ADecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from an A element.
BrDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a BR element.
CodeDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a CODE element.
DdDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a DD element.
DlDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a DL element.
DtDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a DT element.
FormDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a FORM element.
H1Decorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from an H1 element.
H2Decorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from an H2 element.
H3Decorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from an H3 element.
H4Decorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from an H4 element.
HrDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from an HR element.
ImageDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from an XHTML Image.
InputDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a INPUT element.
LiDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a LI element.
OlDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a OL element.
OptionDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a OPTION element.
PDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a P element.
PlainTextBoldDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a plain text handling bold.
PlainTextCssDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a plain text handling css classes.
PlainTextCssSpecialDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a plain text handling special css.
PlainTextDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a plain text.
PlainTextItalicDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a plain text handling italic.
PlainTextMonospaceDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a plain text handling monospace.
SelectDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a SELECT element.
StrikeDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a STRIKE element.
SubDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a SUB element.
SupDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a SUP element.
TableDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a TABLE element.
TbodyDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a TBODY element.
TdDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a TD element.
TextAreaDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a TEXTAREA element.
TextElementDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a Text element.
ThDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a TH element.
TheadDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a THEAD element.
TrDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a TR element.
UlDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from a UL element.
UnderlineDecorator |
Translates to wiki syntax from an UNDERLINE element.