002    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004    distributed with this work for additional information
005    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
010       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
012    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
013    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
015    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
016    specific language governing permissions and limitations
017    under the License.
018 */
019package org.apache.wiki;
021import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
022import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
023import org.apache.wiki.api.core.Command;
024import org.apache.wiki.api.core.Context;
025import org.apache.wiki.api.core.ContextEnum;
026import org.apache.wiki.api.core.Engine;
027import org.apache.wiki.api.core.Page;
028import org.apache.wiki.api.core.Session;
029import org.apache.wiki.api.spi.Wiki;
030import org.apache.wiki.auth.AuthorizationManager;
031import org.apache.wiki.auth.NoSuchPrincipalException;
032import org.apache.wiki.auth.UserManager;
033import org.apache.wiki.auth.WikiPrincipal;
034import org.apache.wiki.auth.permissions.AllPermission;
035import org.apache.wiki.auth.user.UserDatabase;
036import org.apache.wiki.pages.PageManager;
037import org.apache.wiki.ui.CommandResolver;
038import org.apache.wiki.ui.Installer;
039import org.apache.wiki.ui.PageCommand;
040import org.apache.wiki.ui.WikiCommand;
041import org.apache.wiki.util.TextUtil;
043import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
044import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
045import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
046import java.security.Permission;
047import java.security.Principal;
048import java.util.HashMap;
049import java.util.PropertyPermission;
052 *  <p>Provides state information throughout the processing of a page.  A WikiContext is born when the JSP pages that are the main entry
053 *  points, are invoked.  The JSPWiki engine creates the new WikiContext, which basically holds information about the page, the
054 *  handling engine, and in which context (view, edit, etc) the call was done.</p>
055 *  <p>A WikiContext also provides request-specific variables, which can be used to communicate between plugins on the same page, or
056 *  between different instances of the same plugin.  A WikiContext variable is valid until the processing of the page has ended.  For
057 *  an example, please see the Counter plugin.</p>
058 *  <p>When a WikiContext is created, it automatically associates a {@link WikiSession} object with the user's HttpSession. The
059 *  WikiSession contains information about the user's authentication status, and is consulted by {@link #getCurrentUser()} object.</p>
060 *  <p>Do not cache the page object that you get from the WikiContext; always use getPage()!</p>
061 *
062 *  @see org.apache.wiki.plugin.Counter
063 */
064public class WikiContext implements Context, Command {
066    private Command  m_command;
067    private WikiPage m_page;
068    private WikiPage m_realPage;
069    private Engine   m_engine;
070    private String   m_template = "default";
072    private HashMap< String, Object > m_variableMap = new HashMap<>();
074    /** Stores the HttpServletRequest.  May be null, if the request did not come from a servlet. */
075    protected HttpServletRequest m_request;
077    private Session m_session;
079    /** User is doing administrative things. */
080    public static final String ADMIN = ContextEnum.WIKI_ADMIN.getRequestContext();
082    /** User is downloading an attachment. */
083    public static final String ATTACH = ContextEnum.PAGE_ATTACH.getRequestContext();
085    /** User is commenting something. */
086    public static final String COMMENT = ContextEnum.PAGE_COMMENT.getRequestContext();
088    /** User has an internal conflict, and does quite not know what to do. Please provide some counseling. */
089    public static final String CONFLICT = ContextEnum.PAGE_CONFLICT.getRequestContext();
091    /** User wishes to create a new group */
092    public static final String CREATE_GROUP = ContextEnum.WIKI_CREATE_GROUP.getRequestContext();
094    /** User is deleting a page or an attachment. */
095    public static final String DELETE = ContextEnum.PAGE_DELETE.getRequestContext();
097    /** User is deleting an existing group. */
098    public static final String DELETE_GROUP = ContextEnum.GROUP_DELETE.getRequestContext();
100    /** User is viewing a DIFF between the two versions of the page. */
101    public static final String DIFF = ContextEnum.PAGE_DIFF.getRequestContext();
103    /** The EDIT context - the user is editing the page. */
104    public static final String EDIT = ContextEnum.PAGE_EDIT.getRequestContext();
106    /** User is editing an existing group. */
107    public static final String EDIT_GROUP = ContextEnum.GROUP_EDIT.getRequestContext();
109    /** An error has been encountered and the user needs to be informed. */
110    public static final String ERROR = ContextEnum.WIKI_ERROR.getRequestContext();
112    /** User is searching for content. */
113    public static final String FIND = ContextEnum.WIKI_FIND.getRequestContext();
115    /** User is viewing page history. */
116    public static final String INFO = ContextEnum.PAGE_INFO.getRequestContext();
118    /** User is administering JSPWiki (Install, SecurityConfig). */
119    public static final String INSTALL = ContextEnum.WIKI_INSTALL.getRequestContext();
121    /** User is preparing for a login/authentication. */
122    public static final String LOGIN = ContextEnum.WIKI_LOGIN.getRequestContext();
124    /** User is preparing to log out. */
125    public static final String LOGOUT = ContextEnum.WIKI_LOGOUT.getRequestContext();
127    /** JSPWiki wants to display a message. */
128    public static final String MESSAGE = ContextEnum.WIKI_MESSAGE.getRequestContext();
130    /** This is not a JSPWiki context, use it to access static files. */
131    public static final String NONE = ContextEnum.PAGE_NONE.getRequestContext();
133    /** Same as NONE; this is just a clarification. */
134    public static final String OTHER = ContextEnum.PAGE_NONE.getRequestContext();
136    /** User is editing preferences */
137    public static final String PREFS = ContextEnum.WIKI_PREFS.getRequestContext();
139    /** User is previewing the changes he just made. */
140    public static final String PREVIEW = ContextEnum.PAGE_PREVIEW.getRequestContext();
142    /** User is renaming a page. */
143    public static final String RENAME = ContextEnum.PAGE_RENAME.getRequestContext();
145    /** RSS feed is being generated. */
146    public static final String RSS = ContextEnum.PAGE_RSS.getRequestContext();
148    /** User is uploading something. */
149    public static final String UPLOAD = ContextEnum.PAGE_UPLOAD.getRequestContext();
151    /** The VIEW context - the user just wants to view the page contents. */
152    public static final String VIEW = ContextEnum.PAGE_VIEW.getRequestContext();
154    /** User is viewing an existing group */
155    public static final String VIEW_GROUP = ContextEnum.GROUP_VIEW.getRequestContext();
157    /** User wants to view or administer workflows. */
158    public static final String WORKFLOW = ContextEnum.WIKI_WORKFLOW.getRequestContext();
160    private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger( WikiContext.class );
162    private static final Permission DUMMY_PERMISSION = new PropertyPermission( "os.name", "read" );
164    /**
165     *  Create a new WikiContext for the given WikiPage. Delegates to {@link #WikiContext(Engine, HttpServletRequest, Page)}.
166     *
167     *  @param engine The Engine that is handling the request.
168     *  @param page The WikiPage. If you want to create a WikiContext for an older version of a page, you must use this constructor.
169     */
170    public WikiContext( final Engine engine, final Page page ) {
171        this( engine, null, findCommand( engine, null, page ) );
172    }
174    /**
175     * <p>
176     * Creates a new WikiContext for the given Engine, Command and HttpServletRequest.
177     * </p>
178     * <p>
179     * This constructor will also look up the HttpSession associated with the request, and determine if a Session object is present.
180     * If not, a new one is created.
181     * </p>
182     * @param engine The Engine that is handling the request
183     * @param request The HttpServletRequest that should be associated with this context. This parameter may be <code>null</code>.
184     * @param command the command
185     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>engine</code> or <code>command</code> are <code>null</code>
186     */
187    public WikiContext( final Engine engine, final HttpServletRequest request, final Command command ) throws IllegalArgumentException {
188        if ( engine == null || command == null ) {
189            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Parameter engine and command must not be null." );
190        }
192        m_engine = engine;
193        m_request = request;
194        m_session = Wiki.session().find( engine, request );
195        m_command = command;
197        // If PageCommand, get the WikiPage
198        if( command instanceof PageCommand ) {
199            m_page = ( WikiPage )command.getTarget();
200        }
202        // If page not supplied, default to front page to avoid NPEs
203        if( m_page == null ) {
204            m_page = ( WikiPage )m_engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).getPage( m_engine.getFrontPage() );
206            // Front page does not exist?
207            if( m_page == null ) {
208                m_page = ( WikiPage )Wiki.contents().page( m_engine, m_engine.getFrontPage() );
209            }
210        }
212        m_realPage = m_page;
214        // Special case: retarget any empty 'view' PageCommands to the front page
215        if ( PageCommand.VIEW.equals( command ) && command.getTarget() == null ) {
216            m_command = command.targetedCommand( m_page );
217        }
219        // Debugging...
220        final HttpSession session = ( request == null ) ? null : request.getSession( false );
221        final String sid = session == null ? "(null)" : session.getId();
222        log.debug( "Creating WikiContext for session ID={}; target={}", sid, getName() );
224        // Figure out what template to use
225        setDefaultTemplate( request );
226    }
228    /**
229     * Creates a new WikiContext for the given Engine, WikiPage and HttpServletRequest. This method simply looks up the appropriate
230     * Command using {@link #findCommand(Engine, HttpServletRequest, Page)} and delegates to
231     * {@link #WikiContext(Engine, HttpServletRequest, Command)}.
232     *
233     * @param engine The Engine that is handling the request
234     * @param request The HttpServletRequest that should be associated with this context. This parameter may be <code>null</code>.
235     * @param page The WikiPage. If you want to create a WikiContext for an older version of a page, you must supply this parameter
236     */
237    public WikiContext( final Engine engine, final HttpServletRequest request, final Page page ) {
238        this( engine, request, findCommand( engine, request, page ) );
239    }
241    /**
242     *  Creates a new WikiContext from a supplied HTTP request, using a default wiki context.
243     *
244     *  @param engine The Engine that is handling the request
245     *  @param request the HTTP request
246     *  @param requestContext the default context to use
247     *  @see org.apache.wiki.ui.CommandResolver
248     *  @see org.apache.wiki.api.core.Command
249     *  @since 2.1.15.
250     */
251    public WikiContext( final Engine engine, final HttpServletRequest request, final String requestContext ) {
252        this( engine, request, engine.getManager( CommandResolver.class ).findCommand( request, requestContext ) );
253        if( !engine.isConfigured() ) {
254            throw new InternalWikiException( "Engine has not been properly started.  It is likely that the configuration is faulty.  Please check all logs for the possible reason." );
255        }
256    }
258    /**
259     * {@inheritDoc}
260     * @see org.apache.wiki.api.core.Command#getContentTemplate()
261     */
262    @Override
263    public String getContentTemplate()
264    {
265        return m_command.getContentTemplate();
266    }
268    /**
269     * {@inheritDoc}
270     * @see org.apache.wiki.api.core.Command#getJSP()
271     */
272    @Override
273    public String getJSP()
274    {
275        return m_command.getContentTemplate();
276    }
278    /**
279     *  Sets a reference to the real page whose content is currently being rendered.
280     *  <p>
281     *  Sometimes you may want to render the page using some other page's context. In those cases, it is highly recommended that you set
282     *  the setRealPage() to point at the real page you are rendering.  Please see InsertPageTag for an example.
283     *  <p>
284     *  Also, if your plugin e.g. does some variable setting, be aware that if it is embedded in the LeftMenu or some other page added
285     *  with InsertPageTag, you should consider what you want to do - do you wish to really reference the "master" page or the included
286     *  page.
287     *
288     *  @param page  The real page which is being rendered.
289     *  @return The previous real page
290     *  @since 2.3.14
291     *  @see org.apache.wiki.tags.InsertPageTag
292     */
293    @Override
294    public WikiPage setRealPage( final Page page ) {
295        final WikiPage old = m_realPage;
296        m_realPage = ( WikiPage )page;
297        updateCommand( m_command.getRequestContext() );
298        return old;
299    }
301    /**
302     *  Gets a reference to the real page whose content is currently being rendered. If your plugin e.g. does some variable setting, be
303     *  aware that if it is embedded in the LeftMenu or some other page added with InsertPageTag, you should consider what you want to
304     *  do - do you wish to really reference the "master" page or the included page.
305     *  <p>
306     *  For example, in the default template, there is a page called "LeftMenu". Whenever you access a page, e.g. "Main", the master
307     *  page will be Main, and that's what the getPage() will return - regardless of whether your plugin resides on the LeftMenu or on
308     *  the Main page.  However, getRealPage() will return "LeftMenu".
309     *
310     *  @return A reference to the real page.
311     *  @see org.apache.wiki.tags.InsertPageTag
312     *  @see org.apache.wiki.parser.JSPWikiMarkupParser
313     */
314    @Override
315    public WikiPage getRealPage()
316    {
317        return m_realPage;
318    }
320    /**
321     *  Figure out to which page we are really going to.  Considers special page names from the jspwiki.properties, and possible aliases.
322     *  This method forwards requests to {@link org.apache.wiki.ui.CommandResolver#getSpecialPageReference(String)}.
323     *  @return A complete URL to the new page to redirect to
324     *  @since 2.2
325     */
326    @Override
327    public String getRedirectURL() {
328        final String pagename = m_page.getName();
329        String redirURL = m_engine.getManager( CommandResolver.class ).getSpecialPageReference( pagename );
330        if( redirURL == null ) {
331            final String alias = m_page.getAttribute( WikiPage.ALIAS );
332            if( alias != null ) {
333                redirURL = getViewURL( alias );
334            } else {
335                redirURL = m_page.getAttribute( WikiPage.REDIRECT );
336            }
337        }
339        return redirURL;
340    }
342    /**
343     *  Returns the handling engine.
344     *
345     *  @return The engine owning this context.
346     */
347    @Override
348    public WikiEngine getEngine() {
349        return ( WikiEngine )m_engine;
350    }
352    /**
353     *  Returns the page that is being handled.
354     *
355     *  @return the page which was fetched.
356     */
357    @Override
358    public WikiPage getPage()
359    {
360        return m_page;
361    }
363    /**
364     *  Sets the page that is being handled.
365     *
366     *  @param page The wikipage
367     *  @since 2.1.37.
368     */
369    @Override
370    public void setPage( final Page page ) {
371        m_page = (WikiPage)page;
372        updateCommand( m_command.getRequestContext() );
373    }
375    /**
376     *  Returns the request context.
377     *
378     *  @return The name of the request context (e.g. VIEW).
379     */
380    @Override
381    public String getRequestContext()
382    {
383        return m_command.getRequestContext();
384    }
386    /**
387     *  Sets the request context.  See above for the different request contexts (VIEW, EDIT, etc.)
388     *
389     *  @param arg The request context (one of the predefined contexts.)
390     */
391    @Override
392    public void setRequestContext( final String arg )
393    {
394        updateCommand( arg );
395    }
397    /**
398     * {@inheritDoc}
399     * @see org.apache.wiki.api.core.Command#getTarget()
400     */
401    @Override
402    public Object getTarget()
403    {
404        return m_command.getTarget();
405    }
407    /**
408     * {@inheritDoc}
409     * @see org.apache.wiki.api.core.Command#getURLPattern()
410     */
411    @Override
412    public String getURLPattern()
413    {
414        return m_command.getURLPattern();
415    }
417    /**
418     *  Gets a previously set variable.
419     *
420     *  @param key The variable name.
421     *  @return The variable contents.
422     */
423    @Override
424    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
425    public < T > T getVariable( final String key ) {
426        return ( T )m_variableMap.get( key );
427    }
429    /**
430     *  Sets a variable.  The variable is valid while the WikiContext is valid, i.e. while page processing continues.  The variable data
431     *  is discarded once the page processing is finished.
432     *
433     *  @param key The variable name.
434     *  @param data The variable value.
435     */
436    @Override
437    public void setVariable( final String key, final Object data ) {
438        m_variableMap.put( key, data );
439        updateCommand( m_command.getRequestContext() );
440    }
442    /**
443     * This is just a simple helper method which will first check the context if there is already an override in place, and if there is not,
444     * it will then check the given properties.
445     *
446     * @param key What key are we searching for?
447     * @param defValue Default value for the boolean
448     * @return {@code true} or {@code false}.
449     */
450    @Override
451    public boolean getBooleanWikiProperty( final String key, final boolean defValue ) {
452        final String bool = getVariable( key );
453        if( bool != null ) {
454            return TextUtil.isPositive( bool );
455        }
457        return TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( getEngine().getWikiProperties(), key, defValue );
458    }
460    /**
461     *  This method will safely return any HTTP parameters that might have been defined.  You should use this method instead
462     *  of peeking directly into the result of getHttpRequest(), since this method is smart enough to do all the right things,
463     *  figure out UTF-8 encoded parameters, etc.
464     *
465     *  @since 2.0.13.
466     *  @param paramName Parameter name to look for.
467     *  @return HTTP parameter, or null, if no such parameter existed.
468     */
469    @Override
470    public String getHttpParameter( final String paramName ) {
471        String result = null;
472        if( m_request != null ) {
473            result = m_request.getParameter( paramName );
474        }
476        return result;
477    }
479    /**
480     *  If the request did originate from an HTTP request, then the HTTP request can be fetched here.  However, if the request
481     *  did NOT originate from an HTTP request, then this method will return null, and YOU SHOULD CHECK FOR IT!
482     *
483     *  @return Null, if no HTTP request was done.
484     *  @since 2.0.13.
485     */
486    @Override
487    public HttpServletRequest getHttpRequest()
488    {
489        return m_request;
490    }
492    /**
493     *  Sets the template to be used for this request.
494     *
495     *  @param dir The template name
496     *  @since 2.1.15.
497     */
498    @Override
499    public void setTemplate( final String dir )
500    {
501        m_template = dir;
502    }
504    /**
505     * Returns the target of this wiki context: a page, group name or JSP. If the associated Command is a PageCommand, this method
506     * returns the page's name. Otherwise, this method delegates to the associated Command's {@link org.apache.wiki.api.core.Command#getName()}
507     * method. Calling classes can rely on the results of this method for looking up canonically-correct page or group names. Because it
508     * does not automatically assume that the wiki context is a PageCommand, calling this method is inherently safer than calling
509     * {@code getPage().getName()}.
510     *
511     * @return the name of the target of this wiki context
512     * @see org.apache.wiki.ui.PageCommand#getName()
513     * @see org.apache.wiki.ui.GroupCommand#getName()
514     */
515    @Override
516    public String getName() {
517        if ( m_command instanceof PageCommand ) {
518            return m_page != null ? m_page.getName() : "<no page>";
519        }
520        return m_command.getName();
521    }
523    /**
524     *  Gets the template that is to be used throughout this request.
525     *
526     *  @since 2.1.15.
527     *  @return template name
528     */
529    @Override
530    public String getTemplate()
531    {
532        return m_template;
533    }
535    /**
536     *  Convenience method that gets the current user. Delegates the lookup to the WikiSession associated with this WikiContect.
537     *  May return null, in case the current user has not yet been determined; or this is an internal system. If the WikiSession has not
538     *  been set, <em>always</em> returns null.
539     *
540     *  @return The current user; or maybe null in case of internal calls.
541     */
542    @Override
543    public Principal getCurrentUser() {
544        if (m_session == null) {
545            // This shouldn't happen, really...
546            return WikiPrincipal.GUEST;
547        }
548        return m_session.getUserPrincipal();
549    }
551    /**
552     *  A shortcut to generate a VIEW url.
553     *
554     *  @param page The page to which to link.
555     *  @return A URL to the page.  This honours the current absolute/relative setting.
556     */
557    @Override
558    public String getViewURL( final String page ) {
559        return getURL( ContextEnum.PAGE_VIEW.getRequestContext(), page, null );
560    }
562    /**
563     *  Creates a URL for the given request context.
564     *
565     *  @param context e.g. WikiContext.EDIT
566     *  @param page The page to which to link
567     *  @return A URL to the page, honours the absolute/relative setting in jspwiki.properties
568     */
569    @Override
570    public String getURL( final String context, final String page ) {
571        return getURL( context, page, null );
572    }
574    /**
575     *  Returns a URL from a page. It this WikiContext instance was constructed with an actual HttpServletRequest, we will attempt to
576     *  construct the URL using HttpUtil, which preserves the HTTPS portion if it was used.
577     *
578     *  @param context The request context (e.g. WikiContext.UPLOAD)
579     *  @param page The page to which to link
580     *  @param params A list of parameters, separated with "&amp;"
581     *
582     *  @return A URL to the given context and page.
583     */
584    @Override
585    public String getURL( final String context, final String page, final String params ) {
586        // FIXME: is rather slow
587        return m_engine.getURL( context, page, params );
588    }
590    /**
591     * Returns the Command associated with this WikiContext.
592     *
593     * @return the command
594     */
595    public Command getCommand() {
596        return m_command;
597    }
599    /**
600     *  Returns a shallow clone of the WikiContext.
601     *
602     *  @since 2.1.37.
603     *  @return A shallow clone of the WikiContext
604     */
605    @Override
606    public WikiContext clone() {
607        try {
608            // super.clone() must always be called to make sure that inherited objects
609            // get the right type
610            final WikiContext copy = (WikiContext)super.clone();
612            copy.m_engine = m_engine;
613            copy.m_command = m_command;
615            copy.m_template    = m_template;
616            copy.m_variableMap = m_variableMap;
617            copy.m_request     = m_request;
618            copy.m_session     = m_session;
619            copy.m_page        = m_page;
620            copy.m_realPage    = m_realPage;
621            return copy;
622        } catch( final CloneNotSupportedException e ){} // Never happens
624        return null;
625    }
627    /**
628     *  Creates a deep clone of the WikiContext.  This is useful when you want to be sure that you don't accidentally mess with page
629     *  attributes, etc.
630     *
631     *  @since  2.8.0
632     *  @return A deep clone of the WikiContext.
633     */
634    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
635    public WikiContext deepClone() {
636        try {
637            // super.clone() must always be called to make sure that inherited objects
638            // get the right type
639            final WikiContext copy = (WikiContext)super.clone();
641            //  No need to deep clone these
642            copy.m_engine  = m_engine;
643            copy.m_command = m_command; // Static structure
645            copy.m_template    = m_template;
646            copy.m_variableMap = (HashMap<String,Object>)m_variableMap.clone();
647            copy.m_request     = m_request;
648            copy.m_session     = m_session;
649            copy.m_page        = m_page.clone();
650            copy.m_realPage    = m_realPage.clone();
651            return copy;
652        }
653        catch( final CloneNotSupportedException e ){} // Never happens
655        return null;
656    }
658    /**
659     *  Returns the Session associated with the context. This method is guaranteed to always return a valid Session.
660     *  If this context was constructed without an associated HttpServletRequest, it will return
661     *  {@link org.apache.wiki.WikiSession#guestSession(Engine)}.
662     *
663     *  @return The Session associated with this context.
664     */
665    @Override
666    public WikiSession getWikiSession() {
667        return ( WikiSession )m_session;
668    }
670    /**
671     * This method can be used to find the WikiContext programmatically from a JSP PageContext. We check the request context.
672     * The wiki context, if it exists, is looked up using the key {@link #ATTR_CONTEXT}.
673     *
674     * @since 2.4
675     * @param pageContext the JSP page context
676     * @return Current WikiContext, or null, of no context exists.
677     * @deprecated use {@link Context#findContext( PageContext )} instead.
678     * @see Context#findContext( PageContext )
679     */
680    @Deprecated
681    public static WikiContext findContext( final PageContext pageContext ) {
682        final HttpServletRequest request = ( HttpServletRequest )pageContext.getRequest();
683        return ( WikiContext )request.getAttribute( ATTR_CONTEXT );
684    }
686    /**
687     * Returns the permission required to successfully execute this context. For example, a wiki context of VIEW for a certain page
688     * means that the PagePermission "view" is required for the page. In some cases, no particular permission is required, in which case
689     * a dummy permission will be returned ({@link java.util.PropertyPermission}<code> "os.name", "read"</code>). This method is guaranteed
690     * to always return a valid, non-null permission.
691     *
692     * @return the permission
693     * @since 2.4
694     */
695    @Override
696    public Permission requiredPermission() {
697        // This is a filthy rotten hack -- absolutely putrid
698        if ( WikiCommand.INSTALL.equals( m_command ) ) {
699            // See if admin users exists
700            try {
701                final UserManager userMgr = m_engine.getManager( UserManager.class );
702                final UserDatabase userDb = userMgr.getUserDatabase();
703                userDb.findByLoginName( Installer.ADMIN_ID );
704            } catch ( final NoSuchPrincipalException e ) {
705                return DUMMY_PERMISSION;
706            }
707            return new AllPermission( m_engine.getApplicationName() );
708        }
710        // TODO: we should really break the contract so that this
711        // method returns null, but until then we will use this hack
712        if( m_command.requiredPermission() == null ) {
713            return DUMMY_PERMISSION;
714        }
716        return m_command.requiredPermission();
717    }
719    /**
720     * Associates a target with the current Command and returns the new targeted Command. If the Command associated with this
721     * WikiContext is already "targeted", it is returned instead.
722     *
723     * @see org.apache.wiki.api.core.Command#targetedCommand(java.lang.Object)
724     *
725     * {@inheritDoc}
726     */
727    @Override
728    public Command targetedCommand( final Object target ) {
729        if ( m_command.getTarget() == null ) {
730            return m_command.targetedCommand( target );
731        }
732        return m_command;
733    }
735    /**
736     *  Returns true, if the current user has administrative permissions (i.e. the omnipotent AllPermission).
737     *
738     *  @since 2.4.46
739     *  @return true, if the user has all permissions.
740     */
741    @Override
742    public boolean hasAdminPermissions() {
743        return m_engine.getManager( AuthorizationManager.class ).checkPermission( getWikiSession(), new AllPermission( m_engine.getApplicationName() ) );
744    }
746    /**
747     * Figures out which template a new WikiContext should be using.
748     * @param request the HTTP request
749     */
750    protected void setDefaultTemplate( final HttpServletRequest request ) {
751        final String defaultTemplate = m_engine.getTemplateDir();
753        //  Figure out which template we should be using for this page.
754        String template = null;
755        if ( request != null ) {
756            final String skin = request.getParameter( "skin" );
757            if( skin != null )
758            {
759                template = skin.replaceAll("\\p{Punct}", "");
760            }
762        }
764        // If request doesn't supply the value, extract from wiki page
765        if( template == null ) {
766            final WikiPage page = getPage();
767            if ( page != null ) {
768                template = page.getAttribute( Engine.PROP_TEMPLATEDIR );
769            }
771        }
773        // If something over-wrote the default, set the new value.
774        if ( template != null ) {
775            setTemplate( template );
776        } else {
777            setTemplate( defaultTemplate );
778        }
779    }
781    /**
782     * Looks up and returns a PageCommand based on a supplied WikiPage and HTTP request. First, the appropriate Command is obtained by
783     * examining the HTTP request; the default is {@link ContextEnum#PAGE_VIEW}. If the Command is a PageCommand (and it should be, in most
784     * cases), a targeted Command is created using the (non-<code>null</code>) WikiPage as target.
785     *
786     * @param engine the wiki engine
787     * @param request the HTTP request
788     * @param page the wiki page
789     * @return the correct command
790     */
791    protected static Command findCommand( final Engine engine, final HttpServletRequest request, final Page page ) {
792        final String defaultContext = ContextEnum.PAGE_VIEW.getRequestContext();
793        Command command = engine.getManager( CommandResolver.class ).findCommand( request, defaultContext );
794        if ( command instanceof PageCommand && page != null ) {
795            command = command.targetedCommand( page );
796        }
797        return command;
798    }
800    /**
801     * Protected method that updates the internally cached Command. Will always be called when the page name, request context, or variable
802     * changes.
803     *
804     * @param requestContext the desired request context
805     * @since 2.4
806     */
807    protected void updateCommand( final String requestContext ) {
808        if ( requestContext == null ) {
809            m_command = PageCommand.NONE;
810        } else {
811            final CommandResolver resolver = m_engine.getManager( CommandResolver.class );
812            m_command = resolver.findCommand( m_request, requestContext );
813        }
815        if ( m_command instanceof PageCommand && m_page != null ) {
816            m_command = m_command.targetedCommand( m_page );
817        }
818    }