Uses of Class

Packages that use WikiException The chief package of JSPWiki. JSPWiki's API exceptions package. Authentication, Authorization and the third A thing. Provides content management functionality for JSPWiki. Provides page and content filtering functionality for JSPWiki. Provides storage for JSPWiki. Provides a number of utility libraries that are of general use.   

Uses of WikiException in

Methods in that throw WikiException
 Outcome PageManager.PreSaveWikiPageTask.execute()
           Executes the processing for this Step and returns an Outcome indicating if it succeeded (Outcome.STEP_COMPLETE or Outcome.STEP_ABORT).
 Outcome PageManager.SaveWikiPageTask.execute()
           Executes the processing for this Step and returns an Outcome indicating if it succeeded (Outcome.STEP_COMPLETE or Outcome.STEP_ABORT).
 void WikiEngine.initReferenceManager()
          Initializes the reference manager.
 String WikiEngine.renamePage(WikiContext context, String renameFrom, String renameTo, boolean changeReferrers)
          Renames, or moves, a wiki page.
 void WikiEngine.saveText(WikiContext context, String text)
          Writes the WikiText of a page into the page repository.

Constructors in that throw WikiException
PageManager(WikiEngine engine, Properties props)
          Creates a new PageManager.
WikiEngine(Properties properties)
          Instantiate the WikiEngine using a given set of properties.
WikiEngine(javax.servlet.ServletContext context, String appid, Properties props)
          Instantiate using this method when you're running as a servlet and WikiEngine will figure out where to look for the property file.

Uses of WikiException in

Subclasses of WikiException in
 class FilterException
          A generic PageFilter exception.
 class NoRequiredPropertyException
          Marks an erroneus file.
 class NoSuchVariableException
          Marks that no such variable was located.
 class PluginException
          Provides a generic PluginException.
 class ProviderException
          This exception represents the superclass of all exceptions that providers may throw.
 class RedirectException
          This exception may be thrown if a filter wants to reject something and redirect the user elsewhere.
 class WikiI18nException
          A generic Wiki exception, meant to carry key & args to construct i18n messages to show meaningful messages to end-user.

Uses of WikiException in

Subclasses of WikiException in
 class NoSuchPrincipalException
          Thrown in some error situations where a WikiPrincipal object does not exist.
 class WikiSecurityException
          Indicates an authentication or authorization error or exception.

Methods in that throw WikiException
 String SecurityVerifier.containerRoleTable()
          Formats and returns an HTML table containing the roles the web container is aware of, and whether each role maps to particular JSPs.
 Outcome UserManager.SaveUserProfileTask.execute()
          Saves the user profile to the user database.
 void AuthorizationManager.initialize(WikiEngine engine, Properties properties)
          Initializes AuthorizationManager with an engine and set of properties.
 void AuthenticationManager.initialize(WikiEngine engine, Properties props)
          Creates an AuthenticationManager instance for the given WikiEngine and the specified set of properties.
 void UserManager.setUserProfile(WikiSession session, UserProfile profile)
           Saves the UserProfilefor the user in a wiki session.
protected  void SecurityVerifier.verifyPolicyAndContainerRoles()
          Verifies that the roles given in the security policy are reflected by the container web.xml file.
 Principal[] SecurityVerifier.webContainerRoles()
          If the active Authorizer is the WebContainerAuthorizer, returns the roles it knows about; otherwise, a zero-length array.

Uses of WikiException in

Subclasses of WikiException in
 class DuplicateUserException
          Exception indicating that an identical user already exists in the user database.

Uses of WikiException in

Methods in that throw WikiException
 String PageRenamer.renamePage(WikiContext context, String renameFrom, String renameTo, boolean changeReferrers)
          Renames a page.

Uses of WikiException in

Methods in that throw WikiException
protected  void DefaultFilterManager.initialize(Properties props)
          Initializes the filters from an XML file.

Constructors in that throw WikiException
DefaultFilterManager(WikiEngine engine, Properties props)
          Constructs a new FilterManager object.

Uses of WikiException in

Subclasses of WikiException in
 class ParseException
          This is an exception which gets thrown whenever the parser cannot parse the parsing things.

Uses of WikiException in

Subclasses of WikiException in
 class NoSuchVersionException
          Indicates that an non-existing version was specified.
 class RepositoryModifiedException
          If the provider detects that someone has modified the repository externally, it should throw this exception.

Uses of WikiException in

Methods in that throw WikiException
 void RenderingManager.initialize(WikiEngine engine, Properties properties)
          Initializes the RenderingManager.

Uses of WikiException in

Methods in that throw WikiException
static Object ClassUtil.getMappedObject(String requestedClass)
          This method is used to locate and instantiate a mapped class.
static Object ClassUtil.getMappedObject(String requestedClass, Object... initargs)
          This method is used to locate and instantiate a mapped class.

Uses of WikiException in

Subclasses of WikiException in
 class DecisionRequiredException
          Exception thrown when an activity -- that would otherwise complete silently -- cannot complete because a workflow Decision is required.
 class NoSuchOutcomeException
          Exception thrown when an attempt is made to find an Outcome that does not exist.

Methods in that throw WikiException
 void SimpleNotification.acknowledge()
          Convenience method that simply calls Decision.decide(Outcome) with the value Outcome.DECISION_ACKNOWLEDGE.
 Workflow WorkflowBuilder.buildApprovalWorkflow(Principal submitter, String workflowApproverKey, Task prepTask, String decisionKey, Fact[] facts, Task completionTask, String rejectedMessageKey)
          Builds an approval workflow that requests approval from a named user, Group or Role before running a Task.
 void DecisionQueue.decide(Decision decision, Outcome outcome)
          Attempts to complete a Decision by calling Decision.decide(Outcome).
 void Decision.decide(Outcome outcome)
           Sets this Decision's outcome, and restarts the parent Workflow if it is in the Workflow.WAITING state and this Decision is its currently active Step.
 Outcome Step.execute()
           Executes the processing for this Step and returns an Outcome indicating if it succeeded (Outcome.STEP_COMPLETE or Outcome.STEP_ABORT).
 Outcome Decision.execute()
          Default implementation that always returns Outcome.STEP_CONTINUE if the current Outcome isn't a completion (which will be true if the Decision.decide(Outcome) method hasn't been executed yet.
abstract  Outcome AbstractStep.execute()
           Executes the processing for this Step and returns an Outcome indicating if it succeeded (Outcome.STEP_COMPLETE or Outcome.STEP_ABORT).
 Principal WorkflowManager.getApprover(String messageKey)
          Looks up and resolves the actor who approves a Decision for a particular Workflow, based on the Workflow's message key.
protected  void Workflow.processCurrentStep()
          Protected method that processes the current Step by calling Step.execute().
 void DecisionQueue.reassign(Decision decision, Principal owner)
          Reassigns the owner of the Decision to a new owner.
 void Workflow.restart()
          Restarts the Workflow from the Workflow.WAITING state and puts it into the Workflow.RUNNING state again.
 void Workflow.start()
          Starts the Workflow and sets the state to Workflow.RUNNING.
 void Step.start()
          Starts the Step, and sets the start time to the moment when this method is first invoked.
 void AbstractStep.start()
          Starts the Step, and sets the start time to the moment when this method is first invoked.
 void WorkflowManager.start(Workflow workflow)
          Adds a new workflow to the set of workflows and starts it.

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