Class ContextDSL


public class ContextDSL
extends Object
  • Method Details

    • create

      public Context create​(Engine engine, Page page)
      Create a new Context for the given Page.
      engine - The Engine that is handling the request.
      page - The Page. If you want to create a Context for an older version of a page, you must use this method.
    • create

      public Context create​(Engine engine, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Command command)

      Creates a new Context for the given Engine, Command and HttpServletRequest.

      This constructor will also look up the HttpSession associated with the request, and determine if a Session object is present. If not, a new one is created.

      engine - The Engine that is handling the request
      request - The HttpServletRequest that should be associated with this context. This parameter may be null.
      command - the command
    • create

      public Context create​(Engine engine, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Page page)
      Creates a new Context for the given Engine, Page and HttpServletRequest.
      engine - The Engine that is handling the request
      request - The HttpServletRequest that should be associated with this context. This parameter may be null.
      page - The WikiPage. If you want to create a WikiContext for an older version of a page, you must supply this parameter
    • create

      public Context create​(Engine engine, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String requestContext)
      Creates a new Context from a supplied HTTP request, using a default wiki context.
      engine - The Engine that is handling the request
      request - the HTTP request
      requestContext - the default context to use