Class CreoleFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CreoleFilter
extends BasePageFilter

Provides the Implementation for mixed mode creole: If you activate this filter, it will translate all markup that was saved as creole markup to JSPWiki markup. Therefore the files will be saved with mixed markup.

WARNING: There's no turning back after installing this filter. Since your wiki pages are saved in Creole markup you can not deactivate it afterwards.

WARNING: This feature is completely experimental, and is known to be broken. Use at your own risk.

WARNING: The CreoleFilter feature is deprecated. JSPWiki is likely to implement a non-mixed mode Creole at some point, since turning on Creole will make new pages obsolete.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public void initialize​(Engine engine, Properties props) throws FilterException
      If you override this, you should call super.initialize() first. Is called whenever the a new PageFilter is instantiated and reset.
      Specified by:
      initialize in interface PageFilter
      initialize in class BasePageFilter
      engine - The Engine which owns this PageFilter
      props - The properties ripped from filters.xml.
      FilterException - If the filter could not be initialized. If this is thrown, the filter is not added to the internal queues.
    • preSave

      public String preSave​(Context wikiContext, String content)
      This method is called before the page has been saved to the PageProvider.
      wikiContext - The WikiContext
      content - The wikimarkup that the user just wanted to save.
      The modified wikimarkup. Default implementation returns the markup as received.
    • preTranslate

      public String preTranslate​(Context wikiContext, String content)
      This method is called whenever a page has been loaded from the provider, but not yet been sent through the markup-translation process. Note that you cannot do HTML translation here, because it will be escaped.
      wikiContext - The current context.
      content - WikiMarkup.
      The modified wikimarkup content. Default implementation returns the markup as received.