001    /* 
002        Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003        or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004        distributed with this work for additional information
005        regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006        to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007        "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008        with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
010           http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
012        Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
013        software distributed under the License is distributed on an
015        KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
016        specific language governing permissions and limitations
017        under the License.  
018     */
019    package org.apache.wiki.providers;
021    import java.util.List;
022    import java.util.Collection;
023    import java.util.Date;
025    import org.apache.wiki.*;
026    import org.apache.wiki.api.exceptions.ProviderException;
027    import org.apache.wiki.search.QueryItem;
029    /**
030     *  Each Wiki page provider should implement this interface.
031     *  <P>
032     *  You can build whatever page providers based on this, just
033     *  leave the unused methods do something useful.
034     *  <P>
035     *  WikiPageProvider uses Strings and ints to refer to pages.  This may
036     *  be a bit odd, since WikiAttachmentProviders all use Attachment
037     *  instead of name/version.  We will perhaps modify these in the
038     *  future.  In the mean time, name/version is quite sufficient.
039     *  <P>
040     *  FIXME: In reality we should have an AbstractWikiPageProvider,
041     *  which would provide intelligent backups for subclasses.
042     *
043     */
044    public interface WikiPageProvider
045        extends WikiProvider
046    {
047        /**
048         *  Attempts to save the page text for page "page".  Note that the
049         *  provider creates a new version regardless of what the version
050         *  parameter of the WikiPage is.
051         *  
052         *  @param page The WikiPage to save
053         *  @param text The text to save.
054         *  @throws ProviderException If something goes wrong.
055         */
056        void putPageText( WikiPage page, String text )
057            throws ProviderException;
059        /**
060         *  Return true, if page exists.
061         *  
062         *  @param page The page name.
063         *  @return true, if the page exists; false otherwise.
064         */
066        boolean pageExists( String page );
068        /**
069         * Return true, if page with a particular version exists.
070         *
071         * @param page    The page name to check for
072         * @param version The version to check
073         * @return True, if page exists; false otherwise.
074         */
076        public boolean pageExists(String page, int version);
078        /**
079         *  Finds pages based on the query.   Only applicable to providers
080         *  which implement the FastSearch interface.  Otherwise JSPWiki
081         *  will use its internal cache.
082         *  <p>
083         *  This method should really be a part of the FastSearch IF.
084         *  
085         *  @param query An array of QueryItems to match
086         *  @return A Collection of WikiPages.
087         */
088        Collection findPages( QueryItem[] query );
090        /**
091         *  Returns info about the page.
092         *  
093         *  @return A filled WikiPage.
094         *  @param page The page name
095         *  @param version The version number
096         *  @throws ProviderException If something goes wrong.
097         */
098        WikiPage getPageInfo( String page, int version )
099            throws ProviderException;
101        /**
102         *  Returns all pages.  Each element in the returned
103         *  Collection should be a WikiPage.
104         *  
105         *  @return A collection of WikiPages
106         *  @throws ProviderException If something goes wrong.
107         */
109        Collection getAllPages()
110            throws ProviderException;
112        /**
113         *  Gets a list of recent changes.
114         *  
115         *  @param date The date to check from
116         *  @return A Collection of WikiPages
117         *  @since 1.6.4
118         */
120        Collection getAllChangedSince( Date date );
122        /**
123         *  Gets the number of pages.
124         *  
125         *  @return The number of pages in the repository
126         *  @throws ProviderException If something goes wrong
127         *  @since 1.6.4
128         */
130        int getPageCount()
131            throws ProviderException;
133        /**
134         *  Returns version history.  Each element should be
135         *  a WikiPage.
136         *
137         *  @param page The name of the page to get the history from.
138         *  @return A collection of WikiPages.
139         *  @throws ProviderException If something goes wrong.
140         */
142        List getVersionHistory( String page )
143            throws ProviderException;
145        /**
146         *  Gets a specific version out of the repository.
147         *
148         *  @param page Name of the page to fetch.
149         *  @param version Version of the page to fetch.
150         *
151         *  @return The content of the page, or null, if the page does not exist.
152         *  @throws ProviderException If something goes wrong.
153         */
155        String getPageText( String page, int version )
156            throws ProviderException;
158        /**
159         *  Removes a specific version from the repository.  The implementations
160         *  should really do no more security checks, since that is the domain
161         *  of the PageManager.  Just delete it as efficiently as you can.
162         *
163         *  @since 2.0.17.
164         *
165         *  @param pageName Name of the page to be removed.
166         *  @param version  Version of the page to be removed.  May be LATEST_VERSION.
167         *
168         *  @throws ProviderException If the page cannot be removed for some reason.
169         */
171        void deleteVersion( String pageName, int version )
172            throws ProviderException;
174        /**
175         *  Removes an entire page from the repository.  The implementations
176         *  should really do no more security checks, since that is the domain
177         *  of the PageManager.  Just delete it as efficiently as you can.  You should also
178         *  delete any auxiliary files that belong to this page, IF they were created
179         *  by this provider.
180         *
181         *  <P>The reason why this is named differently from
182         *  deleteVersion() (logically, this method should be an
183         *  overloaded version) is that I want to be absolutely sure I
184         *  don't accidentally use the wrong method.  With overloading
185         *  something like that happens sometimes...
186         *
187         *  @since 2.0.17.
188         *
189         *  @param pageName Name of the page to be removed completely.
190         *
191         *  @throws ProviderException If the page could not be removed for some reason.
192         */
193        void deletePage( String pageName )
194            throws ProviderException;
197         /**
198          * Move a page
199          *
200          * @param from  Name of the page to move.
201          * @param to    New name of the page.
202          *
203          * @throws ProviderException If the page could not be moved for some reason.
204          */
205         void movePage(String from, String to)
206             throws ProviderException;
208    }