikiContext
protected  WikiContext WikiTagBase.m_wikiContext
protected  WikiContext WikiBodyTag.m_wikiContext
protected  WikiContext IteratorTag.m_wikiContext

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
static String UserProfileTag.printGroups(WikiContext context)
          Returns a sorted list of the Group objects a user possesses in his or her WikiSession.
static String UserProfileTag.printRoles(WikiContext context)
          Returns a sorted list of the Role objects a user possesses in his or her WikiSession.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in that return WikiContext
protected  WikiContext WikiServletFilter.getWikiContext(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request)
          Figures out the wiki context from the request.

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
static void TemplateManager.addResourceRequest(WikiContext ctx, String type, String resource)
          Adds a resource request to the current request context.
 String GenericHTTPHandler.doGet(WikiContext context)
          Return basic HTML.
 String GenericHTTPHandler.doPost(WikiContext context)
          Handles a POST response.
 String TemplateManager.findResource(WikiContext ctx, String template, String name)
          Attempts to locate a resource under the given template.
 String EditorManager.getEditorName(WikiContext context)
          Returns an editor for the current context.
 String EditorManager.getEditorPath(WikiContext context)
          Convenience method for getting the path to the editor JSP file.
static String TemplateManager.getMarker(WikiContext context, String type)
          Returns the include resources marker for a given type.
static String[] TemplateManager.getResourceRequests(WikiContext ctx, String type)
          Returns resource requests for a particular type.
static String[] TemplateManager.getResourceTypes(WikiContext ctx)
          Returns all those types that have been requested so far.

Constructors in with parameters of type WikiContext
Editor(WikiContext wikiContext, String editorName)
InputValidator(String form, WikiContext context)
          Constructs a new input validator for a specific form and wiki session.

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 String WikiFormAdminBean.doGet(WikiContext context)
 String SimpleAdminBean.doGet(WikiContext context)
          By default, this method creates a blob of HTML, listing all the attributes which can be read or written to.
 String SimpleAdminBean.doPost(WikiContext context)
          Not implemented yet.
abstract  String WikiFormAdminBean.getForm(WikiContext context)
 String WikiFormAdminBean.handlePost(WikiContext context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse resp)
abstract  void WikiFormAdminBean.handleResponse(WikiContext context, Map params)

Uses of WikiContext in

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 String SearchManagerBean.doGet(WikiContext context)
 String PluginBean.doGet(WikiContext context)
 String PlainEditorAdminBean.doGet(WikiContext context)
 String UserBean.doPost(WikiContext context)
 String SearchManagerBean.doPost(WikiContext context)
 String PlainEditorAdminBean.doPost(WikiContext context)

Uses of WikiContext in

Fields in declared as WikiContext
protected  WikiContext AbstractRPCHandler.m_context

Methods in with parameters of type WikiContext
 void WikiRPCHandler.initialize(WikiContext context)
 void RPCHandler.initialize(WikiContext ctx)
 void MetaWeblogHandler.initialize(WikiContext context)
 void AbstractRPCHandler.initialize(WikiContext context)

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