Class DefaultDifferenceManager

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultDifferenceManager
extends Object
implements DifferenceManager
Load, initialize and delegate to the DiffProvider that will actually do the work.
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultDifferenceManager

      public DefaultDifferenceManager​(Engine engine, Properties props)
      Creates a new DifferenceManager for the given engine.
      engine - The Engine.
      props - A set of properties.
  • Method Details

    • makeDiff

      public String makeDiff​(Context context, String firstWikiText, String secondWikiText)
      Returns valid XHTML string to be used in any way you please.
      Specified by:
      makeDiff in interface DifferenceManager
      context - The Wiki Context
      firstWikiText - The old text
      secondWikiText - the new text
      XHTML, or empty string, if no difference detected.
    • getDiff

      public String getDiff​(Context context, int version1, int version2)
      Returns a diff of two versions of a page.

      Note that the API was changed in 2.6 to provide a WikiContext object!

      Specified by:
      getDiff in interface DifferenceManager
      context - The WikiContext of the page you wish to get a diff from
      version1 - Version number of the old page. If WikiPageProvider.LATEST_VERSION (-1), then uses current page.
      version2 - Version number of the new page. If WikiPageProvider.LATEST_VERSION (-1), then uses current page.
      A HTML-ized difference between two pages. If there is no difference, returns an empty string.