002    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004    distributed with this work for additional information
005    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
010       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
012    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
013    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
015    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
016    specific language governing permissions and limitations
017    under the License.  
018 */
019package org.apache.wiki.auth.authorize;
021import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
022import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
023import org.apache.wiki.api.core.Engine;
024import org.apache.wiki.api.exceptions.NoRequiredPropertyException;
025import org.apache.wiki.auth.NoSuchPrincipalException;
026import org.apache.wiki.auth.WikiPrincipal;
027import org.apache.wiki.auth.WikiSecurityException;
029import javax.naming.Context;
030import javax.naming.InitialContext;
031import javax.naming.NamingException;
032import javax.sql.DataSource;
033import java.security.Principal;
034import java.sql.Connection;
035import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
036import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
037import java.sql.ResultSet;
038import java.sql.SQLException;
039import java.sql.Timestamp;
040import java.util.Date;
041import java.util.HashSet;
042import java.util.Properties;
043import java.util.Set;
046 * <p>
047 * Implementation of GroupDatabase that persists {@link Group} objects to a JDBC
048 * DataSource, as might typically be provided by a web container. This
049 * implementation looks up the JDBC DataSource using JNDI. The JNDI name of the
050 * datasource, backing table and mapped columns used by this class can be
051 * overridden by adding settings in <code>jspwiki.properties</code>.
052 * </p>
053 * <p>
054 * Configurable properties are these:
055 * </p>
056 * <table>
057 * <tr> <thead>
058 * <th>Property</th>
059 * <th>Default</th>
060 * <th>Definition</th>
061 * <thead> </tr>
062 * <tr>
063 * <td><code>jspwiki.groupdatabase.datasource</code></td>
064 * <td><code>jdbc/GroupDatabase</code></td>
065 * <td>The JNDI name of the DataSource</td>
066 * </tr>
067 * <tr>
068 * <td><code>jspwiki.groupdatabase.table</code></td>
069 * <td><code>groups</code></td>
070 * <td>The table that stores the groups</td>
071 * </tr>
072 * <tr>
073 * <td><code>jspwiki.groupdatabase.membertable</code></td>
074 * <td><code>group_members</code></td>
075 * <td>The table that stores the names of group members</td>
076 * </tr>
077 * <tr>
078 * <td><code>jspwiki.groupdatabase.created</code></td>
079 * <td><code>created</code></td>
080 * <td>The column containing the group's creation timestamp</td>
081 * </tr>
082 * <tr>
083 * <td><code>jspwiki.groupdatabase.creator</code></td>
084 * <td><code>creator</code></td>
085 * <td>The column containing the group creator's name</td>
086 * </tr>
087 * <tr>
088 * <td><code>jspwiki.groupdatabase.name</code></td>
089 * <td><code>name</code></td>
090 * <td>The column containing the group's name</td>
091 * </tr>
092 * <tr>
093 * <td><code>jspwiki.groupdatabase.member</code></td>
094 * <td><code>member</code></td>
095 * <td>The column containing the group member's name</td>
096 * </tr>
097 * <tr>
098 * <td><code>jspwiki.groupdatabase.modified</code></td>
099 * <td><code>modified</code></td>
100 * <td>The column containing the group's last-modified timestamp</td>
101 * </tr>
102 * <tr>
103 * <td><code>jspwiki.groupdatabase.modifier</code></td>
104 * <td><code>modifier</code></td>
105 * <td>The column containing the name of the user who last modified the group</td>
106 * </tr>
107 * </table>
108 * <p>
109 * This class is typically used in conjunction with a web container's JNDI
110 * resource factory. For example, Tomcat versions 4 and higher provide a basic
111 * JNDI factory for registering DataSources. To give JSPWiki access to the JNDI
112 * resource named by <code>jdbc/GroupDatabase</code>, you would declare the
113 * datasource resource similar to this:
114 * </p>
115 * <blockquote><code>&lt;Context ...&gt;<br/>
116 *  &nbsp;&nbsp;...<br/>
117 *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;Resource name="jdbc/GroupDatabase" auth="Container"<br/>
118 *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;type="javax.sql.DataSource" username="dbusername" password="dbpassword"<br/>
119 *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;driverClassName="org.hsql.jdbcDriver" url="jdbc:HypersonicSQL:database"<br/>
120 *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;maxActive="8" maxIdle="4"/&gt;<br/>
121 *  &nbsp;...<br/>
122 * &lt;/Context&gt;</code></blockquote>
123 * <p>
124 * JDBC driver JARs should be added to Tomcat's <code>common/lib</code>
125 * directory. For more Tomcat 5.5 JNDI configuration examples, see <a
126 * href="http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/jndi-resources-howto.html">
127 * http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/jndi-resources-howto.html</a>.
128 * </p>
129 * <p>
130 * JDBCGroupDatabase commits changes as transactions if the back-end database
131 * supports them. Changes are made
132 * immediately (during the {@link #save(Group, Principal)} method).
133 * </p>
134 * 
135 * @since 2.3
136 */
137public class JDBCGroupDatabase implements GroupDatabase {
139    /** Default column name that stores the JNDI name of the DataSource. */
140    public static final String DEFAULT_GROUPDB_DATASOURCE = "jdbc/GroupDatabase";
142    /** Default table name for the table that stores groups. */
143    public static final String DEFAULT_GROUPDB_TABLE = "groups";
145    /** Default column name that stores the names of group members. */
146    public static final String DEFAULT_GROUPDB_MEMBER_TABLE = "group_members";
148    /** Default column name that stores the the group creation timestamps. */
149    public static final String DEFAULT_GROUPDB_CREATED = "created";
151    /** Default column name that stores group creator names. */
152    public static final String DEFAULT_GROUPDB_CREATOR = "creator";
154    /** Default column name that stores the group names. */
155    public static final String DEFAULT_GROUPDB_NAME = "name";
157    /** Default column name that stores group member names. */
158    public static final String DEFAULT_GROUPDB_MEMBER = "member";
160    /** Default column name that stores group last-modified timestamps. */
161    public static final String DEFAULT_GROUPDB_MODIFIED = "modified";
163    /** Default column name that stores names of users who last modified groups. */
164    public static final String DEFAULT_GROUPDB_MODIFIER = "modifier";
166    /** The JNDI name of the DataSource. */
167    public static final String PROP_GROUPDB_DATASOURCE = "jspwiki.groupdatabase.datasource";
169    /** The table that stores the groups. */
170    public static final String PROP_GROUPDB_TABLE = "jspwiki.groupdatabase.table";
172    /** The table that stores the names of group members. */
173    public static final String PROP_GROUPDB_MEMBER_TABLE = "jspwiki.groupdatabase.membertable";
175    /** The column containing the group's creation timestamp. */
176    public static final String PROP_GROUPDB_CREATED = "jspwiki.groupdatabase.created";
178    /** The column containing the group creator's name. */
179    public static final String PROP_GROUPDB_CREATOR = "jspwiki.groupdatabase.creator";
181    /** The column containing the group's name. */
182    public static final String PROP_GROUPDB_NAME = "jspwiki.groupdatabase.name";
184    /** The column containing the group member's name. */
185    public static final String PROP_GROUPDB_MEMBER = "jspwiki.groupdatabase.member";
187    /** The column containing the group's last-modified timestamp. */
188    public static final String PROP_GROUPDB_MODIFIED = "jspwiki.groupdatabase.modified";
190    /** The column containing the name of the user who last modified the group. */
191    public static final String PROP_GROUPDB_MODIFIER = "jspwiki.groupdatabase.modifier";
193    protected static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger( JDBCGroupDatabase.class );
195    private DataSource m_ds;
197    private String m_created;
199    private String m_creator;
201    private String m_name;
203    private String m_member;
205    private String m_modified;
207    private String m_modifier;
209    private String m_findAll;
211    private String m_findGroup;
213    private String m_findMembers;
215    private String m_insertGroup;
217    private String m_insertGroupMembers;
219    private String m_updateGroup;
221    private String m_deleteGroup;
223    private String m_deleteGroupMembers;
225    private boolean m_supportsCommits;
227    private Engine m_engine;
229    /**
230     * Looks up and deletes a {@link Group} from the group database. If the
231     * group database does not contain the supplied Group. this method throws a
232     * {@link NoSuchPrincipalException}. The method commits the results of the
233     * delete to persistent storage.
234     * 
235     * @param group the group to remove
236     * @throws WikiSecurityException if the database does not contain the
237     *             supplied group (thrown as {@link NoSuchPrincipalException})
238     *             or if the commit did not succeed
239     */
240    @Override public void delete( final Group group ) throws WikiSecurityException
241    {
242        if( !exists( group ) )
243        {
244            throw new NoSuchPrincipalException( "Not in database: " + group.getName() );
245        }
247        final String groupName = group.getName();
248        Connection conn = null;
249        PreparedStatement ps = null;
250        try
251        {
252            // Open the database connection
253            conn = m_ds.getConnection();
254            if( m_supportsCommits )
255            {
256                conn.setAutoCommit( false );
257            }
259            ps = conn.prepareStatement( m_deleteGroup );
260            ps.setString( 1, groupName );
261            ps.execute();
262            ps.close();
264            ps = conn.prepareStatement( m_deleteGroupMembers );
265            ps.setString( 1, groupName );
266            ps.execute();
268            // Commit and close connection
269            if( m_supportsCommits )
270            {
271                conn.commit();
272            }
273        }
274        catch( final SQLException e )
275        {
276            closeQuietly( conn, ps, null );
277            throw new WikiSecurityException( "Could not delete group " + groupName + ": " + e.getMessage(), e );
278        }
279        finally
280        {
281            closeQuietly( conn, ps, null );
282        }
283    }
285    /**
286     * Returns all wiki groups that are stored in the GroupDatabase as an array
287     * of Group objects. If the database does not contain any groups, this
288     * method will return a zero-length array. This method causes back-end
289     * storage to load the entire set of group; thus, it should be called
290     * infrequently (e.g., at initialization time).
291     * 
292     * @return the wiki groups
293     * @throws WikiSecurityException if the groups cannot be returned by the
294     *             back-end
295     */
296    @Override public Group[] groups() throws WikiSecurityException
297    {
298        final Set<Group> groups = new HashSet<>();
299        Connection conn = null;
300        PreparedStatement ps = null;
301        ResultSet rs = null;
302        try
303        {
304            // Open the database connection
305            conn = m_ds.getConnection();
307            ps = conn.prepareStatement( m_findAll );
308            rs = ps.executeQuery();
309            while ( rs.next() )
310            {
311                final String groupName = rs.getString( m_name );
312                if( groupName == null )
313                {
314                    LOG.warn( "Detected null group name in JDBCGroupDataBase. Check your group database." );
315                }
316                else
317                {
318                    final Group group = new Group( groupName, m_engine.getApplicationName() );
319                    group.setCreated( rs.getTimestamp( m_created ) );
320                    group.setCreator( rs.getString( m_creator ) );
321                    group.setLastModified( rs.getTimestamp( m_modified ) );
322                    group.setModifier( rs.getString( m_modifier ) );
323                    populateGroup( group );
324                    groups.add( group );
325                }
326            }
327        }
328        catch( final SQLException e )
329        {
330            closeQuietly( conn, ps, rs );
331            throw new WikiSecurityException( e.getMessage(), e );
332        }
333        finally
334        {
335            closeQuietly( conn, ps, rs );
336        }
338        return groups.toArray( new Group[0] );
339    }
341    /**
342     * Saves a Group to the group database. Note that this method <em>must</em>
343     * fail, and throw an <code>IllegalArgumentException</code>, if the
344     * proposed group is the same name as one of the built-in Roles: e.g.,
345     * Admin, Authenticated, etc. The database is responsible for setting
346     * create/modify timestamps, upon a successful save, to the Group. The
347     * method commits the results of the delete to persistent storage.
348     * 
349     * @param group the Group to save
350     * @param modifier the user who saved the Group
351     * @throws WikiSecurityException if the Group could not be saved successfully
352     */
353    @Override public void save( final Group group, final Principal modifier ) throws WikiSecurityException
354    {
355        if( group == null || modifier == null )
356        {
357            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Group or modifier cannot be null." );
358        }
360        final boolean exists = exists( group );
361        Connection conn = null;
362        PreparedStatement ps = null;
363        try
364        {
365            // Open the database connection
366            conn = m_ds.getConnection();
367            if( m_supportsCommits )
368            {
369                conn.setAutoCommit( false );
370            }
372            final Timestamp ts = new Timestamp( System.currentTimeMillis() );
373            final Date modDate = new Date( ts.getTime() );
374            if( !exists )
375            {
376                // Group is new: insert new group record
377                ps = conn.prepareStatement( m_insertGroup );
378                ps.setString( 1, group.getName() );
379                ps.setTimestamp( 2, ts );
380                ps.setString( 3, modifier.getName() );
381                ps.setTimestamp( 4, ts );
382                ps.setString( 5, modifier.getName() );
383                ps.execute();
385                // Set the group creation time
386                group.setCreated( modDate );
387                group.setCreator( modifier.getName() );
388                ps.close();
389            }
390            else
391            {
392                // Modify existing group record
393                ps = conn.prepareStatement( m_updateGroup );
394                ps.setTimestamp( 1, ts );
395                ps.setString( 2, modifier.getName() );
396                ps.setString( 3, group.getName() );
397                ps.execute();
398                ps.close();
399            }
400            // Set the group modified time
401            group.setLastModified( modDate );
402            group.setModifier( modifier.getName() );
404            // Now, update the group member list
406            // First, delete all existing member records
407            ps = conn.prepareStatement( m_deleteGroupMembers );
408            ps.setString( 1, group.getName() );
409            ps.execute();
410            ps.close();
412            // Insert group member records
413            ps = conn.prepareStatement( m_insertGroupMembers );
414            final Principal[] members = group.members();
415            for (final Principal member : members) {
416                ps.setString(1, group.getName());
417                ps.setString(2, member.getName());
418                ps.execute();
419            }
421            // Commit and close connection
422            if( m_supportsCommits )
423            {
424                conn.commit();
425            }
426        }
427        catch( final SQLException e )
428        {
429            closeQuietly(conn, ps, null );
430            throw new WikiSecurityException( e.getMessage(), e );
431        }
432        finally
433        {
434            closeQuietly(conn, ps, null );
435        }
436    }
438    /**
439     * Initializes the group database based on values from a Properties object.
440     * 
441     * @param engine the wiki engine
442     * @param props the properties used to initialize the group database
443     * @throws WikiSecurityException if the database could not be initialized
444     *             successfully
445     * @throws NoRequiredPropertyException if a required property is not present
446     */
447    @Override public void initialize( final Engine engine, final Properties props ) throws NoRequiredPropertyException, WikiSecurityException
448    {
449        final String table;
450        final String memberTable;
452        m_engine = engine;
454        final String jndiName = props.getProperty( PROP_GROUPDB_DATASOURCE, DEFAULT_GROUPDB_DATASOURCE );
455        try
456        {
457            final Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
458            final Context ctx = (Context) initCtx.lookup( "java:comp/env" );
459            m_ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup( jndiName );
461            // Prepare the SQL selectors
462            table = props.getProperty( PROP_GROUPDB_TABLE, DEFAULT_GROUPDB_TABLE );
463            memberTable = props.getProperty( PROP_GROUPDB_MEMBER_TABLE, DEFAULT_GROUPDB_MEMBER_TABLE );
464            m_name = props.getProperty( PROP_GROUPDB_NAME, DEFAULT_GROUPDB_NAME );
465            m_created = props.getProperty( PROP_GROUPDB_CREATED, DEFAULT_GROUPDB_CREATED );
466            m_creator = props.getProperty( PROP_GROUPDB_CREATOR, DEFAULT_GROUPDB_CREATOR );
467            m_modifier = props.getProperty( PROP_GROUPDB_MODIFIER, DEFAULT_GROUPDB_MODIFIER );
468            m_modified = props.getProperty( PROP_GROUPDB_MODIFIED, DEFAULT_GROUPDB_MODIFIED );
469            m_member = props.getProperty( PROP_GROUPDB_MEMBER, DEFAULT_GROUPDB_MEMBER );
471            m_findAll = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM " + table;
472            m_findGroup = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM " + table + " WHERE " + m_name + "=?";
473            m_findMembers = "SELECT * FROM " + memberTable + " WHERE " + m_name + "=?";
475            // Prepare the group insert/update SQL
476            m_insertGroup = "INSERT INTO " + table + " (" + m_name + "," + m_modified + "," + m_modifier + "," + m_created + ","
477                            + m_creator + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)";
478            m_updateGroup = "UPDATE " + table + " SET " + m_modified + "=?," + m_modifier + "=? WHERE " + m_name + "=?";
480            // Prepare the group member insert SQL
481            m_insertGroupMembers = "INSERT INTO " + memberTable + " (" + m_name + "," + m_member + ") VALUES (?,?)";
483            // Prepare the group delete SQL
484            m_deleteGroup = "DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE " + m_name + "=?";
485            m_deleteGroupMembers = "DELETE FROM " + memberTable + " WHERE " + m_name + "=?";
486        }
487        catch( final NamingException e )
488        {
489            LOG.error( "JDBCGroupDatabase initialization error: " + e );
490            throw new NoRequiredPropertyException( PROP_GROUPDB_DATASOURCE, "JDBCGroupDatabase initialization error: " + e);
491        }
493        // Test connection by doing a quickie select
494        Connection conn = null;
495        PreparedStatement ps = null;
496        try
497        {
498            conn = m_ds.getConnection();
499            ps = conn.prepareStatement( m_findAll );
500            ps.executeQuery();
501            ps.close();
502        }
503        catch( final SQLException e )
504        {
505            closeQuietly( conn, ps, null );
506            LOG.error( "DB connectivity error: " + e.getMessage() );
507            throw new WikiSecurityException("DB connectivity error: " + e.getMessage(), e );
508        }
509        finally
510        {
511            closeQuietly( conn, ps, null );
512        }
513        LOG.info( "JDBCGroupDatabase initialized from JNDI DataSource: " + jndiName );
515        // Determine if the datasource supports commits
516        try
517        {
518            conn = m_ds.getConnection();
519            final DatabaseMetaData dmd = conn.getMetaData();
520            if( dmd.supportsTransactions() )
521            {
522                m_supportsCommits = true;
523                conn.setAutoCommit( false );
524                LOG.info( "JDBCGroupDatabase supports transactions. Good; we will use them." );
525            }
526        }
527        catch( final SQLException e )
528        {
529            closeQuietly( conn, null, null );
530            LOG.warn( "JDBCGroupDatabase warning: user database doesn't seem to support transactions. Reason: " + e);
531        }
532        finally
533        {
534            closeQuietly( conn, null, null );
535        }
536    }
538    /**
539     * Returns <code>true</code> if the Group exists in back-end storage.
540     * 
541     * @param group the Group to look for
542     * @return the result of the search
543     */
544    private boolean exists( final Group group )
545    {
546        final String index = group.getName();
547        try
548        {
549            findGroup( index );
550            return true;
551        }
552        catch( final NoSuchPrincipalException e )
553        {
554            return false;
555        }
556    }
558    /**
559     * Loads and returns a Group from the back-end database matching a supplied
560     * name.
561     * 
562     * @param index the name of the Group to find
563     * @return the populated Group
564     * @throws NoSuchPrincipalException if the Group cannot be found
565     * @throws SQLException if the database query returns an error
566     */
567    private Group findGroup( final String index ) throws NoSuchPrincipalException
568    {
569        Group group = null;
570        boolean found = false;
571        boolean unique = true;
572        ResultSet rs = null;
573        PreparedStatement ps = null;
574        Connection conn = null;
575        try
576        {
577            // Open the database connection
578            conn = m_ds.getConnection();
580            ps = conn.prepareStatement( m_findGroup );
581            ps.setString( 1, index );
582            rs = ps.executeQuery();
583            while ( rs.next() )
584            {
585                if( group != null )
586                {
587                    unique = false;
588                    break;
589                }
590                group = new Group( index, m_engine.getApplicationName() );
591                group.setCreated( rs.getTimestamp( m_created ) );
592                group.setCreator( rs.getString( m_creator ) );
593                group.setLastModified( rs.getTimestamp( m_modified ) );
594                group.setModifier( rs.getString( m_modifier ) );
595                populateGroup( group );
596                found = true;
597            }
598        }
599        catch( final SQLException e )
600        {
601            closeQuietly( conn, ps, rs );
602            throw new NoSuchPrincipalException( e.getMessage() );
603        }
604        finally
605        {
606            closeQuietly( conn, ps, rs );
607        }
609        if( !found )
610        {
611            throw new NoSuchPrincipalException( "Could not find group in database!" );
612        }
613        if( !unique )
614        {
615            throw new NoSuchPrincipalException( "More than one group in database!" );
616        }
617        return group;
618    }
620    /**
621     * Fills a Group with members.
622     * 
623     * @param group the group to populate
624     * @return the populated Group
625     */
626    private Group populateGroup( final Group group )
627    {
628        ResultSet rs = null;
629        PreparedStatement ps = null;
630        Connection conn = null;
631        try
632        {
633            // Open the database connection
634            conn = m_ds.getConnection();
636            ps = conn.prepareStatement( m_findMembers );
637            ps.setString( 1, group.getName() );
638            rs = ps.executeQuery();
639            while ( rs.next() )
640            {
641                final String memberName = rs.getString( m_member );
642                if( memberName != null )
643                {
644                    final WikiPrincipal principal = new WikiPrincipal( memberName, WikiPrincipal.UNSPECIFIED );
645                    group.add( principal );
646                }
647            }
648        }
649        catch( final SQLException e )
650        {
651            // I guess that means there aren't any principals...
652        }
653        finally
654        {
655            closeQuietly( conn, ps, rs );
656        }
657        return group;
658    }
660    void closeQuietly( final Connection conn, final PreparedStatement ps, final ResultSet rs ) {
661        if( conn != null ) {
662            try {
663                conn.close();
664            } catch( final Exception e ) {
665            }
666        }
667        if( ps != null )  {
668            try {
669                ps.close();
670            } catch( final Exception e ) {
671            }
672        }
673        if( rs != null )  {
674            try {
675                rs.close();
676            } catch( final Exception e ) {
677            }
678        }
679    }