Uses of Class

Packages that use FilterException JSPWiki's WikiEngine Managers package. JSPWiki's API exceptions package. Filter's API package of JSPWiki. Provides page and content filtering functionality for JSPWiki. Provides the JSPWiki search functionality. 

Uses of FilterException in

Methods in that throw FilterException
 void FilterManager.doPostSaveFiltering(WikiContext context, String pageData)
          Does the page filtering after the page has been saved.
 String FilterManager.doPostTranslateFiltering(WikiContext context, String htmlData)
          Does the filtering after HTML translation.
 String FilterManager.doPreSaveFiltering(WikiContext context, String pageData)
          Does the filtering before a save to the page repository.
 String FilterManager.doPreTranslateFiltering(WikiContext context, String pageData)
          Does the filtering before a translation.

Uses of FilterException in

Subclasses of FilterException in
 class RedirectException
          This exception may be thrown if a filter wants to reject something and redirect the user elsewhere.

Uses of FilterException in

Methods in that throw FilterException
 void PageFilter.initialize(WikiEngine engine, Properties properties)
          Is called whenever the a new PageFilter is instantiated and reset.
 void BasicPageFilter.initialize(WikiEngine engine, Properties properties)
          If you override this, you should call super.initialize() first.
 void PageFilter.postSave(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called after the page has been successfully saved.
 void BasicPageFilter.postSave(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called after the page has been successfully saved.
 String PageFilter.postTranslate(WikiContext wikiContext, String htmlContent)
          This method is called after a page has been fed through the translation process, so anything you are seeing here is translated content.
 String BasicPageFilter.postTranslate(WikiContext wikiContext, String htmlContent)
          This method is called after a page has been fed through the translation process, so anything you are seeing here is translated content.
 String PageFilter.preSave(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called before the page has been saved to the PageProvider.
 String BasicPageFilter.preSave(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called before the page has been saved to the PageProvider.
 String PageFilter.preTranslate(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called whenever a page has been loaded from the provider, but not yet been sent through the markup-translation process.
 String BasicPageFilter.preTranslate(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called whenever a page has been loaded from the provider, but not yet been sent through the markup-translation process.

Uses of FilterException in

Methods in that throw FilterException
 void PageEventFilter.initialize(Properties properties)
          Called whenever a new PageFilter is instantiated and reset.
 void PageEventFilter.postSave(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called after the page has been successfully saved.
 String PageEventFilter.postTranslate(WikiContext wikiContext, String htmlContent)
          This method is called after a page has been fed through the TranslatorReader, so anything you are seeing here is translated content.
 String PageEventFilter.preSave(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called before the page has been saved to the PageProvider.
 String PageEventFilter.preTranslate(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called whenever a page has been loaded from the provider, but not yet been sent through the TranslatorReader.

Uses of FilterException in

Methods in that throw FilterException
 void DefaultFilterManager.doPostSaveFiltering(WikiContext context, String pageData)
          Does the page filtering after the page has been saved.
 String DefaultFilterManager.doPostTranslateFiltering(WikiContext context, String htmlData)
          Does the filtering after HTML translation.
 String DefaultFilterManager.doPreSaveFiltering(WikiContext context, String pageData)
          Does the filtering before a save to the page repository.
 String DefaultFilterManager.doPreTranslateFiltering(WikiContext context, String pageData)
          Does the filtering before a translation.
 void CreoleFilter.initialize(WikiEngine engine, Properties props)
          If you override this, you should call super.initialize() first.
 String CreoleFilter.preSave(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called before the page has been saved to the PageProvider.
 String CreoleFilter.preTranslate(WikiContext wikiContext, String content)
          This method is called whenever a page has been loaded from the provider, but not yet been sent through the markup-translation process.

Uses of FilterException in

Methods in that throw FilterException
 void SearchManager.initialize(WikiEngine engine, Properties properties)
          This particular method starts off indexing and all sorts of various activities, so you need to run this last, after things are done.

Constructors in that throw FilterException
SearchManager(WikiEngine engine, Properties properties)
          Creates a new SearchManager.

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