001    /* 
002        Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003        or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004        distributed with this work for additional information
005        regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006        to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007        "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008        with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
010           http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
012        Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
013        software distributed under the License is distributed on an
015        KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
016        specific language governing permissions and limitations
017        under the License.  
018     */
019    package org.apache.wiki.providers;
021    import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
022    import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
023    import java.io.File;
024    import java.io.FileInputStream;
025    import java.io.FileOutputStream;
026    import java.io.IOException;
027    import java.io.InputStream;
028    import java.io.OutputStream;
029    import java.util.ArrayList;
030    import java.util.Collection;
031    import java.util.Date;
032    import java.util.Iterator;
033    import java.util.List;
034    import java.util.Properties;
036    import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
037    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
038    import org.apache.wiki.InternalWikiException;
039    import org.apache.wiki.WikiEngine;
040    import org.apache.wiki.WikiPage;
041    import org.apache.wiki.WikiProvider;
042    import org.apache.wiki.api.exceptions.NoRequiredPropertyException;
043    import org.apache.wiki.api.exceptions.ProviderException;
044    import org.apache.wiki.util.FileUtil;
046    /**
047     *  Provides a simple directory based repository for Wiki pages.
048     *  Pages are held in a directory structure:
049     *  <PRE>
050     *    Main.txt
051     *    Foobar.txt
052     *    OLD/
053     *       Main/
054     *          1.txt
055     *          2.txt
056     *          page.properties
057     *       Foobar/
058     *          page.properties
059     *  </PRE>
060     *
061     *  In this case, "Main" has three versions, and "Foobar" just one version.
062     *  <P>
063     *  The properties file contains the necessary metainformation (such as author)
064     *  information of the page.  DO NOT MESS WITH IT!
065     *
066     *  <P>
067     *  All files have ".txt" appended to make life easier for those
068     *  who insist on using Windows or other software which makes assumptions
069     *  on the files contents based on its name.
070     *
071     */
072    public class VersioningFileProvider
073        extends AbstractFileProvider
074    {
075        private static final Logger     log = Logger.getLogger(VersioningFileProvider.class);
077        /** Name of the directory where the old versions are stored. */
078        public static final String      PAGEDIR      = "OLD";
080        /** Name of the property file which stores the metadata. */
081        public static final String      PROPERTYFILE = "page.properties";
083        private CachedProperties        m_cachedProperties;
085        /**
086         *  {@inheritDoc}
087         */
088        public void initialize( WikiEngine engine, Properties properties )
089            throws NoRequiredPropertyException,
090                   IOException
091        {
092            super.initialize( engine, properties );
093            // some additional sanity checks :
094            File oldpages = new File(getPageDirectory(), PAGEDIR);
095            if (!oldpages.exists())
096            {
097                if (!oldpages.mkdirs())
098                {
099                    throw new IOException("Failed to create page version directory " + oldpages.getAbsolutePath());
100                }
101            }
102            else
103            {
104                if (!oldpages.isDirectory())
105                {
106                    throw new IOException("Page version directory is not a directory: " + oldpages.getAbsolutePath());
107                }
108                if (!oldpages.canWrite())
109                {
110                    throw new IOException("Page version directory is not writable: " + oldpages.getAbsolutePath());
111                }
112            }
113            log.info("Using directory " + oldpages.getAbsolutePath() + " for storing old versions of pages");
114        }
116        /**
117         *  Returns the directory where the old versions of the pages
118         *  are being kept.
119         */
120        private File findOldPageDir( String page )
121        {
122            if( page == null )
123            {
124                throw new InternalWikiException("Page may NOT be null in the provider!");
125            }
127            File oldpages = new File( getPageDirectory(), PAGEDIR );
129            return new File( oldpages, mangleName(page) );
130        }
132        /**
133         *  Goes through the repository and decides which version is
134         *  the newest one in that directory.
135         *
136         *  @return Latest version number in the repository, or -1, if
137         *          there is no page in the repository.
138         */
140        // FIXME: This is relatively slow.
141        /*
142        private int findLatestVersion( String page )
143        {
144            File pageDir = findOldPageDir( page );
146            String[] pages = pageDir.list( new WikiFileFilter() );
148            if( pages == null )
149            {
150                return -1; // No such thing found.
151            }
153            int version = -1;
155            for( int i = 0; i < pages.length; i++ )
156            {
157                int cutpoint = pages[i].indexOf( '.' );
158                if( cutpoint > 0 )
159                {
160                    String pageNum = pages[i].substring( 0, cutpoint );
162                    try
163                    {
164                        int res = Integer.parseInt( pageNum );
166                        if( res > version )
167                        {
168                            version = res;
169                        }
170                    }
171                    catch( NumberFormatException e ) {} // It's okay to skip these.
172                }
173            }
175            return version;
176        }
177    */
178        private int findLatestVersion( String page )
179        {
180            int version = -1;
182            try
183            {
184                Properties props = getPageProperties( page );
186                for( Iterator i = props.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
187                {
188                    String key = (String)i.next();
190                    if( key.endsWith(".author") )
191                    {
192                        int cutpoint = key.indexOf('.');
193                        if( cutpoint > 0 )
194                        {
195                            String pageNum = key.substring(0,cutpoint);
197                            try
198                            {
199                                int res = Integer.parseInt( pageNum );
201                                if( res > version )
202                                {
203                                    version = res;
204                                }
205                            }
206                            catch( NumberFormatException e ) {} // It's okay to skip these. 
207                        }
208                    }
209                }
210            }
211            catch( IOException e )
212            {
213                log.error("Unable to figure out latest version - dying...",e);
214            }
216            return version;
217        }
219        /**
220         *  Reads page properties from the file system.
221         */
222        private Properties getPageProperties( String page )
223            throws IOException
224        {
225            File propertyFile = new File( findOldPageDir(page), PROPERTYFILE );
227            if( propertyFile.exists() )
228            {
229                long lastModified = propertyFile.lastModified();
231                //
232                //   The profiler showed that when calling the history of a page the propertyfile
233                //   was read just as much times as there were versions of that file. The loading
234                //   of a propertyfile is a cpu-intensive job. So now hold on to the last propertyfile
235                //   read because the next method will with a high probability ask for the same propertyfile.
236                //   The time it took to show a historypage with 267 versions dropped with 300%. 
237                //
239                CachedProperties cp = m_cachedProperties;
241                if( cp != null 
242                    && cp.m_page.equals(page) 
243                    && cp.m_lastModified == lastModified)
244                {
245                    return cp.m_props;
246                }
248                InputStream in = null;
250                try
251                {
252                    in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream( propertyFile ));
254                    Properties props = new Properties();
256                    props.load(in);
258                    cp = new CachedProperties( page, props, lastModified );
259                    m_cachedProperties = cp; // Atomic
261                    return props;
262                }
263                finally
264                {
265                    IOUtils.closeQuietly( in );
266                }
267            }
269            return new Properties(); // Returns an empty object
270        }
272        /**
273         *  Writes the page properties back to the file system.
274         *  Note that it WILL overwrite any previous properties.
275         */
276        private void putPageProperties( String page, Properties properties )
277            throws IOException
278        {
279            File propertyFile = new File( findOldPageDir(page), PROPERTYFILE );
280            OutputStream out = null;
282            try
283            {
284                out = new FileOutputStream( propertyFile );
286                properties.store( out, " JSPWiki page properties for "+page+". DO NOT MODIFY!" );
287            }
288            finally
289            {
290                IOUtils.closeQuietly( out );
291            }
293            // The profiler showed the probability was very high that when
294            // calling for the history of a page the propertyfile would be
295            // read as much times as there were versions of that file.
296            // It is statistically likely the propertyfile will be examined
297            // many times before it is updated.
298            CachedProperties cp =
299                    new CachedProperties( page, properties, propertyFile.lastModified() );
300            m_cachedProperties = cp; // Atomic
301        }
303        /**
304         *  Figures out the real version number of the page and also checks
305         *  for its existence.
306         *
307         *  @throws NoSuchVersionException if there is no such version.
308         */
309        private int realVersion( String page, int requestedVersion )
310            throws NoSuchVersionException,
311                   ProviderException
312        {
313            //
314            //  Quickly check for the most common case.
315            //
316            if( requestedVersion == WikiProvider.LATEST_VERSION )
317            {
318                return -1;
319            }
321            int latest = findLatestVersion(page);
323            if( requestedVersion == latest ||
324                (requestedVersion == 1 && latest == -1 ) )
325            {
326                return -1;
327            }
328            else if( requestedVersion <= 0 || requestedVersion > latest )
329            {
330                throw new NoSuchVersionException("Requested version "+requestedVersion+", but latest is "+latest );
331            }
333            return requestedVersion;
334        }
336        /**
337         *  {@inheritDoc}
338         */
339        public synchronized String getPageText( String page, int version )
340            throws ProviderException
341        {
342            File dir = findOldPageDir( page );
344            version = realVersion( page, version );
345            if( version == -1 )
346            {
347                // We can let the FileSystemProvider take care
348                // of these requests.
349                return super.getPageText( page, WikiPageProvider.LATEST_VERSION );
350            }
352            File pageFile = new File( dir, ""+version+FILE_EXT );
354            if( !pageFile.exists() )
355                throw new NoSuchVersionException("Version "+version+"does not exist.");
357            return readFile( pageFile );
358        }
361        // FIXME: Should this really be here?
362        private String readFile( File pagedata )
363            throws ProviderException
364        {
365            String      result = null;
366            InputStream in     = null;
368            if( pagedata.exists() )
369            {
370                if( pagedata.canRead() )
371                {
372                    try
373                    {          
374                        in = new FileInputStream( pagedata );
375                        result = FileUtil.readContents( in, m_encoding );
376                    }
377                    catch( IOException e )
378                    {
379                        log.error("Failed to read", e);
380                        throw new ProviderException("I/O error: "+e.getMessage());
381                    }
382                    finally
383                    {
384                        IOUtils.closeQuietly( in );
385                    }
386                }
387                else
388                {
389                    log.warn("Failed to read page from '"+pagedata.getAbsolutePath()+"', possibly a permissions problem");
390                    throw new ProviderException("I cannot read the requested page.");
391                }
392            }
393            else
394            {
395                // This is okay.
396                // FIXME: is it?
397                log.info("New page");
398            }
400            return result;
401        }
403        // FIXME: This method has no rollback whatsoever.
405        /*
406          This is how the page directory should look like:
408             version    pagedir       olddir
409              none       empty         empty
410               1         Main.txt (1)  empty
411               2         Main.txt (2)  1.txt
412               3         Main.txt (3)  1.txt, 2.txt
413        */
414        /**
415         *  {@inheritDoc}
416         */
417        public synchronized void putPageText( WikiPage page, String text )
418            throws ProviderException
419        {
420            //
421            //  This is a bit complicated.  We'll first need to
422            //  copy the old file to be the newest file.
423            //
425            File pageDir = findOldPageDir( page.getName() );
427            if( !pageDir.exists() )
428            {
429                pageDir.mkdirs();
430            }
432            int  latest  = findLatestVersion( page.getName() );
434            try
435            {
436                //
437                // Copy old data to safety, if one exists.
438                //
440                File oldFile = findPage( page.getName() );
442                // Figure out which version should the old page be?
443                // Numbers should always start at 1.
444                // "most recent" = -1 ==> 1
445                // "first"       = 1  ==> 2
447                int versionNumber = (latest > 0) ? latest : 1;
448                boolean firstUpdate = (versionNumber == 1);
450                if( oldFile != null && oldFile.exists() )
451                {
452                    InputStream in = null;
453                    OutputStream out = null;
455                    try
456                    {
457                        in = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( oldFile ) );
458                        File pageFile = new File( pageDir, Integer.toString( versionNumber )+FILE_EXT );
459                        out = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( pageFile ) );
461                        FileUtil.copyContents( in, out );
463                        //
464                        // We need also to set the date, since we rely on this.
465                        //
466                        pageFile.setLastModified( oldFile.lastModified() );
468                        //
469                        // Kludge to make the property code to work properly.
470                        //
471                        versionNumber++;
472                    }
473                    finally
474                    {
475                        IOUtils.closeQuietly( out );
476                        IOUtils.closeQuietly( in );
477                    }
478                }
480                //
481                //  Let superclass handler writing data to a new version.
482                //
484                super.putPageText( page, text );
486                //
487                //  Finally, write page version data.
488                //
490                // FIXME: No rollback available.
491                Properties props = getPageProperties( page.getName() );
493                String authorFirst = null;
494                if ( firstUpdate )
495                {
496                    // we might not yet have a versioned author because the
497                    // old page was last maintained by FileSystemProvider
498                    Properties props2 = getHeritagePageProperties( page.getName() );
500                    // remember the simulated original author (or something)
501                    // in the new properties
502                    authorFirst = props2.getProperty( "1.author", "unknown" );
503                    props.setProperty( "1.author", authorFirst );
504                }
506                String newAuthor = page.getAuthor();
507                if ( newAuthor == null )
508                {
509                    newAuthor = ( authorFirst != null ) ? authorFirst : "unknown";
510                }
511                page.setAuthor(newAuthor);
512                props.setProperty( versionNumber + ".author", newAuthor );
514                String changeNote = (String) page.getAttribute(WikiPage.CHANGENOTE);
515                if( changeNote != null )
516                {
517                    props.setProperty( versionNumber+".changenote", changeNote );
518                }
520                putPageProperties( page.getName(), props );
521            }
522            catch( IOException e )
523            {
524                log.error( "Saving failed", e );
525                throw new ProviderException("Could not save page text: "+e.getMessage());
526            }
527        }
529        /**
530         *  {@inheritDoc}
531         */
532        public WikiPage getPageInfo( String page, int version )
533            throws ProviderException
534        {
535            int latest = findLatestVersion(page);
536            int realVersion;
538            WikiPage p = null;
540            if( version == WikiPageProvider.LATEST_VERSION ||
541                version == latest || 
542                (version == 1 && latest == -1) )
543            {
544                //
545                // Yes, we need to talk to the top level directory
546                // to get this version.
547                //
548                // I am listening to Press Play On Tape's guitar version of
549                // the good old C64 "Wizardry" -tune at this moment.
550                // Oh, the memories...
551                //
552                realVersion = (latest >= 0) ? latest : 1;
554                p = super.getPageInfo( page, WikiPageProvider.LATEST_VERSION );
556                if( p != null )
557                {
558                    p.setVersion( realVersion );
559                }
560            }
561            else
562            {
563                //
564                //  The file is not the most recent, so we'll need to
565                //  find it from the deep trenches of the "OLD" directory
566                //  structure.
567                //
568                realVersion = version;
569                File dir = findOldPageDir( page );
571                if( !dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory() )
572                {
573                    return null;
574                }
576                File file = new File( dir, version+FILE_EXT );
578                if( file.exists() )
579                {
580                    p = new WikiPage( m_engine, page );
582                    p.setLastModified( new Date(file.lastModified()) );
583                    p.setVersion( version );
584                }
585            }
587            //
588            //  Get author and other metadata information
589            //  (Modification date has already been set.)
590            //
591            if( p != null )
592            {
593                try
594                {
595                    Properties props = getPageProperties( page );
596                    String author = props.getProperty( realVersion+".author" );
597                    if ( author == null )
598                    {
599                        // we might not have a versioned author because the
600                        // old page was last maintained by FileSystemProvider
601                        Properties props2 = getHeritagePageProperties( page );
602                        author = props2.getProperty( "author" );
603                    }
604                    if ( author != null )
605                    {
606                        p.setAuthor( author );
607                    }
609                    String changenote = props.getProperty( realVersion+".changenote" );
610                    if( changenote != null ) p.setAttribute( WikiPage.CHANGENOTE, changenote );
612                }
613                catch( IOException e )
614                {
615                    log.error( "Cannot get author for page"+page+": ", e );
616                }
617            }
619            return p;
620        }
622        /**
623         *  {@inheritDoc}
624         */
625        public boolean pageExists( String pageName, int version )
626        {
627            if (version == WikiPageProvider.LATEST_VERSION || version == findLatestVersion( pageName ) ) {
628                return pageExists(pageName);
629            }
631            File dir = findOldPageDir( pageName );
633            if( !dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory() )
634            {
635                return false;
636            }
638            File file = new File( dir, version+FILE_EXT );
640            return file.exists();
642        }
644        /**
645         *  {@inheritDoc}
646         */
647         // FIXME: Does not get user information.
648        public List getVersionHistory( String page )
649        throws ProviderException
650        {
651            ArrayList<WikiPage> list = new ArrayList<WikiPage>();
653            int latest = findLatestVersion( page );
655            // list.add( getPageInfo(page,WikiPageProvider.LATEST_VERSION) );
657            for( int i = latest; i > 0; i-- )
658            {
659                WikiPage info = getPageInfo( page, i );
661                if( info != null )
662                {
663                    list.add( info );
664                }
665            }
667            return list;
668        }
670        /*
671         * Support for migration of simple properties created by the
672         * FileSystemProvider when coming under Versioning management.
673         * Simulate an initial version.
674         */
675        private Properties getHeritagePageProperties( String page )
676            throws IOException
677        {
678            File propertyFile = new File( getPageDirectory(),
679                            mangleName(page) + FileSystemProvider.PROP_EXT );
680            if ( propertyFile.exists() )
681            {
682                long lastModified = propertyFile.lastModified();
684                CachedProperties cp = m_cachedProperties;
685                if ( cp != null
686                    && cp.m_page.equals(page)
687                    && cp.m_lastModified == lastModified )
688                {
689                    return cp.m_props;
690                }
692                InputStream in = null;
693                try
694                {
695                    in = new BufferedInputStream(
696                                new FileInputStream( propertyFile ));
698                    Properties props = new Properties();
699                    props.load(in);
701                    String originalAuthor = props.getProperty("author");
702                    if ( originalAuthor.length() > 0 )
703                    {
704                        // simulate original author as if already versioned
705                        // but put non-versioned property in special cache too
706                        props.setProperty( "1.author", originalAuthor );
708                        // The profiler showed the probability was very high
709                        // that when calling for the history of a page the
710                        // propertyfile would be read as much times as there were
711                        // versions of that file. It is statistically likely the
712                        // propertyfile will be examined many times before it is updated.
713                        cp = new CachedProperties( page, props, propertyFile.lastModified() );
714                        m_cachedProperties = cp; // Atomic
715                    }
717                    return props;
718                }
719                finally
720                {
721                    IOUtils.closeQuietly( in );
722                }
723            }
725            return new Properties(); // Returns an empty object
726        }
728        /**
729         *  Removes the relevant page directory under "OLD" -directory as well,
730         *  but does not remove any extra subdirectories from it.  It will only
731         *  touch those files that it thinks to be WikiPages.
732         *  
733         *  @param page {@inheritDoc}
734         *  @throws {@inheritDoc}
735         */
736        // FIXME: Should log errors.
737        public void deletePage( String page )
738            throws ProviderException
739        {
740            super.deletePage( page );
742            File dir = findOldPageDir( page );
744            if( dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory() )
745            {
746                File[] files = dir.listFiles( new WikiFileFilter() );
748                for( int i = 0; i < files.length; i++ )
749                {
750                    files[i].delete();
751                }
753                File propfile = new File( dir, PROPERTYFILE );
755                if( propfile.exists() )
756                {
757                    propfile.delete();
758                }
760                dir.delete();
761            }
762        }
764        /**
765         *  {@inheritDoc}
766         *  
767         *  Deleting versions has never really worked,
768         *  JSPWiki assumes that version histories are "not gappy". 
769         *  Using deleteVersion() is definitely not recommended.
770         *  
771         */
772        public void deleteVersion( String page, int version )
773            throws ProviderException
774        {
775            File dir = findOldPageDir( page );
777            int latest = findLatestVersion( page );
779            if( version == WikiPageProvider.LATEST_VERSION ||
780                version == latest || 
781                (version == 1 && latest == -1) )
782            {
783                //
784                //  Delete the properties
785                //
786                try
787                {
788                    Properties props = getPageProperties( page );
789                    props.remove( ((latest > 0) ? latest : 1)+".author" );
790                    putPageProperties( page, props );
791                }
792                catch( IOException e )
793                {
794                    log.error("Unable to modify page properties",e);
795                    throw new ProviderException("Could not modify page properties: " + e.getMessage());
796                }
798                // We can let the FileSystemProvider take care
799                // of the actual deletion
800                super.deleteVersion( page, WikiPageProvider.LATEST_VERSION );
802                //
803                //  Copy the old file to the new location
804                //
805                latest = findLatestVersion( page );
807                File pageDir = findOldPageDir( page );
808                File previousFile = new File( pageDir, Integer.toString(latest)+FILE_EXT );
810                InputStream in = null;
811                OutputStream out = null;
813                try
814                {
815                    if( previousFile.exists() )
816                    {
817                        in = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( previousFile ) );
818                        File pageFile = findPage(page);
819                        out = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( pageFile ) );
821                        FileUtil.copyContents( in, out );
823                        //
824                        // We need also to set the date, since we rely on this.
825                        //
826                        pageFile.setLastModified( previousFile.lastModified() );
827                    }
828                }
829                catch( IOException e )
830                {
831                    log.fatal("Something wrong with the page directory - you may have just lost data!",e);
832                }
833                finally
834                {
835                    IOUtils.closeQuietly( in );
836                    IOUtils.closeQuietly( out );
837                }
839                return;
840            }
842            File pageFile = new File( dir, ""+version+FILE_EXT );
844            if( pageFile.exists() )
845            {
846                if( !pageFile.delete() )
847                {
848                    log.error("Unable to delete page.");
849                }
850            }
851            else
852            {
853                throw new NoSuchVersionException("Page "+page+", version="+version);
854            }
855        }
857        /**
858         *  {@inheritDoc}
859         */
860        // FIXME: This is kinda slow, we should need to do this only once.
861        public Collection getAllPages() throws ProviderException
862        {
863            Collection pages = super.getAllPages();
864            Collection<WikiPage> returnedPages = new ArrayList<WikiPage>();
866            for( Iterator i = pages.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
867            {
868                WikiPage page = (WikiPage) i.next();
870                WikiPage info = getPageInfo( page.getName(), WikiProvider.LATEST_VERSION );
872                returnedPages.add( info );
873            }
875            return returnedPages;
876        }
878        /**
879         *  {@inheritDoc}
880         */
881        public String getProviderInfo()
882        {
883            return "";
884        }
886        /**
887         *  {@inheritDoc}
888         */
889        public void movePage( String from,
890                              String to )
891            throws ProviderException
892        {
893            // Move the file itself
894            File fromFile = findPage( from );
895            File toFile = findPage( to );
897            fromFile.renameTo( toFile );
899            // Move any old versions
900            File fromOldDir = findOldPageDir( from );
901            File toOldDir = findOldPageDir( to );
903            fromOldDir.renameTo( toOldDir );
904        }
906        /*
907         * The profiler showed that when calling the history of a page, the
908         * propertyfile was read just as many times as there were versions
909         * of that file. The loading of a propertyfile is a cpu-intensive job.
910         * This Class holds onto the last propertyfile read, because the
911         * probability is high that the next call will with ask for the same
912         * propertyfile. The time it took to show a historypage with 267
913         * versions dropped by 300%. Although each propertyfile in a history
914         * could be cached, there is likely to be little performance gain over
915         * simply keeping the last one requested.
916         */
917        private static class CachedProperties
918        {
919            String m_page;
920            Properties m_props;
921            long m_lastModified;
923            /*
924             * Because a Constructor is inherently synchronised, there is
925             * no need to synchronise the arguments.
926             *
927             * @param engine WikiEngine instance
928             * @param props  Properties to use for initialization
929             */
930            public CachedProperties(String pageName, Properties props,
931                                    long lastModified) {
932                if ( pageName == null )
933                {
934                    throw new NullPointerException ( "pageName must not be null!" );
935                }
936                this.m_page = pageName;
937                if ( props == null )
938                {
939                    throw new NullPointerException ( "properties must not be null!" );
940                }
941                m_props = props;
942                this.m_lastModified = lastModified;
943            }
944        }
945    }