Class DefaultGroupManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, Initializable, GroupManager, Authorizer, WikiEventListener

public class DefaultGroupManager
extends Object
implements GroupManager, Authorizer, WikiEventListener

Facade class for storing, retrieving and managing wiki groups on behalf of AuthorizationManager, JSPs and other presentation-layer classes. GroupManager works in collaboration with a back-end GroupDatabase, which persists groups to permanent storage.

Note: prior to JSPWiki 2.4.19, GroupManager was an interface; it is now a concrete, final class. The aspects of GroupManager which previously extracted group information from storage (e.g., wiki pages) have been refactored into the GroupDatabase interface.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • findRole

      public Principal findRole​(String name)
      Looks up and returns a role Principal matching a given String. If a matching role cannot be found, this method returns null. Note that it may not always be feasible for an Authorizer implementation to return a role Principal.
      Specified by:
      findRole in interface Authorizer
      name - the name of the role to retrieve
      the role Principal
    • getGroup

      public Group getGroup​(String name) throws NoSuchPrincipalException
      Returns the Group matching a given name. If the group cannot be found, this method throws a NoSuchPrincipalException.
      Specified by:
      getGroup in interface GroupManager
      name - the name of the group to find
      the group
      NoSuchPrincipalException - if the group cannot be found
    • getGroupDatabase

      Returns the current external GroupDatabase in use. This method is guaranteed to return a properly-initialized GroupDatabase, unless it could not be initialized. In that case, this method throws a WikiException. The GroupDatabase is lazily initialized.
      Specified by:
      getGroupDatabase in interface GroupManager
      the current GroupDatabase
      WikiSecurityException - if the GroupDatabase could not be initialized
    • getRoles

      public Principal[] getRoles()
      Returns an array of role Principals this Authorizer knows about. This method will always return an array; an implementing class may choose to return an zero-length array if it has no ability to identify the roles under its control.
      Specified by:
      getRoles in interface Authorizer
      an array of Principals representing the roles
    • initialize

      public void initialize​(Engine engine, Properties props) throws WikiSecurityException

      Initializes this Engine component. Note that the engine is not fully initialized at this point, so don't do anything fancy here - use lazy init, if you have to.

      Specified by:
      initialize in interface Authorizer
      Specified by:
      initialize in interface Initializable
      engine - Engine performing the initialization.
      props - Properties for setup.
      WikiSecurityException - if the Authorizer could not be initialized
    • isUserInRole

      public boolean isUserInRole​(Session session, Principal role)
      Determines whether the Subject associated with a WikiSession is in a particular role. This method takes two parameters: the WikiSession containing the subject and the desired role ( which may be a Role or a Group). If either parameter is null, this method must return false.
      Specified by:
      isUserInRole in interface Authorizer
      session - the current WikiSession
      role - the role to check
      true if the user is considered to be in the role, false otherwise
    • parseGroup

      public Group parseGroup​(String name, String memberLine, boolean create) throws WikiSecurityException

      Extracts group name and members from passed parameters and populates an existing Group with them. The Group will either be a copy of an existing Group (if one can be found), or a new, unregistered Group (if not). Optionally, this method can throw a WikiSecurityException if the Group does not yet exist in the GroupManager cache.

      The group parameter in the HTTP request contains the Group name to look up and populate. The members parameter contains the member list. If these differ from those in the existing group, the passed values override the old values.

      This method does not commit the new Group to the GroupManager cache. To do that, use GroupManager.setGroup(Session, Group).

      Specified by:
      parseGroup in interface GroupManager
      name - the name of the group to construct
      memberLine - the line of text containing the group membership list
      create - whether this method should create a new, empty Group if one with the requested name is not found. If false, groups that do not exist will cause a NoSuchPrincipalException to be thrown
      a new, populated group
      WikiSecurityException - if the group name isn't allowed, or if create is false and the Group named name does not exist
      See Also:
    • removeGroup

      public void removeGroup​(String index) throws WikiSecurityException
      Removes a named Group from the group database. If not found, throws a NoSuchPrincipalException. After removal, this method will commit the delete to the back-end group database. It will also fire a WikiSecurityEvent.GROUP_REMOVE event with the GroupManager instance as the source and the Group as target. If index is null, this method throws an IllegalArgumentException.
      Specified by:
      removeGroup in interface GroupManager
      index - the group to remove
      WikiSecurityException - if the Group cannot be removed by the back-end
      See Also:
    • setGroup

      public void setGroup​(Session session, Group group) throws WikiSecurityException

      Saves the Group created by a user in a wiki session. This method registers the Group with the GroupManager and saves it to the back-end database. If an existing Group with the same name already exists, the new group will overwrite it. After saving the Group, the group database changes are committed.

      This method fires the following events:

      In addition, if the save or commit actions fail, this method will attempt to restore the older version of the wiki group if it exists. This will result in a GROUP_REMOVE event (for the new version of the Group) followed by a GROUP_ADD event (to indicate restoration of the old version).

      This method will register the new Group with the GroupManager. For example, AuthenticationManager attaches each Session as a GroupManager listener. Thus, the act of registering a Group with setGroup means that all Sessions will automatically receive group add/change/delete events immediately.

      Specified by:
      setGroup in interface GroupManager
      session - the wiki session, which may not be null
      group - the Group, which may not be null
      WikiSecurityException - if the Group cannot be saved by the back-end
    • validateGroup

      public void validateGroup​(Context context, Group group)
      Validates a Group, and appends any errors to the session errors list. Any validation errors are added to the wiki session's messages collection (see Session.getMessages().
      Specified by:
      validateGroup in interface GroupManager
      context - the current wiki context
      group - the supplied Group
    • checkGroupName

      public void checkGroupName​(Context context, String name) throws WikiSecurityException
      Checks if a String is blank or a restricted Group name, and if it is, appends an error to the Session's message list.
      Specified by:
      checkGroupName in interface GroupManager
      context - the wiki context
      name - the Group name to test
      WikiSecurityException - if session is null or the Group name is illegal
      See Also:
    • extractMembers

      protected String[] extractMembers​(String memberLine)
      Extracts carriage-return separated members into a Set of String objects.
      memberLine - the list of members
      the list of members
    • addWikiEventListener

      public void addWikiEventListener​(WikiEventListener listener)
      Registers a WikiEventListener with this instance. This is a convenience method.
      Specified by:
      addWikiEventListener in interface GroupManager
      listener - the event listener
    • removeWikiEventListener

      public void removeWikiEventListener​(WikiEventListener listener)
      Un-registers a WikiEventListener with this instance. This is a convenience method.
      Specified by:
      removeWikiEventListener in interface GroupManager
      listener - the event listener
    • actionPerformed

      public void actionPerformed​(WikiEvent event)
      Fired when a WikiEvent is triggered by an event source.
      Specified by:
      actionPerformed in interface WikiEventListener
      event - a WikiEvent object