Uses of Class

Packages that use WikiSecurityException
Package Description
Authentication, Authorization and the third A thing.
Access Control List implementation.
Authorizer implementation.
Java classes for management of the JSP user interface.
  • Uses of WikiSecurityException in

    Subclasses of WikiSecurityException in
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  NoSuchPrincipalException
    Thrown in some error situations where a WikiPrincipal object does not exist.
    Methods in that throw WikiSecurityException
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.util.Set<> AuthenticationManager.doJAASLogin​(java.lang.Class<? extends> clazz, handler, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> options)
    Instantiates and executes a single JAAS LoginModule, and returns a Set of Principals that results from a successful login.
    java.util.Set<> DefaultAuthenticationManager.doJAASLogin​(java.lang.Class<? extends> clazz, handler, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> options)
    Instantiates and executes a single JAAS LoginModule, and returns a Set of Principals that results from a successful login.
    Authorizer AuthorizationManager.getAuthorizer()
    Returns the current external Authorizer in use.
    Authorizer DefaultAuthorizationManager.getAuthorizer()
    Returns the current external Authorizer in use.
    void Authorizer.initialize​(Engine engine, java.util.Properties props)
    Initializes the authorizer.[] DefaultUserManager.listWikiNames()
    A helper method for returning all of the known WikiNames in this system.[] UserManager.listWikiNames()
    A helper method for returning all of the known WikiNames in this system.
    boolean AuthenticationManager.login​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
    Logs in the user by attempting to populate a Session Subject from a web servlet request by examining the request for the presence of container credentials and user cookies.
    boolean AuthenticationManager.login​(Session session, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
    Attempts to perform a Session login for the given username/password combination using JSPWiki's custom authentication mode.
    boolean DefaultAuthenticationManager.login​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
    Logs in the user by attempting to populate a Session Subject from a web servlet request by examining the request for the presence of container credentials and user cookies.
    boolean DefaultAuthenticationManager.login​(Session session, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
    Attempts to perform a Session login for the given username/password combination using JSPWiki's custom authentication mode.
  • Uses of WikiSecurityException in

    Methods in that throw WikiSecurityException
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Acl AclManager.parseAcl​(Page page, java.lang.String ruleLine)
    A helper method for parsing textual AccessControlLists.
    Acl DefaultAclManager.parseAcl​(Page page, java.lang.String ruleLine)
    A helper method for parsing textual AccessControlLists.
    void AclManager.setPermissions​(Page page, Acl acl)
    Sets the access control list for the page and persists it.
    void DefaultAclManager.setPermissions​(Page page, Acl acl)
    Sets the access control list for the page and persists it.
  • Uses of WikiSecurityException in

    Methods in that throw WikiSecurityException
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void DefaultGroupManager.checkGroupName​(Context context, java.lang.String name)
    Checks if a String is blank or a restricted Group name, and if it is, appends an error to the Session's message list.
    void GroupManager.checkGroupName​(Context context, java.lang.String name)
    Checks if a String is blank or a restricted Group name, and if it is, appends an error to the Session's message list.
    void GroupDatabase.delete​(Group group)
    Looks up and deletes a Group from the group database.
    void JDBCGroupDatabase.delete​(Group group)
    Looks up and deletes a Group from the group database.
    void XMLGroupDatabase.delete​(Group group)
    Looks up and deletes a Group from the group database.
    GroupDatabase DefaultGroupManager.getGroupDatabase()
    Returns the current external GroupDatabase in use.
    GroupDatabase GroupManager.getGroupDatabase()
    Returns the current external GroupDatabase in use.
    Group[] GroupDatabase.groups()
    Returns all wiki groups that are stored in the GroupDatabase as an array of Group objects.
    Group[] JDBCGroupDatabase.groups()
    Returns all wiki groups that are stored in the GroupDatabase as an array of Group objects.
    Group[] XMLGroupDatabase.groups()
    Returns all wiki groups that are stored in the GroupDatabase as an array of Group objects.
    void DefaultGroupManager.initialize​(Engine engine, java.util.Properties props)
    Initializes this Engine component.
    void GroupDatabase.initialize​(Engine engine, java.util.Properties props)
    Initializes the group database based on values from a Properties object.
    void JDBCGroupDatabase.initialize​(Engine engine, java.util.Properties props)
    Initializes the group database based on values from a Properties object.
    void XMLGroupDatabase.initialize​(Engine engine, java.util.Properties props)
    Initializes the group database based on values from a Properties object.
    Group DefaultGroupManager.parseGroup​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String memberLine, boolean create)
    Extracts group name and members from passed parameters and populates an existing Group with them.
    Group GroupManager.parseGroup​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String memberLine, boolean create)
    Extracts group name and members from passed parameters and populates an existing Group with them.
    default Group GroupManager.parseGroup​(Context context, boolean create)
    Extracts group name and members from the HTTP request and populates an existing Group with them.
    void DefaultGroupManager.removeGroup​(java.lang.String index)
    Removes a named Group from the group database.
    void GroupManager.removeGroup​(java.lang.String index)
    Removes a named Group from the group database.
    void​(Group group, modifier)
    Saves a Group to the group database.
    void​(Group group, modifier)
    Saves a Group to the group database.
    void​(Group group, modifier)
    Saves a Group to the group database.
    void DefaultGroupManager.setGroup​(Session session, Group group)
    Saves the Group created by a user in a wiki session.
    void GroupManager.setGroup​(Session session, Group group)
    Saves the Group created by a user in a wiki session.
  • Uses of WikiSecurityException in

    Methods in that throw WikiSecurityException
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void JDBCUserDatabase.deleteByLoginName​(java.lang.String loginName)
    Looks up and deletes the first UserProfile in the user database that matches a profile having a given login name.
    void UserDatabase.deleteByLoginName​(java.lang.String loginName)
    Looks up and deletes the first UserProfile in the user database that matches a profile having a given login name.
    void XMLUserDatabase.deleteByLoginName​(java.lang.String loginName)
    Looks up and deletes the first UserProfile in the user database that matches a profile having a given login name.[] JDBCUserDatabase.getWikiNames()
    Returns all WikiNames that are stored in the UserDatabase as an array of WikiPrincipal objects.[] UserDatabase.getWikiNames()
    Returns all WikiNames that are stored in the UserDatabase as an array of Principal objects.[] XMLUserDatabase.getWikiNames()
    Returns all WikiNames that are stored in the UserDatabase as an array of Principal objects.
    abstract void AbstractUserDatabase.initialize​(Engine engine, java.util.Properties props)
    Initializes the user database based on values from a Properties object.
    void JDBCUserDatabase.initialize​(Engine engine, java.util.Properties props)  
    void UserDatabase.initialize​(Engine engine, java.util.Properties props)
    Initializes the user database based on values from a Properties object.
    void JDBCUserDatabase.rename​(java.lang.String loginName, java.lang.String newName)  
    void UserDatabase.rename​(java.lang.String loginName, java.lang.String newName)
    Renames a UserProfile in the user database by changing the profile's login name.
    void XMLUserDatabase.rename​(java.lang.String loginName, java.lang.String newName)
    Renames a UserProfile in the user database by changing the profile's login name.
    abstract void​(UserProfile profile)
    Saves a UserProfileto the user database, overwriting the existing profile if it exists.
    void​(UserProfile profile)  
    void​(UserProfile profile)
    Saves a UserProfileto the user database, overwriting the existing profile if it exists.
    void​(UserProfile profile)
    Saves a UserProfileto the user database, overwriting the existing profile if it exists.
  • Uses of WikiSecurityException in

    Methods in that throw WikiSecurityException
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.lang.String Installer.createAdministrator()
    Creates an administrative user and returns the new password.