001    /*
002        Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003        or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004        distributed with this work for additional information
005        regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006        to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007        "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008        with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
010           http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
012        Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
013        software distributed under the License is distributed on an
015        KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
016        specific language governing permissions and limitations
017        under the License.  
018     */
019    package org.apache.wiki.plugin;
021    import java.text.DateFormat;
022    import java.text.ParseException;
023    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
024    import java.util.*;
025    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
026    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
028    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
029    import org.apache.wiki.*;
030    import org.apache.wiki.api.exceptions.PluginException;
031    import org.apache.wiki.api.exceptions.ProviderException;
032    import org.apache.wiki.api.plugin.ParserStagePlugin;
033    import org.apache.wiki.api.plugin.WikiPlugin;
034    import org.apache.wiki.auth.AuthorizationManager;
035    import org.apache.wiki.auth.permissions.PagePermission;
036    import org.apache.wiki.parser.PluginContent;
037    import org.apache.wiki.preferences.Preferences;
038    import org.apache.wiki.preferences.Preferences.TimeFormat;
039    import org.apache.wiki.util.TextUtil;
041    /**
042     *  <p>Builds a simple weblog.
043     *  The pageformat can use the following params:</p>
044     *  <p>%p - Page name</p>
045     *  <p>Parameters:</p>
046     *  <ul>
047     *    <li><b>page</b> - which page is used to do the blog; default is the current page.</li>
048     *    <li><b>entryFormat</b> - how to display the date on pages, using the J2SE SimpleDateFormat
049     *       syntax. Defaults to the current locale's DateFormat.LONG format
050     *       for the date, and current locale's DateFormat.SHORT for the time.
051     *       Thus, for the US locale this will print dates similar to
052     *       this: September 4, 2005 11:54 PM</li>
053     *    <li><b>days</b> - how many days the weblog aggregator should show.  If set to
054     *      "all", shows all pages.</li>
055     *    <li><b>pageformat</b> - What the entry pages should look like.</li>
056     *    <li><b>startDate</b> - Date when to start.  Format is "ddMMyy."</li>
057     *    <li><b>maxEntries</b> - How many entries to show at most.</li>
058     *  </ul>
059     *  <p>The "days" and "startDate" can also be sent in HTTP parameters,
060     *  and the names are "weblog.days" and "weblog.startDate", respectively.</p>
061     *  <p>The weblog plugin also adds an attribute to each page it is on:
062     *  "weblogplugin.isweblog" is set to "true".  This can be used to quickly
063     *  peruse pages which have weblogs.</p>
064     *  @since 1.9.21
065     */
067    // FIXME: Add "entries" param as an alternative to "days".
068    // FIXME: Entries arrive in wrong order.
070    public class WeblogPlugin
071        implements WikiPlugin, ParserStagePlugin
072    {
073        private static Logger     log = Logger.getLogger(WeblogPlugin.class);
074        private static final Pattern HEADINGPATTERN;
076        /** How many days are considered by default.  Default value is {@value} */
077        private static final int     DEFAULT_DAYS = 7;
078        private static final String  DEFAULT_PAGEFORMAT = "%p_blogentry_";
080        /** The default date format used in the blog entry page names. */
081        public static final String   DEFAULT_DATEFORMAT = "ddMMyy";
083        /** Parameter name for the startDate.  Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
084        public static final String  PARAM_STARTDATE    = "startDate";
085        /** Parameter name for the entryFormat.  Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
086        public static final String  PARAM_ENTRYFORMAT  = "entryFormat";
087        /** Parameter name for the days.  Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
088        public static final String  PARAM_DAYS         = "days";
089        /** Parameter name for the allowComments.  Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
090        public static final String  PARAM_ALLOWCOMMENTS = "allowComments";
091        /** Parameter name for the maxEntries.  Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
092        public static final String  PARAM_MAXENTRIES   = "maxEntries";
093        /** Parameter name for the page.  Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
094        public static final String  PARAM_PAGE         = "page";
096        /** The attribute which is stashed to the WikiPage attributes to check if a page
097         *  is a weblog or not. You may check for its presence.
098         */
099        public static final String  ATTR_ISWEBLOG      = "weblogplugin.isweblog";
101        static
102        {
103            // This is a pretty ugly, brute-force regex. But it will do for now...
104            HEADINGPATTERN = Pattern.compile("(<h[1-4][^>]*>)(.*)(</h[1-4]>)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
105        }
107        /**
108         *  Create an entry name based on the blogname, a date, and an entry number.
109         *  
110         *  @param pageName Name of the blog
111         *  @param date The date (in ddMMyy format)
112         *  @param entryNum The entry number.
113         *  @return A formatted page name.
114         */
115        public static String makeEntryPage( String pageName,
116                                            String date,
117                                            String entryNum )
118        {
119            return TextUtil.replaceString(DEFAULT_PAGEFORMAT,"%p",pageName)+date+"_"+entryNum;
120        }
122        /**
123         *  Return just the basename for entires without date and entry numebr.
124         *  
125         *  @param pageName The name of the blog.
126         *  @return A formatted name.
127         */
128        public static String makeEntryPage( String pageName )
129        {
130            return TextUtil.replaceString(DEFAULT_PAGEFORMAT,"%p",pageName);
131        }
133        /**
134         *  Returns the entry page without the entry number.
135         *  
136         *  @param pageName Blog name.
137         *  @param date The date.
138         *  @return A base name for the blog entries.
139         */
140        public static String makeEntryPage( String pageName, String date )
141        {
142            return TextUtil.replaceString(DEFAULT_PAGEFORMAT,"%p",pageName)+date;
143        }
145        /**
146         *  {@inheritDoc}
147         */
148        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
149        public String execute( WikiContext context, Map<String, String> params )
150            throws PluginException
151        {
152            Calendar   startTime;
153            Calendar   stopTime;
154            int        numDays = DEFAULT_DAYS;
155            WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();
156            AuthorizationManager mgr = engine.getAuthorizationManager();
158            //
159            //  Parse parameters.
160            //
161            String  days;
162            DateFormat entryFormat;
163            String  startDay = null;
164            boolean hasComments = false;
165            int     maxEntries;
166            String  weblogName;
168            if( (weblogName = params.get(PARAM_PAGE)) == null )
169            {
170                weblogName = context.getPage().getName();
171            }
173            if( (days = context.getHttpParameter( "weblog."+PARAM_DAYS )) == null )
174            {
175                days = params.get( PARAM_DAYS );
176            }
178            if( ( params.get(PARAM_ENTRYFORMAT)) == null )
179            {
180                entryFormat = Preferences.getDateFormat( context, TimeFormat.DATETIME );
181            }
182            else
183            {
184                entryFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( params.get(PARAM_ENTRYFORMAT) );
185            }
187            if( days != null )
188            {
189                if( days.equalsIgnoreCase("all") )
190                {
191                    numDays = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
192                }
193                else
194                {
195                    numDays = TextUtil.parseIntParameter( days, DEFAULT_DAYS );
196                }
197            }
200            if( (startDay = params.get(PARAM_STARTDATE)) == null )
201            {
202                startDay = context.getHttpParameter( "weblog."+PARAM_STARTDATE );
203            }
205            if( TextUtil.isPositive( params.get(PARAM_ALLOWCOMMENTS) ) )
206            {
207                hasComments = true;
208            }
210            maxEntries = TextUtil.parseIntParameter( params.get(PARAM_MAXENTRIES),
211                                                     Integer.MAX_VALUE );
213            //
214            //  Determine the date range which to include.
215            //
217            startTime = Calendar.getInstance();
218            stopTime  = Calendar.getInstance();
220            if( startDay != null )
221            {
222                SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat( DEFAULT_DATEFORMAT );
223                try
224                {
225                    Date d = fmt.parse( startDay );
226                    startTime.setTime( d );
227                    stopTime.setTime( d );
228                }
229                catch( ParseException e )
230                {
231                    return "Illegal time format: "+startDay;
232                }
233            }
235            //
236            //  Mark this to be a weblog
237            //
239            context.getPage().setAttribute(ATTR_ISWEBLOG, "true");
241            //
242            //  We make a wild guess here that nobody can do millisecond
243            //  accuracy here.
244            //
245            startTime.add( Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -numDays );
246            startTime.set( Calendar.HOUR, 0 );
247            startTime.set( Calendar.MINUTE, 0 );
248            startTime.set( Calendar.SECOND, 0 );
249            stopTime.set( Calendar.HOUR, 23 );
250            stopTime.set( Calendar.MINUTE, 59 );
251            stopTime.set( Calendar.SECOND, 59 );
253            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
255            try
256            {
257                List<WikiPage> blogEntries = findBlogEntries( engine.getPageManager(),
258                                                              weblogName,
259                                                              startTime.getTime(),
260                                                              stopTime.getTime() );
262                Collections.sort( blogEntries, new PageDateComparator() );
264                sb.append("<div class=\"weblog\">\n");
266                for( Iterator< WikiPage > i = blogEntries.iterator(); i.hasNext() && maxEntries-- > 0 ; )
267                {
268                    WikiPage p = i.next();
270                    if( mgr.checkPermission( context.getWikiSession(), 
271                                             new PagePermission(p, PagePermission.VIEW_ACTION) ) )
272                    {
273                        addEntryHTML(context, entryFormat, hasComments, sb, p);
274                    }
275                }
277                sb.append("</div>\n");
278            }
279            catch( ProviderException e )
280            {
281                log.error( "Could not locate blog entries", e );
282                throw new PluginException( "Could not locate blog entries: "+e.getMessage() );
283            }
285            return sb.toString();
286        }
288        /**
289         *  Generates HTML for an entry.
290         *  
291         *  @param context
292         *  @param entryFormat
293         *  @param hasComments  True, if comments are enabled.
294         *  @param buffer       The buffer to which we add.
295         *  @param entry
296         *  @throws ProviderException
297         */
298        private void addEntryHTML(WikiContext context, DateFormat entryFormat, boolean hasComments, StringBuffer buffer, WikiPage entry) 
299            throws ProviderException
300        {
301            WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();
302            buffer.append("<div class=\"weblogentry\">\n");
304            //
305            //  Heading
306            //
307            buffer.append("<div class=\"weblogentryheading\">\n");
309            Date entryDate = entry.getLastModified();
310            buffer.append( entryFormat.format(entryDate) );
312            buffer.append("</div>\n");
314            //
315            //  Append the text of the latest version.  Reset the
316            //  context to that page.
317            //
319            WikiContext entryCtx = (WikiContext) context.clone();
320            entryCtx.setPage( entry );
322            String html = engine.getHTML( entryCtx, engine.getPage(entry.getName()) );
324            // Extract the first h1/h2/h3 as title, and replace with null
325            buffer.append("<div class=\"weblogentrytitle\">\n");
326            Matcher matcher = HEADINGPATTERN.matcher( html );
327            if ( matcher.find() )
328            {
329                String title = matcher.group(2);
330                html = matcher.replaceFirst("");
331                buffer.append( title );
332            }
333            else
334            {
335                buffer.append( entry.getName() );
336            }
337            buffer.append("</div>\n");
339            buffer.append("<div class=\"weblogentrybody\">\n");
340            buffer.append( html );
341            buffer.append("</div>\n");
343            //
344            //  Append footer
345            //
346            buffer.append("<div class=\"weblogentryfooter\">\n");
348            String author = entry.getAuthor();
350            if( author != null )
351            {
352                if( engine.pageExists(author) )
353                {
354                    author = "<a href=\""+entryCtx.getURL( WikiContext.VIEW, author )+"\">"+engine.beautifyTitle(author)+"</a>";
355                }
356            }
357            else
358            {
359                author = "AnonymousCoward";
360            }
362            buffer.append("By "+author+"&nbsp;&nbsp;");
363            buffer.append( "<a href=\""+entryCtx.getURL(WikiContext.VIEW, entry.getName())+"\">Permalink</a>" );
364            String commentPageName = TextUtil.replaceString( entry.getName(),
365                                                             "blogentry",
366                                                             "comments" );
368            if( hasComments )
369            {
370                int numComments = guessNumberOfComments( engine, commentPageName );
372                //
373                //  We add the number of comments to the URL so that
374                //  the user's browsers would realize that the page
375                //  has changed.
376                //
377                buffer.append( "&nbsp;&nbsp;" );
378                buffer.append( "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\""+
379                           entryCtx.getURL(WikiContext.COMMENT,
380                                           commentPageName,
381                                           "nc="+numComments)+
382                           "\">Comments? ("+
383                           numComments+
384                           ")</a>" );
385            }
387            buffer.append("</div>\n");
389            //
390            //  Done, close
391            //
392            buffer.append("</div>\n");
393        }
395        private int guessNumberOfComments( WikiEngine engine, String commentpage )
396            throws ProviderException
397        {
398            String pagedata = engine.getPureText( commentpage, WikiProvider.LATEST_VERSION );
400            if( pagedata == null || pagedata.trim().length() == 0 )
401            {
402                return 0;
403            }
405            return TextUtil.countSections( pagedata );
406        }
408        /**
409         *  Attempts to locate all pages that correspond to the
410         *  blog entry pattern.  Will only consider the days on the dates; not the hours and minutes.
411         *
412         *  @param mgr A PageManager which is used to get the pages
413         *  @param baseName The basename (e.g. "Main" if you want "Main_blogentry_xxxx")
414         *  @param start The date which is the first to be considered
415         *  @param end   The end date which is the last to be considered
416         *  @return a list of pages with their FIRST revisions.
417         *  @throws ProviderException If something goes wrong
418         */
419        public List findBlogEntries( PageManager mgr,
420                                     String baseName, Date start, Date end )
421            throws ProviderException
422        {
423            Collection everyone = mgr.getAllPages();
424            ArrayList<WikiPage> result = new ArrayList<WikiPage>();
426            baseName = makeEntryPage( baseName );
427            SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(DEFAULT_DATEFORMAT);
429            for( Iterator i = everyone.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
430            {
431                WikiPage p = (WikiPage)i.next();
433                String pageName = p.getName();
435                if( pageName.startsWith( baseName ) )
436                {
437                    try
438                    {
439                        WikiPage firstVersion = mgr.getPageInfo( pageName, 1 );
440                        result.add( firstVersion );
441                    }
442                    catch( Exception e )
443                    {
444                        log.debug("Page name :"+pageName+" was suspected as a blog entry but it isn't because of parsing errors",e);
445                    }
446                }
447            }
449            return result;
450        }
452        /**
453         *  Reverse comparison.
454         */
455        private static class PageDateComparator implements Comparator<WikiPage>
456        {
457            public int compare( WikiPage page1, WikiPage page2 )
458            {
459                if( page1 == null || page2 == null )
460                {
461                    return 0;
462                }
464                return page2.getLastModified().compareTo( page1.getLastModified() );
465            }
466        }
468        /** 
469         *  Mark us as being a real weblog. 
470         *  {@inheritDoc}
471         */
472        public void executeParser(PluginContent element, WikiContext context, Map<String, String> params)
473        {
474            context.getPage().setAttribute( ATTR_ISWEBLOG, "true" );
475        }
476    }