Uses of Class
Package | Description |
---|---| |
The chief package of JSPWiki.
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JSPWiki's central API.
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Page Providers' API package of JSPWiki.
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Attachment management, uploading and downloading.
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Entry point for JSPWiki's Page Objects.
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Provides plugins to the JSPWiki.
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Provides storage for JSPWiki.
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Provides the JSPWiki track of pages' references.
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Provides the JSPWiki search functionality.
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Provides standard JSP tags for JSPWiki.
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Java classes for management of the JSP user interface.
Uses of ProviderException in
Methods in that throw ProviderException Modifier and Type Method Description java.lang.String
WikiEngine. getFinalPageName(java.lang.String page)
Returns the correct page name, or null, if no such page can be found. -
Uses of ProviderException in
Methods in that throw ProviderException Modifier and Type Method Description java.lang.String
Engine. getFinalPageName(java.lang.String page)
Returns the correct page name, or null, if no such page can be found. -
Uses of ProviderException in
Methods in that throw ProviderException Modifier and Type Method Description void
AttachmentProvider. deleteAttachment(Attachment att)
Removes an entire page from the repository.void
PageProvider. deletePage(java.lang.String pageName)
Removes an entire page from the repository.void
AttachmentProvider. deleteVersion(Attachment att)
Removes a specific version from the repository.void
PageProvider. deleteVersion(java.lang.String pageName, int version)
Removes a specific version from the<Page>
PageProvider. getAllPages()
Returns all
AttachmentProvider. getAttachmentData(Attachment att)
Get attachment data.Attachment
AttachmentProvider. getAttachmentInfo(Page page, java.lang.String name, int version)
Returns info about an
PageProvider. getPageCount()
Gets the number of pages.Page
PageProvider. getPageInfo(java.lang.String page, int version)
Returns info about the
PageProvider. getPageText(java.lang.String page, int version)
Gets a specific version out of the<Page>
PageProvider. getVersionHistory(java.lang.String page)
Returns version<Attachment>
AttachmentProvider. listAllChanged(java.util.Date timestamp)
Lists changed attachments since given<Attachment>
AttachmentProvider. listAttachments(Page page)
Lists all attachments attached to a page.void
AttachmentProvider. moveAttachmentsForPage(java.lang.String oldParent, java.lang.String newParent)
Move all the attachments for a given page so that they are attached to a new page.void
PageProvider. movePage(java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to)
Move a pagevoid
AttachmentProvider. putAttachmentData(Attachment att, data)
Put new attachment data.void
PageProvider. putPageText(Page page, java.lang.String text)
Attempts to save the page text for page "page". -
Uses of ProviderException in
Methods in that throw ProviderException Modifier and Type Method Description void
AttachmentManager. deleteAttachment(Attachment att)
Deletes all versions of the given attachment.void
DefaultAttachmentManager. deleteAttachment(Attachment att)
Deletes all versions of the given attachment.void
AttachmentManager. deleteVersion(Attachment att)
Deletes the given attachment version.void
DefaultAttachmentManager. deleteVersion(Attachment att)
Deletes the given attachment version.protected boolean
AttachmentServlet. executeUpload(Context context, data, java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String errorPage, java.lang.String parentPage, java.lang.String changenote, long contentLength)
AttachmentManager. getAllAttachments()
Returns a collection of Attachments, containing each and every attachment that is in this<Attachment>
DefaultAttachmentManager. getAllAttachments()
Returns a collection of Attachments, containing each and every attachment that is in this
DynamicAttachmentProvider. getAttachmentData(Context context, Attachment att)
Returns a stream of data for this attachment.default Attachment
AttachmentManager. getAttachmentInfo(java.lang.String name)
Gets info on a particular attachment, latest version.default Attachment
AttachmentManager. getAttachmentInfo(java.lang.String name, int version)
Gets info on a particular attachment with the given version.default Attachment
AttachmentManager. getAttachmentInfo(Context context, java.lang.String attachmentname)
Figures out the full attachment name from the context and attachment name.Attachment
AttachmentManager. getAttachmentInfo(Context context, java.lang.String attachmentname, int version)
Figures out the full attachment name from the context and attachment name.Attachment
DefaultAttachmentManager. getAttachmentInfo(Context context, java.lang.String attachmentname, int version)
Figures out the full attachment name from the context and attachment name.default
AttachmentManager. getAttachmentStream(Attachment att)
Finds a (real) attachment from the repository as anInputStream
AttachmentManager. getAttachmentStream(Context ctx, Attachment att)
Returns an attachment stream using the particular
DefaultAttachmentManager. getAttachmentStream(Context ctx, Attachment att)
Returns an attachment stream using the particular<Attachment>
AttachmentManager. getVersionHistory(java.lang.String attachmentName)
Returns a list of versions of the<Attachment>
DefaultAttachmentManager. getVersionHistory(java.lang.String attachmentName)
Returns a list of versions of the<Attachment>
AttachmentManager. listAttachments(Page wikipage)
Returns the list of attachments associated with a given wiki<Attachment>
DefaultAttachmentManager. listAttachments(Page wikipage)
Returns the list of attachments associated with a given wiki page.default void
AttachmentManager. storeAttachment(Attachment att, source)
Stores an attachment that lives in the given file.void
AttachmentManager. storeAttachment(Attachment att, in)
Stores an attachment directly from a stream.void
DefaultAttachmentManager. storeAttachment(Attachment att, in)
Stores an attachment directly from a stream. -
Uses of ProviderException in
Methods in that throw ProviderException Modifier and Type Method Description void
DefaultPageManager. deletePage(java.lang.String pageName)
Deletes a page or an attachment completely, including all versions.void
DefaultPageManager. deletePage(Page page)
Deletes an entire page, all versions, all traces.void
PageManager. deletePage(java.lang.String pageName)
Deletes a page or an attachment completely, including all versions.void
PageManager. deletePage(Page page)
Deletes an entire page, all versions, all traces.void
DefaultPageManager. deleteVersion(Page page)
Deletes only a specific version of a WikiPage.void
PageManager. deleteVersion(Page page)
Deletes only a specific version of a<Page>
DefaultPageManager. getAllPages()
Returns all pages in some random<Page>
PageManager. getAllPages()
Returns all pages in some random order.Page
DefaultPageManager. getPageInfo(java.lang.String pageName, int version)
Finds a WikiPage object describing a particular page and version.Page
PageManager. getPageInfo(java.lang.String pageName, int version)
Finds a WikiPage object describing a particular page and
DefaultPageManager. getPageText(java.lang.String pageName, int version)
Fetches the page text from the
PageManager. getPageText(java.lang.String pageName, int version)
Fetches the page text from the repository.boolean
DefaultPageManager. pageExists(java.lang.String pageName)
Returns true, if the page exists (any version) on the underlying WikiPageProvider.boolean
DefaultPageManager. pageExists(java.lang.String pageName, int version)
Checks for existence of a specific page and version on the underlying WikiPageProvider.boolean
PageManager. pageExists(java.lang.String pageName)
Returns true, if the page exists (any version) on the underlying WikiPageProvider.boolean
PageManager. pageExists(java.lang.String pageName, int version)
Checks for existence of a specific page and version on the underlying WikiPageProvider.default boolean
PageManager. pageExists(Page page)
Checks for existence of a specific page and version denoted by a WikiPage on the underlying WikiPageProvider.void
DefaultPageManager. putPageText(Page page, java.lang.String content)
Puts the page text into the repository.void
PageManager. putPageText(Page page, java.lang.String content)
Puts the page text into the repository.boolean
DefaultPageManager. wikiPageExists(java.lang.String page, int version)
Returns true, if the requested page (or an alias) exists with the requested version.boolean
PageManager. wikiPageExists(java.lang.String page, int version)
Returns true, if the requested page (or an alias) exists with the requested version.default boolean
PageManager. wikiPageExists(Page page)
Returns true, if the requested page (or an alias) exists, with the specified version in the WikiPage. -
Uses of ProviderException in
Methods in that throw ProviderException Modifier and Type Method Description java.lang.String
WeblogEntryPlugin. getNewEntryPage(Engine engine, java.lang.String blogName)
Returns a new page name for entries. -
Uses of ProviderException in
Subclasses of ProviderException in Modifier and Type Class Description class
Indicates that an non-existing version was specified.class
If the provider detects that someone has modified the repository externally, it should throw this exception.Methods in that throw ProviderException Modifier and Type Method Description void
BasicAttachmentProvider. deleteAttachment(Attachment att)
Removes an entire page from the repository.void
CachingAttachmentProvider. deleteAttachment(Attachment att)
Removes an entire page from the repository.void
WikiAttachmentAdapterProvider. deleteAttachment(Attachment att)
Deprecated.Removes an entire page from the repository.void
WikiAttachmentProvider. deleteAttachment(Attachment att)
Deprecated.Removes an entire page from the repository.void
AbstractFileProvider. deletePage(java.lang.String pageName)
Removes an entire page from the repository.void
CachingProvider. deletePage(java.lang.String pageName)
Removes an entire page from the repository.void
FileSystemProvider. deletePage(java.lang.String pageName)
Removes an entire page from the repository.void
VersioningFileProvider. deletePage(java.lang.String page)
Removes the relevant page directory under "OLD" -directory as well, but does not remove any extra subdirectories from it.void
WikiPageAdapterProvider. deletePage(java.lang.String pageName)
Deprecated.Removes an entire page from the repository.void
WikiPageProvider. deletePage(java.lang.String pageName)
Deprecated.Removes an entire page from the repository.void
AbstractFileProvider. deleteVersion(java.lang.String pageName, int version)
Removes a specific version from the repository.void
BasicAttachmentProvider. deleteVersion(Attachment att)
Removes a specific version from the repository.void
CachingAttachmentProvider. deleteVersion(Attachment att)
Removes a specific version from the repository.void
CachingProvider. deleteVersion(java.lang.String pageName, int version)
Removes a specific version from the repository.void
VersioningFileProvider. deleteVersion(java.lang.String page, int version)
Removes a specific version from the repository.void
WikiAttachmentAdapterProvider. deleteVersion(Attachment att)
Deprecated.Removes a specific version from the repository.void
WikiAttachmentProvider. deleteVersion(Attachment att)
Deprecated.Removes a specific version from the repository.void
WikiPageAdapterProvider. deleteVersion(java.lang.String pageName, int version)
Deprecated.Removes a specific version from the repository.void
WikiPageProvider. deleteVersion(java.lang.String pageName, int version)
Deprecated.Removes a specific version from the<Page>
AbstractFileProvider. getAllPages()
Returns all<Page>
CachingProvider. getAllPages()
Returns all<Page>
VersioningFileProvider. getAllPages()
Returns all<Page>
WikiPageAdapterProvider. getAllPages()
Deprecated.Returns all<WikiPage>
WikiPageProvider. getAllPages()
Deprecated.Returns all
BasicAttachmentProvider. getAttachmentData(Attachment att)
Get attachment
CachingAttachmentProvider. getAttachmentData(Attachment att)
Get attachment
WikiAttachmentAdapterProvider. getAttachmentData(Attachment att)
Deprecated.Get attachment
WikiAttachmentProvider. getAttachmentData(Attachment att)
Deprecated.Get attachment data.Attachment
BasicAttachmentProvider. getAttachmentInfo(Page page, java.lang.String name, int version)
Returns info about an attachment.Attachment
CachingAttachmentProvider. getAttachmentInfo(Page page, java.lang.String name, int version)
Returns info about an attachment.Attachment
WikiAttachmentAdapterProvider. getAttachmentInfo(Page page, java.lang.String name, int version)
Deprecated.Returns info about an attachment.Attachment
WikiAttachmentProvider. getAttachmentInfo(WikiPage page, java.lang.String name, int version)
Deprecated.Returns info about an
CachingProvider. getPageCount()
Gets the number of
WikiPageAdapterProvider. getPageCount()
Deprecated.Gets the number of
WikiPageProvider. getPageCount()
Deprecated.Gets the number of pages.Page
AbstractFileProvider. getPageInfo(java.lang.String page, int version)
Always returns the latest version, since FileSystemProvider does not support versioning.Page
CachingProvider. getPageInfo(java.lang.String pageName, int version)
Returns info about the page.Page
FileSystemProvider. getPageInfo(java.lang.String page, int version)
Always returns the latest version, since FileSystemProvider does not support versioning.Page
VersioningFileProvider. getPageInfo(java.lang.String page, int version)
Always returns the latest version, since FileSystemProvider does not support versioning.Page
WikiPageAdapterProvider. getPageInfo(java.lang.String page, int version)
Deprecated.Returns info about the page.WikiPage
WikiPageProvider. getPageInfo(java.lang.String page, int version)
Deprecated.Returns info about the
AbstractFileProvider. getPageText(java.lang.String page, int version)
This implementation just returns the current version, as filesystem does not provide versioning information for
CachingProvider. getPageText(java.lang.String pageName, int version)
Gets a specific version out of the
VersioningFileProvider. getPageText(java.lang.String page, int version)
This implementation just returns the current version, as filesystem does not provide versioning information for
WikiPageAdapterProvider. getPageText(java.lang.String page, int version)
Deprecated.Gets a specific version out of the
WikiPageProvider. getPageText(java.lang.String page, int version)
Deprecated.Gets a specific version out of the<Page>
AbstractFileProvider. getVersionHistory(java.lang.String page)
The FileSystemProvider provides only one<Page>
CachingProvider. getVersionHistory(java.lang.String pageName)
Returns version<Page>
VersioningFileProvider. getVersionHistory(java.lang.String page)
The FileSystemProvider provides only one<Page>
WikiPageAdapterProvider. getVersionHistory(java.lang.String page)
Deprecated.Returns version<WikiPage>
WikiPageProvider. getVersionHistory(java.lang.String page)
Deprecated.Returns version<Attachment>
BasicAttachmentProvider. listAllChanged(java.util.Date timestamp)
Lists changed attachments since given<Attachment>
CachingAttachmentProvider. listAllChanged(java.util.Date timestamp)
Lists changed attachments since given<Attachment>
WikiAttachmentAdapterProvider. listAllChanged(java.util.Date timestamp)
Deprecated.Lists changed attachments since given<Attachment>
WikiAttachmentProvider. listAllChanged(java.util.Date timestamp)
Deprecated.Lists changed attachments since given<Attachment>
BasicAttachmentProvider. listAttachments(Page page)
Lists all attachments attached to a<Attachment>
CachingAttachmentProvider. listAttachments(Page page)
Lists all attachments attached to a<Attachment>
WikiAttachmentAdapterProvider. listAttachments(Page page)
Deprecated.Lists all attachments attached to a<Attachment>
WikiAttachmentProvider. listAttachments(WikiPage page)
Deprecated.Lists all attachments attached to a page.void
BasicAttachmentProvider. moveAttachmentsForPage(java.lang.String oldParent, java.lang.String newParent)
Move all the attachments for a given page so that they are attached to a new page.void
CachingAttachmentProvider. moveAttachmentsForPage(java.lang.String oldParent, java.lang.String newParent)
Move all the attachments for a given page so that they are attached to a new page.void
WikiAttachmentAdapterProvider. moveAttachmentsForPage(java.lang.String oldParent, java.lang.String newParent)
Deprecated.Move all the attachments for a given page so that they are attached to a new page.void
WikiAttachmentProvider. moveAttachmentsForPage(java.lang.String oldParent, java.lang.String newParent)
Deprecated.Move all the attachments for a given page so that they are attached to a new page.void
CachingProvider. movePage(java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to)
Move a pagevoid
FileSystemProvider. movePage(java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to)
Move a pagevoid
WikiPageAdapterProvider. movePage(java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to)
Deprecated.Move a pagevoid
WikiPageProvider. movePage(java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to)
Deprecated.Move a pagevoid
BasicAttachmentProvider. putAttachmentData(Attachment att, data)
Put new attachment data.void
CachingAttachmentProvider. putAttachmentData(Attachment att, data)
Put new attachment data.void
WikiAttachmentAdapterProvider. putAttachmentData(Attachment att, data)
Deprecated.Put new attachment data.void
WikiAttachmentProvider. putAttachmentData(Attachment att, data)
Deprecated.Put new attachment data.void
AbstractFileProvider. putPageText(Page page, java.lang.String text)
Attempts to save the page text for page "page".void
CachingProvider. putPageText(Page page, java.lang.String text)
Attempts to save the page text for page "page".void
FileSystemProvider. putPageText(Page page, java.lang.String text)
Attempts to save the page text for page "page".void
VersioningFileProvider. putPageText(Page page, java.lang.String text)
Attempts to save the page text for page "page".void
WikiPageAdapterProvider. putPageText(Page page, java.lang.String text)
Deprecated.Attempts to save the page text for page "page".void
WikiPageProvider. putPageText(WikiPage page, java.lang.String text)
Deprecated.Attempts to save the page text for page "page". -
Uses of ProviderException in
Methods in that throw ProviderException Modifier and Type Method Description void
DefaultReferenceManager. initialize(java.util.Collection<Page> pages)
Initializes the entire reference manager with the initial set of pages from the collection.void
ReferenceManager. initialize(java.util.Collection<Page> pages)
Initializes the entire reference manager with the initial set of pages from the collection. -
Uses of ProviderException in
Methods in that throw ProviderException Modifier and Type Method Description java.util.Collection<SearchResult>
LuceneSearchProvider. findPages(java.lang.String query, int flags, Context wikiContext)
Searches pages using a particular combination of<SearchResult>
LuceneSearchProvider. findPages(java.lang.String query, Context wikiContext)
Search for pages matching a search query.default java.util.Collection<SearchResult>
SearchManager. findPages(java.lang.String query, Context wikiContext)
Sends a search to the current search<SearchResult>
SearchProvider. findPages(java.lang.String query, Context wikiContext)
Search for pages matching a search query. -
Uses of ProviderException in
Methods in that throw ProviderException Modifier and Type Method Description int
CheckLockTag. doWikiStartTag()
This method is allowed to do pretty much whatever he
CheckRequestContextTag. doWikiStartTag()
This method is allowed to do pretty much whatever he
ContentTag. doWikiStartTag()
This method is allowed to do pretty much whatever he
IncludeTag. doWikiStartTag()
InsertPageTag. doWikiStartTag()
NoSuchPageTag. doWikiStartTag()
PageExistsTag. doWikiStartTag()
Uses of ProviderException in
Methods in that throw ProviderException Modifier and Type Method Description java.lang.String
CommandResolver. getFinalPageName(java.lang.String page)
Returns the correct page name, ornull
, if no such page can be
DefaultCommandResolver. getFinalPageName(java.lang.String page)
Returns the correct page name, ornull
, if no such page can be found.protected boolean
DefaultCommandResolver. simplePageExists(java.lang.String page)
Determines whether a "page" exists by examining the list of special pages and querying the page manager.