Uses of Class

Packages that use Attachment Attachment management, uploading and downloading. Provides storage for JSPWiki. Provides the JSPWiki search functionality. 

Uses of Attachment in

Subclasses of Attachment in
 class DynamicAttachment
          A DynamicAttachment is an attachment which does not really exist, but is created dynamically by a JSPWiki component.

Methods in that return Attachment
 Attachment AttachmentManager.getAttachmentInfo(String name)
          Gets info on a particular attachment, latest version.
 Attachment AttachmentManager.getAttachmentInfo(String name, int version)
          Gets info on a particular attachment with the given version.
 Attachment AttachmentManager.getAttachmentInfo(WikiContext context, String attachmentname)
          Figures out the full attachment name from the context and attachment name.
 Attachment AttachmentManager.getAttachmentInfo(WikiContext context, String attachmentname, int version)
          Figures out the full attachment name from the context and attachment name.

Methods in with parameters of type Attachment
 void AttachmentManager.deleteAttachment(Attachment att)
          Deletes all versions of the given attachment.
 void AttachmentManager.deleteVersion(Attachment att)
          Deletes the given attachment version.
 InputStream DynamicAttachmentProvider.getAttachmentData(WikiContext context, Attachment att)
          Returns a stream of data for this attachment.
 InputStream AttachmentManager.getAttachmentStream(Attachment att)
          Finds a (real) attachment from the repository as a stream.
 InputStream AttachmentManager.getAttachmentStream(WikiContext ctx, Attachment att)
          Returns an attachment stream using the particular WikiContext.
 void AttachmentManager.storeAttachment(Attachment att, File source)
          Stores an attachment that lives in the given file.
 void AttachmentManager.storeAttachment(Attachment att, InputStream in)
          Stores an attachment directly from a stream.

Uses of Attachment in

Methods in that return Attachment
 Attachment WikiAttachmentProvider.getAttachmentInfo(WikiPage page, String name, int version)
          Returns info about an attachment.
 Attachment CachingAttachmentProvider.getAttachmentInfo(WikiPage page, String name, int version)
          Returns info about an attachment.
 Attachment BasicAttachmentProvider.getAttachmentInfo(WikiPage page, String name, int version)
          Returns info about an attachment.

Methods in with parameters of type Attachment
 void WikiAttachmentProvider.deleteAttachment(Attachment att)
          Removes an entire page from the repository.
 void CachingAttachmentProvider.deleteAttachment(Attachment att)
          Removes an entire page from the repository.
 void BasicAttachmentProvider.deleteAttachment(Attachment att)
          Removes an entire page from the repository.
 void WikiAttachmentProvider.deleteVersion(Attachment att)
          Removes a specific version from the repository.
 void CachingAttachmentProvider.deleteVersion(Attachment att)
          Removes a specific version from the repository.
 void BasicAttachmentProvider.deleteVersion(Attachment att)
          Removes a specific version from the repository.
 InputStream WikiAttachmentProvider.getAttachmentData(Attachment att)
          Get attachment data.
 InputStream CachingAttachmentProvider.getAttachmentData(Attachment att)
          Get attachment data.
 InputStream BasicAttachmentProvider.getAttachmentData(Attachment att)
          Get attachment data.
 List WikiAttachmentProvider.getVersionHistory(Attachment att)
          Returns version history.
 List CachingAttachmentProvider.getVersionHistory(Attachment att)
          Returns version history.
 List BasicAttachmentProvider.getVersionHistory(Attachment att)
          Returns version history.
 void WikiAttachmentProvider.putAttachmentData(Attachment att, InputStream data)
          Put new attachment data.
 void CachingAttachmentProvider.putAttachmentData(Attachment att, InputStream data)
          Put new attachment data.
 void BasicAttachmentProvider.putAttachmentData(Attachment att, InputStream data)
          Put new attachment data.

Uses of Attachment in

Methods in with parameters of type Attachment
protected  String LuceneSearchProvider.getAttachmentContent(Attachment att)

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