Interface PageRenamer

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PageRenamer
Provides page renaming functionality. Note that there used to be a similarly named class in 2.6, but due to unclear copyright, the class was completely rewritten from scratch for 2.8.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void firePageRenameEvent​(String oldName, String newName)
    Fires a WikiPageRenameEvent to all registered listeners.
    String renamePage​(Context context, String renameFrom, String renameTo, boolean changeReferrers)
    Renames a page.
  • Method Details

    • renamePage

      String renamePage​(Context context, String renameFrom, String renameTo, boolean changeReferrers) throws WikiException
      Renames a page.
      context - The current context.
      renameFrom - The name from which to rename.
      renameTo - The new name.
      changeReferrers - If true, also changes all the referrers.
      The final new name (in case it had to be modified)
      WikiException - If the page cannot be renamed.
    • firePageRenameEvent

      void firePageRenameEvent​(String oldName, String newName)
      Fires a WikiPageRenameEvent to all registered listeners. Currently not used internally by JSPWiki itself, but you can use it for something else.
      oldName - the former page name
      newName - the new page name